Judy's Pet Lodge?


Sep 20, 2009
You said it better than any of us could, Cobraboy.

As an educator, I have always believed that if knowledge is valuable, it should be passed on. That is how individuals and the world as a whole become better educated. They grow and improve.

It's just a shame that that the knowledge held by Acira is so unique, so valuable, yet they feel others are unworthy of benefitting from it.


Lindsey, I have a ton of knowledge but I refuse to share it with people who are not willing to listen. This is speaking from past experiences. I do not care or do not have the time to spend time and energy on such people anymore.


New member
Mar 5, 2010
Britcouple, you never said you felt snubbed, someone else did. I wasn't trying to be defensive, I was just saying that sometimes people have had a bad day and they react poorly. As far as the curt 'no' that you may have recieved, people sometimes really press their case and perhaps the person you talked to felt they needed to be firm.


Apr 25, 2006
Another couple I know had three puppies placed inside their property last night. In a secure gated community!! Wonder how that happened. They have brought them to AAAS to be wormed, bathed, and taken them home to care for them and foster them in hopes of finding new homes. The solution.... not sure there is one, but I know that the spay/neuter clinics are certainly assisting in dropping the numbers of unwanted/uncared for litters. Cost is a huge factor for many local families. Education is another. The volunteers here do a terrific job of both educating and assisting with medications for parasites, ticks/fleas, without them there would be a lot more unhealthy animals. No organization is perfect or without "issues", but in choosing to be part of the solutions, even on a limited base, is much better than being part of the group that judges and has all the answers. Of course as cobraboy stated.... this is an opinion which is strictly from my point of view, and not verifiable.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
CoreyH, we have no problem whatsoever with them saying no if thats not what they do, much better to be straight and upfront then everyone knows where they stand, thats fine. Unfortuately we wrongly thought they would be able to help the pups find a new home quicker than us, now we know they don't do that, so we will take the responsibility. We have not said anything derogatory about Judys or the person we spoke with and have no reason to.

What is annoying is the attitude of some that 'if you find it then it's your problem' when the finder may just be trying to do the 'right thing' and may not be as lucky as us to have the financial means to take responsibility. So what we were trying to do was find out if there are any alternatives, otherwise we just encourage the 'don't get involved' attitude and the problem gets worse.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
We Seem To Be Fighting Here About "How Sweet" The "Rose" Smells!

"To Each His Own"!
I Love dogs,I love "KIDS"!..."KIDS" come first(MOST of them!) Dogs come second.
In the words of that great humanitarian,"Rodney King","Why Can't We All Just Get Along?"
If you can afford to take care of your kids,and how some $$$$$$ left,help the dogs.
I do.
and I do.
I say that it looks to me like "JUDY" and her "Crew" are doing a great job! I applaud them!
The $50 "bucks" is a "Red Herring" in this thread!
I too,have felt that after giving a "Donation" to a "cause" I didn't get the "Thanks" that I deserved !
I NOW realize that was VERY selfish of me!After all,my donation was to benefit the cause,not to benefit me!(Tax Purposes not included!)
I say,"Give what you can,to whomever you can"!

But also,"Accept what someone can give"!
That's a "WIN/WIN"
I have 7 dogs,but only 5 kids.

Accepting "Donations" for them all!
Some days,for all of them!


"PS",...."Britcouple" You seem like really nice people,please post MORE!
If you are "new" to the DR,or to DR1,..."Welcome"!
Thank you for your kindness to the dogs!
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Dec 11, 2003
I think that the spay/neuter clinic idea is great.. they have it in Las Terrenas as well, although it certainly does not reach all the dogs and you can always see bitches who have recently had a litter walking down the main street. Also, the beach dogs, while usually friendly, can sometimes be upsetting to small children when they run in a pack.

