M I A !!!! Apostropheman

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Sep 22, 2009
Yeah, I also have a feeling we haven't heard the last of this.

I'm no Sherlock Holmes, but I have a question?

If he was taken at gun point from the house as the reports have suggested, why would the kidnappers lock up the house and put the two dogs away before they left?

Not only that, but all the cash and id was locked up in the safe. How was he paying for a hotel for 4 days or procure transportation?


New member
Apr 14, 2007
Yeah, I also have a feeling we haven't heard the last of this.

I'm no Sherlock Holmes, but I have a question?

If he was taken at gun point from the house as the reports have suggested, why would the kidnappers lock up the house and put the two dogs away before they left?

Very good question.. I think there is MUCH more than meets the eye here, but now with him being found, hopefully in do time, the pieces can all be put together and the proper people arrested as to help make sure this type of event never happens again.

Thanks to everyone involved in helping to find him, no matter what level of role you played.. D'Arcy wants you to know he appreciates it!!


New member
Sep 4, 2007

Be Happy not vindictive!

Happy, Yes of course, but it is not vindictive, for Darcy and others to want the whole story to come out, and who ever was responsible to pay for their crimes.

Again I don't think now is the proper time, as Darcy should be re-united with his family and other loved ones at this time, but make no mistake about it, the story should come out and those responsible should pay.
Mar 2, 2008
The police investigation is still ongoing,

The facts as we know them at this point:

First and foremost, D'Arcy is back. He is all in one piece, and we are all extremely happy to have him home.

Secondly, as I stated, the police investigation is ongoing, and not all the circumstances of D'Arcy's abduction can be made public at this time.

The police are following several leads, and it is important to understand that this may very well be a case in which the kidnappers made a mistake in the identity of the victim.

It would be profoundly unwise to pursue the discussion regarding others who might or might not be involved. It does not serve any purpose, and may in fact put some people at risk.

D'Arcy is now with the police and others filing a report. Once that report has been filed and the police indicate how they will proceed, more information will be forecoming.

Thank you for your continued patience.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
With all due respect.. not so fast!!

No matter who was involved or not, the proper thing to do before names are cleared is to wait for the investigation to be finalized and authorities to officially clear everyone.

Just my two cents...

BS is BS, and people that spread malicious information deserve to have in come back threefold. Your are correct that the investigation has to be completed but your insinuations are the same as gossip. Glad that D'arcy is alive and well; should be an interesting tale.


Aug 29, 2005
All I can say is WOW!! What an amazing outcome...I'm so happy to hear that D'Arcy is alive...I can only imagine the homecoming he and his family are having right now.

And I think everyone waits with somewhat baited breath for this whole story to unfold. The one person who knows what really happened is alive...and well...and home with friends and family. Hopefully the innocent parties in all this will also receive some closure...and the guilty...well...I believe we all wish the same for them.


New member
Aug 6, 2003
Give it a break

Robert...can you let his family and friends enjoy this for a little while before you start throwing your darts and questions/rumors out there again?

This is just like the unsubstantiated rumor you threw out there about the alledged episodes of amnesia.

Your agenda is so transparent and the real news should be that he was found safe and sound and that our prayers were answered - regardless of who is to blame and at this point what the circumstances were that lead to his disappearance - and not to continue to find ways to protect your friends. There will be a place and time for that once all of the facts become known.


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
This is just like the unsubstantiated rumor you threw out there about the alledged episodes of amnesia.

I relayed what was told to me directly by his friends and was creating a lot of chatter in the background. I brought it out in the open so the rumor could be put to rest one way or the other. That happened and the BS in the background stopped, job done. As I said in a previous post, time will tell if I made the right decision to post certain snippets.

My agenda has been clear from the beginning, find D'Arcy and don't accuse people of being involved of his disappearance or hindering the search for D'Arcy unless you have absolute facts.

He's alive and safe, I'm very happy about that and the fact that his family can finally be reunited with him and get over this.

Many peoples lives, reputations and friendships have been destroyed in the past two weeks, most of it due to BS and gossip, that's what's sad.

Yes your right, I'm sure all the facts and details will come out over the coming weeks....


New member
Dec 16, 2009
BS is BS, and people that spread malicious information deserve to have in come back threefold. Your are correct that the investigation has to be completed but your insinuations are the same as gossip. Glad that D'arcy is alive and well; should be an interesting tale.

