Is LIFE REALLY That Difficult?.

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Jun 3, 2006
but you have not just lost a 30 year old son, do I feeel sorry for myself? Yes of course I do - its something that you can't just get over

You know, I have a son too. He is eight. Even in idea of him being in any kind of trouble scares me more than anything else in the world. I can imagine how you feel. It is just not something that anyone can get over, it is something we have to live with and accept. That is what my yoga teacher said - only when we can accept - we will be able to let go.


Nov 17, 2004
Yes, you keep reminding us you hate "cliches" BUUUUT you sure keep posting on "cliche's" threads..

Berzin, Berzin, Berzin.....So much for you to learn and I have so little time on earth.

We are NOT talking about money here but since you mentioned it....:

When a person has a positive mind-set, a strong mind, it doesn't matter is that person is rich or poor, they will find a way to put their minds at ease. Having a positive attitude has nothing to do with money.

There are people that are rich and miserable just like there are people that are poor and happy.

Ever witnessed a household, rich or poor, educated or not, where there is always ONE member who is mad at the world?.

Three last things I will tell you:

1- There's NOTHING about the DR you can tell me that I have seen with my own eyes.

You started to "notice" what goes on in the DR a few "days ago"...I, on the other hand, more than 40 years. (Remember, I DO "mingle" with ALLLL walks of life).

2- DO NOT insult my intelligence with your "Deepak Chopra" and "Tony Robbins" nonsense!.....If you think a person needs a stupid book to tell them about the facts of life, or how to think, man, you are up for a rude awakening!.

3- When you are ready to puke, go look at the mirror and think the person looking back is your worse enemy and them "let the puke go", whahahahahaha!!.

(Better yet, look at the ceiling, open your mouth and then "let the puke go", wahahahaha).

When I mentioned the money issue in the last part of my rant, it was to illustrate that there are dominicans who don't have much(certainly not like we do here in NA) yet their attitude about enjoying life is better than ours.

How am I insulting your intelligence Deepak and Tony Robbins? If you read what I wrote, I was being sarcastic because I think they are con artists-so how are we not in agreement here?

My point about the DR was if you are miserable, go there and hang with people who have less than you but know how to have a happier attitude about life.

Seriously, how you turned this into an attack on me I'll never know, because we seem to be agreeing about the same things.


Nov 17, 2004

How am I insulting your intelligence "ABOUT" Deepak and Tony Robbins?(missed a word there in the original post)


New member
Jun 7, 2007
but you have not just lost a 30 year old son, do I feeel sorry for myself? Yes of course I do - its something that you can't just get over

Whirleybird, your situation is totally different. You have been through a tragic event and need your friends and family to be there for you, hear you out, and allow you to greive over your loss.

I was refering to a friend of mine who is constantly complainig about things that happen in her everyday life.


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
Por el amor de DIOS!!!!!.....

When I mentioned the money issue in the last part of my rant, it was to illustrate that there are dominicans who don't have much(certainly not like we do here in NA) yet their attitude about enjoying life is better than ours.

How am I insulting your intelligence Deepak and Tony Robbins? If you read what I wrote, I was being sarcastic because I think they are con artists-so how are we not in agreement here?

My point about the DR was if you are miserable, go there and hang with people who have less than you but know how to have a happier attitude about life.

Seriously, how you turned this into an attack on me I'll never know, because we seem to be agreeing about the same things.
Are you serious?....Are you kidding me?.....Jesus Christ, man, get a hold of yourself...I was NOT attacking you, I was replying to your post where YOU mentioned my name a few times and quoted something I said.

Let me put it to you this way: If that was an attack, shyt, I will have to go take an extra dosage of my vitamins because it seems that I am "losing my powers". NUFFF SAID!.

No need to be so sensitive.....What I said on the last 2 paragraphs (about the puke), it was supposed to be a joke...I guess you didn't see the "Whahahahahahaha"?....Perhaps you prefer me putting the fake smiley SOME of these people put after their so-called "jokes" when they really do NOT mean it as a joke.

Remember, NOW, you and I see a lot of things the same way.

