And you know this to be true because it is .............based on a study conducted by an institute created by the vaccines manufacturer?
And did you read beyond the headline about it being "estimates" subject to downward revisions..........or this part;
"Therefore, effectiveness estimates regarding severe disease and death, in particular, should be interpreted with caution."
It is filled with "maybe's"................but if it gives people comfort......much like a placebo.
And the DR can be none to comfortable with Sinovac to bless a booster that does not even fully address the delta variant and has not been approved as a booster...................unless of course they view Sinovac as not really being a relevant vaccine.
Roll up those sleeves for number 3..........or is it really number 1. And what of the real Pfizer delta variant vaccine booster scheduled for emergency use later this fall. Is it number 2 or number 4? And can number 5 be far behind
And what are the long term effects of the vaccines themselves, mixed and matched?
If 545k tourists to PUJ so far in 2021 and 1.7 million in the same period pre-pandemic 2019 is almost back to normal..............then you are right..........then again.......
Perhaps you should let the Banco Central know their deficit is gone, they do not agree;
Banco Central RD Nuestro objetivo principal es mantener la estabilidad de precios, por mandato constitucional y la Ley Monetaria y Financiera No.183-02 #BCRD