It is Back To The Swamp For The Hippo


May 12, 2002
It’s official, Big Hippo will not take a bite out of the presidency any time soon, especially now that the PRSC and the PLD merged. Sorry Hippo, it is back to your swamp.

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May 12, 2002
What makes it "Official"?
PS,"Hippos" like in rivers,and on dry land,not "swamp".

Not this PRD Hippo.

What makes it official is the fact that the PRD is to weak to compete against two super parties like the PLD and the PRSC. They would never win, I can bet you on that.
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Aprendiz de todo profesional de nada
Aug 18, 2007
Not this PRD Hippo.

What makes it official is the fact that the PRD is to weak to compete against two super parties like the PLD and the PRSC. They would never win, I can bet you on that.

Osea, que Leonel amarro la chiva otra vez con Balaguer... Pero ya esa chiva esta muy flaca!

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Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
I agree,for now,that "Hipolito" will probably lose the election.
However,the "Reformistas" are not the power they were,under "Doctor Balaguere",and their members will vote the way THEY want,Not the way theye are TOLD.
Even some of the parties "Big Guns" have stated that they do not agree with the "coalition" with the "PLD".
No matter WHO wins,one thing is certain,WE ALL LOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The DR needs "Statesmen",Not "POLITICOS"!


Aprendiz de todo profesional de nada
Aug 18, 2007
I agree,for now,that "Hipolito" will probably lose the election.
However,the "Reformistas" are not the power they were,under "Doctor Balaguere",and their members will vote the way THEY want,Not the way theye are TOLD.
Even some of the parties "Big Guns" have stated that they do not agree with the "coalition" with the "PLD".
No matter WHO wins,one thing is certain,WE ALL LOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The DR needs "Statesmen",Not "POLITICOS"!

Agreed 100% they will vote for who ever they want, Jose Enriquez Sued signed for Hippo this week.

Most popular PRSS leader in Santiago.
Jos? Enrique Sued apoya a Hip?lito Mej?a por que Danilistas los traicionaron | WWW.ENTERATERD.COM



New member
Jul 13, 2006
Has any one seen a pol lately and how much difference is there between the two parties


Apr 11, 2004
But one thing no one mentioned. Amable, the prior Presidential candidate for the PRSC broke rank the other day and is backing Hippo. He carries a lot of weight on the East Coast and elsewhere in this country.


May 22, 2004
But one thing no one mentioned. Amable, the prior Presidential candidate for the PRSC broke rank the other day and is backing Hippo. He carries a lot of weight on the East Coast and elsewhere in this country.

Will he be flying arround in his red helicopter dropping cash and salami? :lick:

If you run into him tell him not to drop pollos congelao'. They could land on peoples' heads. :hurt::dead:

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
New Poll,by a REAL,USA polling compny,out thia am,and it is a virtual "Dead Heat''!
Now the race is getting interesting!
I saw a lot of campaine posters slashed on my way back from Puerto Plata this sunday.
They should start killing eachother soon!
Can't wait!


Jun 19, 2003

by not backing hipolito, people in his own party will blame him for any election loss.
who are the "people"?....the same ones that ripped up the flowers outside the cemetery that MVM wanted to place on JFPG's spot, the core PRD.
if hipolito wins, sparing MVM a lynching, he will be forced out of the PRD president's position.

by not backing hipolito, he loses both ways......daft as a brush.


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
Mejia promises to penalize some imports


Santo Domingo
By exposing his government plans to members of the American Chamber of Commerce, the presidential candidate of the Partido Revolucionario Dominicano (PRD) Hipolito Mejia promised to protect the domestic production sectors by penalizing up to 100% in some cases imported products, and warned that he'll act "ruthlessly" against criminals to solve the problem of insecurity.
In his speech as special guest for a lunch with the trade association, Mejia announced that returning to the presidency he would immediately negotiate a Stand By Arrangement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), to send a clear signal that his goal will achieve a solid macroeconomic stability with which his party is committed.
After his speech, Mejia, as anecdotal in conversational style, answered questions from members of the trade body causing much laughter from the guests, the applause of some and the contemplation of others.
Mejia gave the example that his government would penalize with 100% taxes the imported butter and other items, to encourage the purchase of domestic products such as special beef cuts, while he complained that the U.S. penalizes buying Dominican avocados into their country but not so happens with those produced in Miami that are imported into our country.
"For those who eat steaks in those famous restaurants, pay for expensive steaks and eat here, we can import angus cows, the country is importing 18 billion dollars and is exporting only four thousand, all that comes imported must be penalized without doubt, "he said.
Mejia was accompanied by his wife, Rosa G?mez de Mej?a, his vice presidential candidate, Luis Abinader, his campaign manager, Cesar Cedeno, the secretary general of the PRD, Orlando Jorge Mera, and other leaders.
The former president also said that logistics has a special plan for the police and that there needs to be less military and more police and paid well equipped to respond to the situation of insecurity "I was not kidnapped because I'm with 10 or 15 heavily armed boys. "

Rodriguez Pimentel
Moreover, Mejia thanked yesterday the decision of the engineer Hector Rodriguez Pimentel and Balagueristas, to support his candidacy.

