Lots of beautiful women in DR??? Where??

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New member
Mar 28, 2008
Unlike American cities, respectable Dominican women don't totter down the streets like slutty Cinderellas in such classy outfits as Hole T-shirts, waist sarong shorts, and studded jackets with no bra. They also don't wear twenty pounds of makeup, get fake tits, and don't behave like crazy femi-Nazis trying to control all of our affairs. A real Dominican man has atleast two doors in his house and he won't hesitate the slightest bit to show her both the exits she does not behave.

American Women + Sex and the city watching + thinks she's independent = Femi Nazi
LOL!!!!! I love this comment!


Nov 17, 2004
Now its' MY turn to tell you guys something.

Y'all complain about north american women but then fail to handle your business correctly right where you live.

Go to any bar, club or get-together. The way guys act to get the attention of ONE pretty young lady is pathetic. You acquiesce all of your power and tilt the relationship in the favor of women.

This is why women in NA think we are disposable, because there is always some fool out there willing to give them whatever they want without them having earned it via a mutual exchange of honesty, trust and kindness.

Then you go to the DR, do the SAME EXACT THING and expect a different result.

So please stop this bashing of NA women(of which I have also been guilty of) and get your act together RIGHT WHERE YOU LIVE.

If you guys were such fine catches, the DR would be just another vacation spot as opposed to a land to make desperate attempts at landing a woman when you can't find one at home.

I exclude from this rant myself, Laurapasinifan, Frank the Tank, Badpiece, Bronxboyatheart and any other of you fine gentlemen whom I've had the pleasure of meeting in person.:cheeky::cheeky::cheeky:

Just wanted to toss out an opposing viewpoint. Hope y'all have a sense of humor about it.;)


Jan 2, 2002
Go to el fogon bar near the entrance of PUCMM university in the evening and see young people having a good time with friends. I was there in a new bar next to fogon bar. Owned by a puerto rican. Its been there for a whole but I think they have remodeled it and changed its name. This was a party thrown by Bermudez rum. Free rum to public and a techno DJ.
here are the pictures. I am in picture #3 (blue shirt) with friends and my girlfriend.

viernes 13 de junio 001.jpg


P.S. if you want more pictures of different events then click here:


Jul 2, 2007
I've lived in Florida and NYC and know many beautiful women from all over the world. Now having read on this board about the beauty of Dominican women I'm puzzled. Where are these beautiful women? I'm in Puerto Plata right now and all I see is average. Where are all the beauties I read about? Am I just in the WRONG area???
You're right, there are no beautiful women in the DR, best look elsewhere, right guys?;);););)
(More for us!!):cheeky::cheeky::cheeky::cheeky:


Nov 19, 2004
Watchout for los Plasticos

Watch out for las chicas "Plasticas". These have mastered the finesse of the upper class, but like a leopard, they finally show their spots once they have clawed you. They are extremely delicate. They go see the doctor at the slightest short of breath. They can't do dishes because water will ruin their hands, they can't sweep or mop or lift a bag of grocery because they'll break their backs. For this same reason, they cannot pick up after themselves or their children. Amazingly, they are able to carry shopping bags, especially those with brand name labels on them. They need to eat and drink special food otherwise they'll get terribly sick and wilt. These are the type who spend their entire paycheck, if they have a job, on expensive clothes, perfumes, jewelry and other accessories before paying their bills or fixing homes. They don't know the value of money. To them $1,000 is the same as $1. This is just a short list of their behavior. Watch out.

I am speaking from someone else's experience with these type of creatures.


Feb 3, 2002
Go to el fogon bar near the entrance of PUCMM university in the evening and see young people having a good time with friends. I was there in a new bar next to fogon bar. Owned by a puerto rican. Its been there for a whole but I think they have remodeled it and changed its name. This was a party thrown by Bermudez rum. Free rum to public and a techno DJ.
here are the pictures. I am in picture #3 (blue shirt) with friends and my girlfriend.

viernes 13 de junio 001.jpg


P.S. if you want more pictures of different events then click here:
Detrasdelbonche.com ??Simplemente tus bonches!!

Dude your quality is slipping...there were probably about three decent looking women in the whole set of pics. The other ones were average to less than average.
Watch out for las chicas "Plasticas". These have mastered the finesse of the upper class, but like a leopard, they finally show their spots once they have clawed you. They are extremely delicate. They go see the doctor at the slightest short of breath. They can't do dishes because water will ruin their hands, they can't sweep or mop or lift a bag of grocery because they'll break their backs. For this same reason, they cannot pick up after themselves or their children. Amazingly, they are able to carry shopping bags, especially those with brand name labels on them. They need to eat and drink special food otherwise they'll get terribly sick and wilt. These are the type who spend their entire paycheck, if they have a job, on expensive clothes, perfumes, jewelry and other accessories before paying their bills or fixing homes. They don't know the value of money. To them $1,000 is the same as $1. This is just a short list of their behavior. Watch out.

I am speaking from someone else's experience with these type of creatures.

You sure these are Dominicana's ?
Sounds more like Colombiana's, they all are like that
Why not get back to the topic,

Where to look?
El Cibao, especially Moca, or Cotu?