NOW, stop being such a little girl and stop whining!!!. Wahahahahahaha (NOTE: "Wahahahahahaha").

Btw: This is what I am talking about....People making a big deal about something that is NOT a big deal!!.
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Nov 17, 2004
Are you serious?....Are you kidding me?.....Jesus Christ, man, get a hold of yourself...I was NOT attacking you, I was replying to your post where YOU mentioned my name a few times and quoted something I said.

Let me put it to you this way: If that was an attack, shyt, I will have to go take an extra dosage of my vitamins because it seems that I am "losing my powers". NUFFF SAID!.

No need to be so sensitive.....What I said on the last 2 paragraphs (about the puke), it was supposed to be a joke...I guess you didn't see the "Whahahahahahaha"?....Perhaps you prefer me putting the fake smiley SOME of these people put after their so-called "jokes" when they really do NOT mean it as a joke.

Remember, NOW, you and I see a lot of things the same way.

NOW, stop being such a little girl and stop whining!!!. Wahahahahahaha (NOTE: "Wahahahahahaha").

Btw: This is what I am talking about....People making a big deal about something that is NOT a big deal!!.

Ok Miguel-apology accepted!!!WAHAHAHA!!!

Now back to our topic-I was watching a program on TV and they were interviewing some young dominicans hanging out drinking a bit and talking. One of them got on and told the viewers that even if you are in NYC, you need to come down and spend the holidays in the DR because they know how to have fun.

Take some of those miserable people we all know out of their ratholes and expose them to some sunshine and a couple of Presidentes and the "ambiente" of the DR-they'll cheer up in no time.

See-problem solved!!!:cheeky::cheeky::cheeky:


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003

but you have not just lost a 30 year old son, do I feeel sorry for myself? Yes of course I do - its something that you can't just get over
I don't think the two of you are on the same page, whirleybird.

Not let me tell you something and I will make it Dominican related:

There's NOTHING that compares to losing a son or a mother (granted, when the mother was a gem).

Dominican old timers have the tendency to dress mostly in black, for generations when a loved one dies.

TO this day I don't understand why....I mean, how can they even try and cope with it when they remind themselves 24/7, every time they wear black...It's like they don't want to pain to get better, ever.

My grandmother, RIP, dressed mostly in black until the day she died..Even though her husband died about 20 years before she did.

Our next door neighbor in Villa Duarte, one of the nicest person I have ever known, still dresses in black, even though her son died back in 1971 (or 1972).

To this day, you can see that she is almost never happy. To this day, when she talks about him, she cries as if it was yesterday he died.

To those who tell her that "it has been such a long time, why can't you feel better already?", she tells them "when you lose a son, you will answer your own question, before that, you will never understand".

I still don't believe a person should dress in black ALL the time in order to mourn a loved one since it's not what we wear on the outside, rather how we feel inside. BUTTTTT:

In my book, there's NOTHING more difficult than losing a parent (in my case, a mother, since I was closer to mom than to dad) or a child.

Porque, you ask?.....Because EVERYTHING ELSE CAN be replaced!!.

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Feb 27, 2006
I don't think the two of you are on the same page, whirleybird.

Not let me tell you something and I will make it Dominican related:

There's NOTHING that compares to losing a son or a mother (granted, when the mother was a gem).

Dominican old timers have the tendency to dress mostly in black, for generations when a loved one dies.

TO this day I don't understand why....I mean, how can they even try and cope with it when they remind themselves 24/7, every time they wear black...It's like they don't want to pain to get better, ever.

My grandmother, RIP, dressed mostly in black until the day she died..Even though her husband died about 20 years before she did.

Our next door neighbor in Villa Duarte, one of the nicest person I have ever known, still dresses in black, even though her son died back in 1971 (or 1972).

To this day, you can see that she is almost never happy. To this day, when she talks about him, she cries as if it was yesterday he died.

To those who tell her that "it has been such a long time, why can't you feel better already?", she tells them "when you lose a son, you will answer your own question, before that, you will never understand".