Since there are so many French in LT, the beach dogs, and all others.. are allowed into the restaurants in the Pueblo de Pescadores... there were two tourists there from NYC . one a health inspector... a NY/Dominican who was APOPLECTIC about the dogs in the restaurant.. saying that he was going to have the owners arrested.. that it should be against the law.. blah blah blah...

anyway.. there are .. indeed.. too many stray dogs here..

and they all need to be neutered


New member
May 17, 2006
I seem to remember people bringing in these puppies, I think I am correct in saying that we were in the middle of a spaying clinic and in the middle of operations and dogs recovering. Sorry if you didn,t get the time that you thought you needed but we were busy. At the moment there are over 30 dogs that are all very healthy speyed and up to date with there vaccines some of them have been there for over a year -what do you think we should do with them ACIDO , put them to sleep maybe??? So just what are you legal papered qualifications??
And the money that was quoted was what vets are charging for the same ops and care- not what The Pet Lodge is asking for as a donation!!!

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
I applaud what Judy has done and continues to do. What puzzles me though is the posters who feel more resources need to be directed towards these animals are either silent or contrary to helping the street children of the region. In the thread: http://www.dr1.com/forums/north-coast/115462-children-need.html , children didn't receive the support displayed for the animals in this thread.

Too bad SKing must be at work........... you're singing her song !!

You'll hear from her..... later - I'm sure.

What is being said here has truth to it..... but its all about people's priorities.... be that animals or people.

Nothing wrong with either... its the preaching that grates on the nerves.


New member
May 17, 2006
Oh and I forgot to add, thought you might be interested, but one of the people who is also at Judy,s everyday is off today, she is visiting and taking stuff to the kids in Haiti.


Nov 22, 2007
I applaud what Judy has done and continues to do. What puzzles me though is the posters who feel more resources need to be directed towards these animals are either silent or contrary to helping the street children of the region. In the thread: http://www.dr1.com/forums/north-coast/115462-children-need.html , children didn't receive the support displayed for the animals in this thread.

Sorry, surgery on a 676lb person takes some time....
Anyway, you are absolutely correct and it makes me sick. But then again, I cannot force my priorities on others but I'll tell you one thing... I would not be able to sleep at night if someone asked me for help for a school for undocumented, poor children and I gave nothing or a bare minimum and then turned around and paid rd6000 to support some organization for street animals.
But that's just me.............I'm strange that way. Seems to me you would want to educate our future (the children) but what do I know.



New member
May 17, 2006
I think thats admirable Shalena, and your obviosly doing what you can where you can, same as me.


Jun 13, 2009
so if we summarize this post, we can conclude a number of things...

- Judy's Pet Lodge boards dogs for people who are away...
- AAAS neuters and spays dogs, but do not take in strays... (I wonder where the adoptions come from then...)

- People who lose one of their pets have no place to go and look for them
- People who finds dogs have no place to make it known to the unlucky owners, and are left on their own to find homes for them ( and I am not taking a cheap shot at the 2 organisations above, just stating a fact)

Now, I have heard rumours of a real dog shelter being built on the El Choco track. Anybody can confirm this and say where it is?

Maybe in the mean time I could build a small website where people could post their lost/found pets and puppies, so people know where to look. If people here would help to promote that, it could actually work. No donations necessary, I will do it for free, and I will get one of the dogfood manufacturers to cover the minimal expenses (some posters maybe)

About dogs and children, I do believe organisations like children in need are very worthwhile of help
Dec 21, 2008
Seems to me that everyone is "discussing" the same issues.

So, let me get this straight...from what I figure, there is one court that says...leave the dogs alone.

One court says, NO, look after the dogs....

Okay, here is how I see it: you ignore the dogs, disease will become rampid with the dogs...okay, everyone loves to pet a dog...(well almost everyone)..so now you have disease being passed on to humans...gonna be some upset parents, tourists, generally everyone..I don't know about you, but the thought of being bit by a rabid dog doesn't sit well with me...

The AAAS is filling a void that previously existed. There are many fantastic people helping to fill that void but like everything else in this world, there are costs associated. You don't get "nothin for nothin" anymore.

There are some fantastic organizations filling a void that look after underprivaleged children. These people should be applauded for their fine work.

I am a volunteer at the AAAS...the people that work there give their time from their hearts, not for recognition.

I have one foster dog right now in addition to my own two dogs and am taking on one more next week. I do this as I am not in a position to foster children, although I do pass on small donations when I am able.

