Marcha Verde: the day of wearing green


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
i read it to miesposo and he took it as "contemplate the possibility". and i think it corresponds better with a previous sentence stating that some sort of a move is expected. but then my spanish is merely adequate.

From my knowledge of the context that interpretation does make more sense, but the ambiguity is still annoying.


Sep 27, 2006
one just had to wonder whether it was intended or not? DL is not really high end newspaper in terms of writing quality.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Odebrecht implicates Danilo Medina.

Computer translated:

Green March: Odebrecht statements implicate Medina

By: LA REDACCION Date:July 30, 2017

SANTO DOMINGO (EFE) .- The Marcha Verde civic movement said the recent revelations by Odebrecht's lawyer and financial operator, Rodrigo Tacla, add to the evidence that has implicated President Danilo Medina in the case of bribery, overvaluation and illegal financing of campaigns by Part of the Brazilian multinational.

During a march held this Sunday in Los Alcarrizos, in the framework of the days of mobilization of the 'green neighborhoods', the group affirmed that the criminal scheme described by Rodrigo Tacla contains all the elements present in the last two electoral campaigns and in the Government of President Medina.

In that order, he cited the candidate's close relationship with Odebrecht; The publicist Joao Santana, financed by the construction company in exchange for concessions of works; And a subsequent allocation of multimillion dollar contracts such as the Punta Catalina coal plants.

"This information evidences the political and institutional quagmire that encroaches upon the highest structures of the political and institutional system of the country. And they also force the Public Prosecutor's Office to immediately include President Medina in the file, "said the group, confident that citizens and the media will press for the revelations of Odebrecht's lawyer not to remain in the air.

In the manifesto read in the closing act of the march, residents of the neighborhoods and communities of Los Alcarrizos, Pantoja and Palmarejo-Villa Linda denounced the ravages that corruption has caused in those communities and reaffirmed their commitment to continue fighting until The country will be free from the regime of impunity.

They demanded sanctions for the frauds committed in the Hospital Calventi and the City council of Los Alcarrizos; To investigate what happened to the five budget allocations for the construction of the bridge over the Lebron River; And that the recent contract for the collection of excise taxes granted to a private company be made known, while municipal workers are paid hunger wages.

They also demanded the construction of a cemetery, a funeral home and a municipal market to replace what was built 40 years ago; The repair of sidewalks, and the main street of Palmarejo; The construction of a market for Pantoja; The construction of Avenida Nuevo Camino, paralyzed twenty years ago; And the termination of Napoleon Avenue.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Yesterday there was a Marcha Verde in Nagua, on the north coast.

Computer translation:

NAGUA, MARIA TRINIDAD SANCHEZ - The Green March today warned from Nagua to all citizens that important private interests have allied themselves with the government of President Danilo Medina to prevent the Odebrecht case from ending impunity in the Dominican Republic.

Regarding the appointment of one of the members of the cover commission of Punta Catalina as administrator of the coal-fired plants, the movement called on all workers, traders, entrepreneurs, chiriperos, students, housewives and other members of Society so that they do not allow themselves to be deceived by members of the economic, religious or social elites interested in washing the face to processes legitimately questioned and pending a real criminal investigation.

"At the Green March we are aware of the links that exist between several of the members of the Punta Catalina commission with Odebrecht's interests and the unconstitutional privileges that President Medina allows in exchange for social and political support," said the group To the closing of the march of the province Maria Trinidad Sánchez.

In the face of the thousands of demonstrators who participated in the mobilization activity, the Green March reiterated the demand for a criminal investigation into the bidding, awarding, financing and construction of the Punta Catalina coal plants and the cancellation of the contracts with the Mafia company. And in that sense it expressed its support to the representatives of the social sector that participate in the Electric Pact, a national agreement that can not reach a happy ending if it does not inexorably cross for the transparency, accountability and clarity around the project of Punta Catalina And termination of the contract with Odebrecht.

Reject local corruption and repression

The coordination of the Green March in Nagua denounced that the diversion of resources and public funds into the pockets of corrupt officials has avoided the solution of the main problems and needs of the cities and communities of Maria Trinidad Sánchez.