I still don't believe a person should dress in black ALL the time in order to mourn a loved one since it's not what we wear on the outside, rather how we feel inside. BUTTTTT:

In my book, there's NOTHING more difficult than losing a parent (in my case, a mother, since I was closer to mom than to dad) or a child.

Porque, you ask?.....Because EVERYTHING ELSE CAN be replaced!!.

This will be my last comment on this thread as I suppose I have used this opportunity to vent my feelings of anger, disappointment and frustration of how, sometimes, life can deal some cruel blows.

I agree totally about the "wearing black" issue to such an extent that at the 'celebration of Ross' life' in England on 15th October everyone was requested NOT to wear black or dark mourning attire and I wore a bright red suit, red shoes AND red underwear!! As it happens he was killed on a dark country road where there was no street lighting (in England) and ironically was wearing a black suit as he had just attended the funeral of a 30 year old friend....

And, yes, apart from the loss of loved ones everything else can be replaced.


Jun 3, 2006
Yoga and Zen meditation helps to accept and deal with hurt feelings and reality. I agree that "positive thinking" is great but in certain situations to be upbeat and positive is completely inappropriate. It would be interesting to find out what Dominicans think about meditation, Zen and other theories and philosophies.


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003

Yoga and Zen meditation helps to accept and deal with hurt feelings and reality. I agree that "positive thinking" is great but in certain situations to be upbeat and positive is completely inappropriate. It would be interesting to find out what Dominicans think about meditation, Zen and other theories and philosophies.
You are kidding, right?...What about when the person is NOT meditating?....Let's say, working?.

"What Dominicans think about meditation"......Ummm...... It sounds like a "good" idea.....Go ahead and start a thread about it.



Jun 3, 2006
You are kidding, right?...What about when the person is NOT meditating?....Let's say, working?.

"What Dominicans think about meditation"......Ummm...... It sounds like a "good" idea.....Go ahead and start a thread about it.

I am not sure if this can make a good thread, but in case of death of a loved on you would not want cry your eyes off or become totally dysfunctional, right? What do Dominicans do? Go to church, prey, meditate?

My grandfather died many years ago - my grandma still cries several times a day. It is hard to even look at her. Sometimes I wish she was religious.


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003

Ok Miguel-apology accepted!!!WAHAHAHA!!!

Now back to our topic-I was watching a program on TV and they were interviewing some young dominicans hanging out drinking a bit and talking. One of them got on and told the viewers that even if you are in NYC, you need to come down and spend the holidays in the DR because they know how to have fun.

Take some of those miserable people we all know out of their ratholes and expose them to some sunshine and a couple of Presidentes and the "ambiente" of the DR-they'll cheer up in no time.

See-problem solved!!!:cheeky::cheeky::cheeky:
"Apology", what "apology" are you "talking about Willis"?.

Berzin, the Dominican Republic is known as a "Happy Country"...(But even so, SOME people are lost souls and are so miserable that even if you inject them with a happy 'dose", they will still find a reason to be miserable)....(Fair to say: "You can take the miserable out of his/her country BUT you can't take Miseralism out of them?". Wahahahahaha)

Let me tell you how happy the Dominican Republic is/can be:

Where else would you see a poor "limpiabotas" kid singing and dancing while "walking his route?".

Or a poor "carbonero" doing the same?.

They do have problems but to them, it's either "make lemonade out of lemons" or "be mad a the world for the rest of your life".

Dona Santa, in Los Molinos Dominicanos (SD) has a few kids.....They were raised the same way...They where poor.

One of them is mad at life and makes ALLLL kind of excuses why he can't find/hold a job of HIS liking.... He is not only a very miserable and unhappy person (and a lazy bum), but he blames EVERYBODY under the sun for his "problems" (the country, the Government, his parents, the neighborhood....blah, blah blah).....

Meanwhile, one of them, from a young age, loved to work at ANYTHING!!...He was a "jalaero", a "limpiabotas", a "heladero", "a jardinero" and a "I'll do ANYTHING for a buck" type of kid. (NOT ONCE have I heard him complain and keep in mind I have known him ALLLLLL my life).

Nowadays (and from a LOOOONG time ago) he is a University Professor who is a go-getter and ALWAYS has a smile on his face.