Everyone has to choose what their hearts tell them to do and follow it...hell, we're helping in every way possible...there are NO right or wrong places to give your time, talent or energy.

I think it is sad that people are being offended (?) for doing what they are able....

Gonna really start to turn people off from contributing where they are able if this is what they have to look forward to. I think "attitudes" need to be left at the door...
Dec 21, 2008
The AAAS will post pictures of dogs that people have for adoption at no charge. They have a special section on their website. Simply email your picture and the information about the dog and it will be added.


Jun 13, 2009
The AAAS will post pictures of dogs that people have for adoption at no charge. They have a special section on their website. Simply email your picture and the information about the dog and it will be added.

First of all great that the AAAS offers this service. How come it was not offered to britcouple, when they called?

Secondly, although it is a start it does not really fulfill the need I described. I found a dog, which is clearly somebodies pet, roaming the beach. So how can I find the owner?


Nov 22, 2007
First of all great that the AAAS offers this service. How come it was not offered to britcouple, when they called?

Because someone has told them now about this thread and they're backpedaling.



New member
Aug 13, 2009
"To Each His Own"!
I Love dogs,I love "KIDS"!..."KIDS" come first(MOST of them!) Dogs come second.
In the words of that great humanitarian,"Rodney King","Why Can't We All Just Get Along?"
If you can afford to take care of your kids,and how some $$$$$$ left,help the dogs.
I do.
and I do.
I say that it looks to me like "JUDY" and her "Crew" are doing a great job! I applaud them!
The $50 "bucks" is a "Red Herring" in this thread!
I too,have felt that after giving a "Donation" to a "cause" I didn't get the "Thanks" that I deserved !
I NOW realize that was VERY selfish of me!After all,my donation was to benefit the cause,not to benefit me!(Tax Purposes not included!)
I say,"Give what you can,to whomever you can"!

But also,"Accept what someone can give"!
That's a "WIN/WIN"
I have 7 dogs,but only 5 kids.

Accepting "Donations" for them all!
Some days,for all of them!


"PS",...."Britcouple" You seem like really nice people,please post MORE!
If you are "new" to the DR,or to DR1,..."Welcome"!
Thank you for your kindness to the dogs!

Thanks Criss Colon, i don't think we are any better than most people,it's usually a few that spoil it for the majority in most countries. Yes we are still pretty new to the DR (just over a year now) but trying to integrate with the local people and ways (we live in a small village, not a gated community, not knocking them, they are just not for us).

Totally 100% agree with you that kids should come first (we have 5 also but now grown up...Phew! and 6 dogs including the 2 newcomers) but soooo farrr, no one has left any kids in our garden, only dogs! although i'm pretty sure we would look after them also until a suitable solution could be found if it happened!
However, I can see no connection with regards to this original thread and taking care of children! surely that is a different thread, or it could proceed to what about the elderly/infirm/handicapped etc. All excellent causes, but nothing to do with the original subject matter.
To reiterate, LOOK AFTER KIDS FIRST, but if you can help some animals then do so, but I do not see the point of people discussing kids v animals in this thread, I think the kids deserve a thread of their own!
Aug 21, 2007
And, of course it should be known to any person new to this forum that there is a history here.....with the individual posters and with the organizations named. If everything is read literally, then the newby is sorely mis-informed, and thus responding without the benefit of all information needed for an informed response.



New member
Aug 13, 2009
I seem to remember people bringing in these puppies, I think I am correct in saying that we were in the middle of a spaying clinic and in the middle of operations and dogs recovering. Sorry if you didn,t get the time that you thought you needed but we were busy. At the moment there are over 30 dogs that are all very healthy speyed and up to date with there vaccines some of them have been there for over a year -what do you think we should do with them ACIDO , put them to sleep maybe??? So just what are you legal papered qualifications??
And the money that was quoted was what vets are charging for the same ops and care- not what The Pet Lodge is asking for as a donation!!!
Harrod, I don't know to who you are referring to in this post but if you are referring to our 2 puppies then no, you are mistaken, that was the point of the phone call to see if it would have been possible to take them there, as it wasn't, then we never came down there and there were no quotations for anything!