He also extended an olive branch to fans of Carlos Morales Troncoso and that within the PRD have joined the proselytizing work.


Mejia said that most of the works made by the government in the National District have an overrun of 30% for the "payment of commissions, spurious origin of the accumulation of huge fortunes."

Reported that in the last 60 days have been spent RD $ 2.795 million in advertising to promote candidates of the ruling party "unprecedented in our history.''

Also in the name of the clearing tariff established in free trade agreement with the United States and Central America (DRCAFTA) have committed irregularities and abuses in imports of consumer goods and raw materials that are out of quota.Was defined as "the president of the national agreements" before the board of the American Chamber, chaired July Brache, William Malamud, Executive Vice President and Minister Counsellor at the U.S. Embassy.

Mej?a promete penalizar algunas importaciones -

So Hippo's economic answer to the lack of competitiveness in the local industry sector is?

LOL!!! To tax the imports to kingdom come and make the local products cheaper that way!!


About the avocados? The DR is second only to Mexico in exports to the USA markets and elsewhere, but only when they're found free of dangerous chemicals used to control bugs and stuff in the DR and banned in the USA for human consumption... Just from the start of 2012 three shipments were sent back from the US at the Miami port for the chemicals found in the goods!

DR beef too expensive when prime cuts? Make the imports more expensive! As if people that can afford such things won't be able to pay more anyhow to get the real Macoy!! LOL!!! Just the formula to make the imports yet more enticing to brokers! At the same time making the local sector less competitive by the same 100%!!!

His answer to crime? Cut the police and military numbers (sooo smart) and put fully automatic guns like M-16s on their hands to "wipe" out the crooks (bystanders just come with the territory)...

Here comes Rambo! OH! Sorry! Here comes Hipporambus!

DR-CAFTA is a baaaaaaad thing! It forces DR sectors to compete in quality and value to that of imports! BAD! Very BAD!

So here you have it folks, Hippo's eloquent economic plan to bring the DR closer to development!

On a side note, here again we have the Marcos MO of testifying to corruption with given numbers and figures and not an iota of anything to support it! We have a 30% slice of payments from the public works in the D.N. alone by the present administration!!!! That's a lot of billions! Documents please! And I don't mean the ones like Marcos is getting hanged for today!

Classic PRD! Nothing to show for economic planning/development other than more of the same traditional noncompetitive DR sectors. No quality or value that can compete in the real world...

Like if when we set the bar to others, others will just smile and keep importing our overpriced junk...


That's Hippoconomics for you!


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
[h=3]Mejia says he will not pay old bills[/h]PRD presidential candidate Hipolito Mejia has warned small and medium state suppliers (PYME) that his administration would not pay old debts, and asked them to make an effort to collect their debts before the end of the PLD government. He said that he would apply the thesis of former President Joaquin Balaguer that "old debts are not paid and new debts are allowed to grow old."

"Do not ask me for anything, I know how this man (Leonel Fernandez) is acting, giving away the entire country and handing out fraudulent contracts, and if I start paying old debts, I will not last a month in office. If you have not collected, be prepared, you are not going to collect from me, collect now, strike now, I am telling you, because I am not going to pay old debts," he stressed.

During a meeting organized by the Dominican Small and Medium Business Confederation, Mejia said that bakers should start planting trees for making artisan breads using firewood. "With the planting of 20 mesquite trees you have firewood for a whole year in a bakery, I do not believe it should be limited to a "I cannot cut down a tree because it will damage the environment and the ecology, this is false, what you have to do is plant more trees." The presidential candidate said that he does not suffer from "traumatic ecologist" syndrome.

More Hippo-Logics????

Plant more trees and cut more trees?

Is this guy self destructing all by himself???



New member
Oct 27, 2003
"old debts are not paid and new debts are allowed to grow old."

So, am I to interpret this as he won't pay any old bills and if he incurs any new debts it will be unpaid also?

Where's the incentive to do business with this guy (whether or not he becomes president)?