You pretend to pay them, and they will pretend to work. When no one is watching, either they or their family will make up the difference between what you pay them and survival wages by slowing loosening door hinges, cutting window security bars, pinching security cameras wires, poisoning watch dogs etc. The happy and thankful part is all an illusion. Try living on $1 per hour anywhere in the world. Technology has turned the page. They see that there is a better world out there.
i love it when foreigners keep up the refrain that Dominicans are ''happy'', even though they have nothing. it is that kind of tomfoolery that encourages the mind boggling remarks by a guy like irsav, who seems to live in an alternate universe, completely detached from any contact with the real world.
sorry to burst one of the expat bubbles, but the people are not happy. not because they smile means they are happy. if you were born in these parts you would know that there is a happy go lucky disposition among caribbean people which allows them to put on a smiling face even in the most dire of conditions. smiling is their coping mechanism when they are drowning in outstanding obligations to loansharks, and they have debts they will need 20 years of austerity to discharge. when they barely know where the next meal is coming from, they still have an outwardly cheerful attitude.
so, irsav and types like him, do not believe that Dominicans are happy when you pay them 200 dollars per month. you would not think of working for that. why do you feel that they are happy to?