Very true. I still find it very disturbing and disappointing that I heard the news here in Hamilton on the news before anyone here said anything. Would it not have been common courtesy or at least decent to have had it posted here so that all the people putting in their time and money would know that our friend D'arcy was found alive and well. Seems that CHCH News was a more important contact than the hundreds of D'arcys friends.

There is more here than we will ever know. If they can't even let us know that D'arcy was found, what makes anybody think the full truth will be told.

Welcome home D'arcy.


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005

Very true. I still find it very disturbing and disappointing that I heard the news here in Hamilton on the news before anyone here said anything. Would it not have been common courtesy or at least decent to have had it posted here so that all the people putting in their time and money would know that our friend D'arcy was found alive and well. Seems that CHCH News was a more important contact than the hundreds of D'arcys friends.

There is more here than we will ever know. If they can't even let us know that D'arcy was found, what makes anybody think the full truth will be told.

Welcome home D'arcy.

Can't you just be happy that D'Arcy is alive and with close friends?


New member
Nov 15, 2007
Having been back in Canada on a family health emergency (Hamilton is our home town), since the day after D'Arcy disappeared my wife and I could only read what was happening and not be here in Sosua to help out. I returned yesterday to Sosua and was looking forward to getting involved. Now thank God that will not be necessary.

I just emailed my wife the news back in Canada where she remains for now and here are her words back to me, "WOW Everyone must be elated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My goosebumps were HUGE on my arms and neck when I read your IM"

Patty and I are absolutely ecstatic for D'Arcy and his family and so proud of all the efforts everyone here in the DR and elsewhere put into bringing this to a happy conclusion.


New member
Apr 14, 2007
Having been back in Canada on a family health emergency (Hamilton is our home town), since the day after D'Arcy disappeared my wife and I could only read what was happening and not be here in Sosua to help out. I returned yesterday to Sosua and was looking forward to getting involved. Now thank God that will not be necessary.

I just emailed my wife the news back in Canada where she remains for now and here are her words back to me, "WOW Everyone must be elated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My goosebumps were HUGE on my arms and neck when I read your IM"

Patty and I are absolutely ecstatic for D'Arcy and his family and so proud of all the efforts everyone here in the DR and elsewhere put into bringing this to a happy conclusion.

AMEN brother!! :D
Mar 2, 2008
I find it inconceivable that anyone could still not understand that people's lives are at stake here, and a certain level of discretion must be maintained.

If it were made public that D'Arcy was back, without the being police involved, and those responsible were in fact after him, then his life would have been in extreme danger.

As it is, there might well be others who at risk, and this prolonged banter is doing nothing but increasing the threat to them.

I have tried to be subtle, and I have tried to be politely direct, but still some just do not get it.

For the last time, and very directly, people's lives are at risk, and exposing them to danger is not something we want to do.

Get it????


New member
Oct 28, 2007

Just signed on to DR1 now and got the news. This is incredible, just amazing news. His family must be so relieved to hear this. Sometimes good does win out!! It's only 11:40 AM here, but I believe a celebratory drink is in order...


Jan 1, 2002
Very true. I still find it very disturbing and disappointing that I heard the news here in Hamilton on the news before anyone here said anything. Would it not have been common courtesy or at least decent to have had it posted here so that all the people putting in their time and money would know that our friend D'arcy was found alive and well. Seems that CHCH News was a more important contact than the hundreds of D'arcys friends.

There is more here than we will ever know. If they can't even let us know that D'arcy was found, what makes anybody think the full truth will be told.

Welcome home D'arcy.
I think the delay in reporting it here is becoming self evident as this post continues .............. more speculation, more rumour mongering & more passing of blame.

My understanding is that once D'Arcy was located & in safe hands, there needed to be a time of de-briefing TO ENSURE D"ARCY'S SAFETY!! Those who picked him up (yesterday about mid afternoon) needed to KNOW it was safe to take him to wherever they decided to take him. Mentioning on DR1 where speculation & blame has been rife, would NOT have been the wisest of first moves! Once the decision was made thar he was (basically) safe, those who deserved to know first hand (common decency for all their hard work) were advised & then The Hamilton Spectator so that they changed the 'still missing' story THEY WERE ABOUT TO RUN TODAY!!

Please do not let peoples' egos get dented because the proper cautionary steps were taken to ensure D'Arcy's safety. ~ Grahame.
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