They said that corruption and impoverishment have prevented the early completion of the public hospital in Nagua, as well as the rehabilitation of the neighborhood roads needed by agricultural producers and the peasantry to reap their fruits; The repair of the Nagua-San Francisco de Macorís road, in the stretch Nagua to Madre Vieja; Completion of the boardwalk; And the access of the community to a permanent and quality electric power service.

"On the other hand, the corrupt ones, abusing power, have repressed the social movements that demand the solution to their main problems, as they have been the cases of repression of San Francisco de Macorís, leaving all the northeast region in mourning for the Murder of the young social activist and student leader Vladimir Lantigua Baldera, and the violence unleashed against the sugar cane workers, "the Green March denounced in a manifesto in which it also repudiates and condemns the repressive actions of the Government against the magisterium, the health sector And to the police and retired military.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Marcha Verde has organized a march from Bani to Punta Catalina on August 20th, computer translation:

SANTO DOMINGO. Members of the Dominican group Marcha Verde protested Tuesday against the offices of the Brazilian company Odebrecht.

Marcha Verde, which emerged after Odebrecht admitted paying 92 million dollars in bribes, a crime that has 14 defendants in the country, announced that on August 20 will march to the thermoelectric plant that builds the company in the country.

Activists from the municipalities of Baní, Nizao and Matanzas, as well as the municipal districts of Catalina, Paya, Carretón, Santana, Pizarrete, Las Barias, Limonal, Villa Sombrero, Villa Foundation and Sabana Buey, announced that they will concentrate from 9 : 00 am in the central park of Baní, to visit several of the populous neighborhoods of the city and then take the road Sánchez to finish in front of the body of the crime, in Punta Catalina.

The objective of the demonstration is to demand that Odebrecht be expelled from the Dominican Republic; That its executives and accomplices be prosecuted; To avoid the environmental pollution inherent to coal generation; That it complies with the national claims of the Green March of cancellation of intentional contracts; The recovery of money obtained from overvaluations, bribery and illegal political financing; As well as conducting independent audits and investigations.

"The Dominican people are not obliged to maintain or accept a contract with a company that has admitted that it has stolen money from the poor to enrich corrupt politicians and businessmen. If President Danilo Medina can not break with Odebrecht, that is his problem, but he does not have a constitutional right to drag the people to his quagmire, "they affirmed through a press conference held in front of the offices of Odebrecht, in the La Esperilla sector of the National District .


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Bani march is next weekend, and the weekend after that it will be in Barahona. Computer translated:

Barahona .- The Green March against corruption to be held on the 27th of this month in this city, will be one of the busiest of those that have developed in different parts of the country, according to informed their organizers at a press conference.

Thousands of people from this province, Pedernales, Bahoruco, Independencia, San Juan de la Maguana, Azua, Baní, San Cristobal and other areas of the nation will participate.

A document read in the press conference, indicates that for the same it takes half a million pesos that will be being collected between people of the barahonera society.

"Citizens will be able to cooperate from 50 to 500 pesos to complete the half a million with which we will cross this march that will stain the entire city of Barahona green, says the document.

He states that the route drawn for the activity will be about 5 kilometers, starting at 10:00 in the morning, from the area where the branch of the Reserve Bank, on the avenue Casandra Damirón, at the entrance of the population.

After walking the miles through the streets of the central part of this city and the popular sectors and neighborhoods, the march will conclude in the Plazoleta Duarte, where several of the organizers and people of the town will take the floor.

"In the green march, as in others that have taken place in different areas of the nation, children, young adults, elderly people, disabled people, and society in a general sense can participate, since it will have a maximum Security, so we guarantee their journey from the beginning to the end, "concludes the document.

Juan Bosch

Active member
Dec 8, 2015
Spitting can be an art.....sometimes technique is required....some are better than others at it.....but for most of us it comes right back and hits us in the eye..... ;)


Nov 3, 2010
Like every cause or protest that has ever started, as soon as you appease the leaders of said cause with a bribe or a job, or anything else, the protests, marches, or whatever else you want to call them, stops as if it never started. All is forgotten because one or two pockets are filled.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
There is an element of objection on environmental grounds too, because it's insane to build a coal-fired plant instead of investing in cleaner alternatives - but the main protest is about corruption.