I got used of being picked up at SDQ by miss universe before I bought my own car, and yes, she's from Cotu?

beep beep, Jake


New member
Nov 7, 2007

Sounds to me like a bunch of you have been burned on both fronts.... Home country and DR.... Very bitter,,,,check yourself out..the worlds wrong and your write...:surprised:surprised


New member
Nov 7, 2007

Speak from your experience,don't always listen to others..... Many People here have had bad experiences,and believe its cool to speak negative..Speak bad about sankies .And actuality there here and are sankies.. The problem they have the sankies here have more game...


New member
Nov 7, 2007
Its Cool

:bunny::bunny::bunny:GROW UP CHILDREN!!!!! Stop being hpyocrites........................As you would say its all good...


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
I've lived in Florida and NYC and know many beautiful women from all over the world. Now having read on this board about the beauty of Dominican women I'm puzzled. Where are these beautiful women? I'm in Puerto Plata right now and all I see is average. Where are all the beauties I read about? Am I just in the WRONG area???
You definitely are in the wrong area.

You need to go to the Republic of the Cibao. Take a good look at those mountains behind Puerto Plata, on the other side is a country like no other!

Everywhere else in the country people pretend to be in the DR, but here is a little cibae?o "secret," the real DR starts and end in the Cibao. Santiago is ground zero.

Everywhere else happens to be on Dominican soil, but they are not the real DR. They are recent creations by people from other places; the Cibao is where the true Dominican spirit eminates from and the place where the hype lives up its reputation.




Feb 3, 2002
You sure these are Dominicana's ?
Sounds more like Colombiana's, they all are like that
Why not get back to the topic,

Where to look?
El Cibao, especially Moca, or Cotu?

I got used of being picked up at SDQ by miss universe before I bought my own car, and yes, she's from Cotu?

beep beep, Jake

What? You are crazy...You must be talking about a different part of the country. There are NO (everyone here listen well), NONE, ZILCH, good looking women in Cotui. So please save yourself a trip and don't visit my hometown... :cheeky::devious:


Nov 17, 2004
What? You are crazy...You must be talking about a different part of the country. There are NO (everyone here listen well), NONE, ZILCH, good looking women in Cotui. So please save yourself a trip and don't visit my hometown... :cheeky::devious:

Ahhhhhh, the hospitality is SO overwhelming...:cheeky:


New member
Apr 28, 2008
From a Dominican Woman's point of view:

I see some generalizing Dominican women use American men as only a provider, and most are Dollar hungry, well these type of women are allover the universe...ALLOVER

Some Dominican women prefer an American Man because they are fed up of the Machismo crap they have to put up with the Dominican men.

Since Little girls our mother teach us how to serve the man (unlike many American women) We learn to cook at an early age, clean, be submisive and respect the "MEN"...serve, serve and then serve some more.
The typical Dominican man thinks is all a one way relationship. He can have as many lovers as he wants and it's o.k, children with 5 different women, and it's o.k. The wife have to put up with that crap. And this machismo crap comes in all Social Status, poor, medium class, and rich.

In the other hand, there are women (like me) that wont put up with that machismo ignorant crap and rather be with a man that treats a woman well, and makes her part of the relationship.
Not generalizing but Most American Men are more lay back, and makes a woman his partner. American men appreciate their woman, are more loyal to the family. What Dominican woman can't resist that? Specially those who are fed up of the Machismo crap. The combination of a Dominican woman and an American men is perfect, they balance each other.
I rather cook, clean and treat my man like king cause I know he will appreciate it, and not because he thinks that is what I was made for.

Yes, there are gorgeous women in DR...you should see the women on my family...GORGEOUS! But you have to know where to look.

Go to the beaches in the north, they might be tanning in their tiny bikinis. Go to the malls, Piano Bars, country clubs, around college campuses.


Jan 2, 2002
Since Little girls our mother teach us how to serve the man (unlike many American women) We learn to cook at an early age, clean, be submisive and respect the "MEN"...serve, serve and then serve some more.

Wait a minute, I fail to see the problem here. Sounds like a perfect woman to me.
In the other hand, there are women (like me) that wont put up with that machismo ignorant crap and rather be with a man that treats a woman well, and makes her part of the relationship.
Not generalizing but Most American Men are more lay back, and makes a woman his partner. American men appreciate their woman, are more loyal to the family. What Dominican woman can't resist that? Specially those who are fed up of the Machismo crap. The combination of a Dominican woman and an American men is perfect, they balance each other.

when you find this man, you will see how quickly you get bored by this marica.
Then back to a macho for a real life experience. hahahaha


Jan 2, 2002
Dude your quality is slipping...there were probably about three decent looking women in the whole set of pics. The other ones were average to less than average.

Give it a break, its was like a street party with free booze and free dj music. People came from the neighborhood of la loteria to have some fun. There were a few really nice girls there, but I was with my wife :(. Not everyone was photographed because many people were not supposed to be there with other chicas/chicos. They were supposed to be either studying or sleeping. These pictures were going to be released on the net so many people refrained from taking pictures.


Feb 3, 2002
Hey AZB I'm just saying that if you're going to show the OP the quality of women he could see in Santiago that was definitely not your best choice.

Hey Berzin you are welcome to come to Cotui, because I'm sure you already know that there are NO good looking girls in Cotui. Us poor souls are left to dealing with all of these ugly girls down there while the rest of you guys bask in the glow of tons of beauties in places like Sosua, Boca Chica, etc...
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