MORE,..."GOOD NEWS" For The DR!!!!!!............."Babies Having Babies"!!!!!!!!

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
I know Frank, and have met his young daughter.
Looks like his plan is working very well!
Good Job Frank!

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
That pretty much sums it up.

pauleast, everyone here knows that if you offer some guy here 500 pesos today, or 1000 pesos tomorrow at daybreak, he will inevitably take the nickel. the future is inconsequential. hypothetical, even. when a guy here is about to get laid, does anybody realistically believe that he factors possibilities into the equation? of course not. take care of now, and let manana take care of itself.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Let me save our Dominican "Spin Doctors" a post here:
"It the SAME everywhere in the World"!!!!!

But as a wise man, with many years of living in the DR, married to a "Dominicana" once told me,
"The DR is just like Everywhere Else, Only,............. "MORE SO"!!!!!

"Oh", and don't let me forget to say their "Spin Dostor's Ever utilized, "You HATE the Dominican Republic"!!!!!!!!


Jan 3, 2007
pauleast, everyone here knows that if you offer some guy here 500 pesos today, or 1000 pesos tomorrow at daybreak, he will inevitably take the nickel. the future is inconsequential. hypothetical, even. when a guy here is about to get laid, does anybody realistically believe that he factors possibilities into the equation? of course not. take care of now, and let manana take care of itself.

This thinking is typical of poverty as one of the byproducts of poverty is hopelessness. Hopelessness is every bit as crippling as the other byproducts; hunger, disease, illiteracy, crime, absence human rights, corruption, misogyny and they are usually found in combination. This level of poverty is found in much of the Caribbean and Latin America as well as on the richest continent on Earth. Billions are being spend to address the various symptoms of poverty but to even speak of treating the root cause gets People who care branded: "Commie!".

How People can sit on a hill, casually observing a field below yielding a bumper crop of Human suffering and commenting on how that suffering is the victims of poverty's own fault is beyond me. Then when these desperate People try to only way they know how to do something about their predicament by clinging to an overwhelmed watercraft in shark infested waters in puruit of even a glimmer of a hope of improving their circumstance their desperate actions become a source of amusement for those who have never known real poverty in their lives.

It's not just the D.R., extreme poverty affects People pretty much the same way all over the world and there's no sadder face than the faces of hopelessness, hunger and desperation.

Looking at the situation through a pair of cold, electromechanical robot eyes I would argue that those scary faces are necessary to motivate the millions who toil for little more than bare subsistence. Without those scary faces to remind them where the bottom is those just a sneeze away from the bottom where hunger, hopelessness, disease and despair are all there is would be dissatisfied with the paltry wages that almost cover their basic living expenses. Poverty is a set of leg irons that the wearer cannot remove without resorting to desperate measures which are almost sure to fail and are the last option before suicide.

So why spend billions fighting the symptoms and none fighting the disease? Because it makes those who exacerbate the problem appear to be in search of the cure. Bottom line is this, People with means can either sit around a poor country and complain about the poor and what THEY should be doing to get THEMSELVES out of their cycle of poverty by remedying the myriad of symptoms that plague their lives one by one like a game of "whack-a-mole" that goes on forever (but these moles bite and they leave scars)....or they can discuss ways to end the poverty that causes the symptoms that cause the problems...if they dare.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
He never needs much of an "Excuse" to jump on his," It's The "Rich Guys" Fault!
The "POOR" are just his Victims, and are blameless in their plight!
Like it's the "RICH" that are impregnating young girls AND women here.(Note, DR1 Is ABOUT HERE!!!)
It's the "RICH" that FORCE poor "Dominicanos" to misplace value on "Beer, Celares, Nike,and Dominos" and not in sacrificing for the children THEY, NOT THE "RICOS", brought into this situation.
You can pour all the money a society has to improve the lives of the "POOR", but it doesn't work, until THEY decide to!
Just like chip, and making EVERY THREAD about abortion,"GREY" got to drag out his "Tried & UNtrue" philosophy about the "Bad 'Ol USA" keeping the "POOR" poor.
"A Rising Tide Raises ALL BOATS"!
The "Rich", the "Middle Class" and yes, EVEN the "POOR"!
"Robin Hood", the "Patron Saint" of those who "Vote" for a living!
"Vote Republican", look at the results of voting for DEMON-O-Creeps"!
How's THAT been working out for the "POOR"?????
Sorry for using "Working" Grey, I know you hate the "W" word!