Guess which one is my friend?.....Guess which one I wouldn't even go to a colmado with?.
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Nov 17, 2004
Here are two cliches that fit the description of the advice given on this thread, IMHO-

1) There are no gurus.

2) Physician heal thyself.

Lets' see if y'all can read between the lines and figure them out as they pertain to the thread.


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
Lo mismo......

Here are two cliches that fit the description of the advice given on this thread, IMHO-

1) There are no gurus.

2) Physician heal thyself.

Lets' see if y'all can read between the lines and figure them out as they pertain to the thread.

Hey brotha, for a person who doesn't like "cliches", you sure like to "talk" about them!!.

Berzin, NOT one person has the answer for EVERYTHING.

Berzin, have you ever seen a person perform a life threatening operation on him/herself?.....Or a shrink following his/her own advices?.

NOW, YOU read between those two lines...WHICH, btw, fit your two "between the lines" example to a "T".

Now, the moderator from this forum has his finger on the "CLOSE" button, so from now on, can we make this Dominican related?

In ALLL your visits to the DR, you MUST know of a person who is mad a the world...Who blames EVERYBODY for his troubles.

COME ON, they are NOT that difficult to find as MANY of the Dominicans I know are mad at something. Don't believe me, go as Cris Colon!!.

What do ya' say?.


Nov 17, 2004
What do ya' say?.

I met this dude in El Ceibo who sometimes works in some of the big hotels in Bavaro as a cook. He was working his fritura stand and the whole time I was talking to him all he kept saying was "I'm going to Puerto Rico-thats' it-I'm tired of this place already".

He goes to Bavaro and gets work(supposedly because hes' great at his profession from what my then novia said) but always leaves whenever the mood strikes him. This is a man who could definitely get more out of life if he focused on being a more reliable employee.

I told him that "cocineros" are a dime a dozen in Puerto Rico and even the good ones cannot find work if they continually burn their bridges or are seen as unreliable.

He didn't want to hear it. He is convinced that his troubles are caused by being in the DR, and that if he were in Puerto Rico he would settle down because the pay would be better and he would be more respected.

It never occurred to him that those habits he has of irresponsibility will follow him on that yola-it is the only thing he will be allowed to bring with him, and if he was more responsible right where he was he may not be as miserable as he is.

When he finished my stuff he ran across the street to a restaurant and whipped up some pasta dish for my chica, and she was right-the guy CAN cook. But he will continue to be unreliable and unhappy because he is making himself so.

And of course it goes without saying that you cannot convince these people that the grass may not be greener on the other side of the fence, especially with the attitude he brings to the table.

Miguel-over 5,000 posts and only one little green box by your profile. This means your advice is as good as mine!!! Hows' THAT for irony?!? WAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
A esto primero....

Miguel-over 5,000 posts and only one little green box by your profile. This means your advice is as good as mine!!! Hows' THAT for irony?!? WAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Let me respond to this first, before I tell you about a yet another person in the DR who is mad at the world.

Berzin, Berzin, Berzin, had you bothered to read Robert's thread, you would had found out the "points thingies" only took effect yesterday and whomever had 1 post or 5,000 posts, it was going to count the same.....SINCE EVERYBODY was starting from zero.

I hope that makes it clear to you.

But let me tell you what I have been saying for years (and not to offend those who have given me A LOOOOOOT of points already): I couldn't care less if I get 1 or 1,000,000,000 points. It means NADA to me.


Nov 17, 2004
Let me respond to this first, before I tell you about a yet another person in the DR who is mad at the world.

Berzin, Berzin, Berzin, had you bothered to read Robert's thread, you would had found out the "points thingies" only took effect yesterday and whomever had 1 post or 5,000 posts, it was going to count the same.....SINCE EVERYBODY was starting from zero.

I hope that makes it clear to you.

But let me tell you what I have been saying for years (and not to offend those who have given me A LOOOOOOT of points already): I couldn't care less if I get 1 or 1,000,000,000 points. It means NADA to me.

Thats' a -1 for you Miguel-can't take a freakin' joke!!!!!!!!!!:cheeky::cheeky:
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