By-The-Way, "Drey",is your post a "Cut & Paste" from an "Obama" campaign speech?
You remember, before "Hope & Change", became "HopelessMESS" & Dispare", and the only "Change" we see is what we have left in our pockets after paying our taxes??????????
Last edited:


Jan 1, 2002
Wise words from a wise man. This should be told to all the girls here

Muhammed Ali's advice to his daughters...
An incident transpired when Muhammad Ali’s daughters arrived at his home wearing clothes that were quite revealing.

Here is the story as told by one of his daughters:
“When we finally arrived, the chauffeur escorted my younger sister, Laila, and me up to my father’s suite. As usual, he was hiding behind the door waiting to scare us.
We exchanged many hugs and kisses as we could possibly give in one day.

My father took a good look at us. Then he sat me down on his lap and said something that I will never forget. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, “Hana, everything that God made valuable in the world is covered and hard to get to. Where do you find diamonds? Deep down in the ground, covered and protected.
Where do you find pearls? Deep down at the bottom of the ocean, covered up and protected in a beautiful shell.

Where do you find gold? Way down in the mine, covered over with layers and layers of rock. You've got to work hard to get to them.”

He looked at me with serious eyes. “Your body is sacred. You’re far more precious than diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered too.” From the book: More Than A Hero: Muhammad Ali's Life Lessons Through His Daughter's Eyes.

Typical male codswallup.


The irony of who liked that post is not lost on me.
Apr 7, 2014
A. Aint no one wearing condoms. Give it up.
B. Norplant is permanent birth control. That 5 year effectiveness spiel is bogus, it is permanent.
C. The problem is this bird-brained religion that indoctrinates people to be devout and devoted to people who do nothing for them.
D. The problem is the lunacy that revolves in the head of many women of how they can use their Va-Jingo to obtain better/more things for themselves and when that fails then these same dingbats start conspiring on their female children to use theirs to give their mother some gain.
E. More feminine lunacy is that of expecting to be taken care of no matter what the circumstances are for the male or any male you meet.

F. Maybe what is needed is one those Chairman Mao programs like the "Great Leap Forward" where people either progressed as a whole or left to their own efforts.

And the comment in the news editorial about endorsing abortion for teenagers was straight bulldung. They need the Girl Scouts more than they need any bogus abortion policies.
Apr 7, 2014
A. Aint no one wearing condoms. Give it up.
B. Norplant is permanent birth control. That 5 year effectiveness spiel is bogus, it is permanent.
C. The problem is this bird-brained religion that indoctrinates people to be devout and devoted to people who do nothing for them.
D. The problem is the lunacy that revolves in the head of many women of how they can use their Va-Jingo to obtain better/more things for themselves and when that fails then these same dingbats start conspiring on their female children to use theirs to give their mother some gain.
E. More feminine lunacy is that of expecting to be taken care of no matter what the circumstances are for the male or any male you meet.

F. Maybe what is needed is one those Chairman Mao programs like the "Great Leap Forward" where people either progressed as a whole or left to their own efforts.

And the comment in the news editorial about endorsing abortion for teenagers was straight bulldung. They need the Girl Scouts more than they need any bogus abortion policies.
Aug 6, 2006
There is something to be said for reasonable amounts of feminine modesty. The Muslin hejab and burkhas are far too excessive. Muslim women look like flocks of pigeons. The dress of Muslim women encourages obesity and flabbiness, a lack of attention to the skin and face. They look like they are cruising about in their batas. Ugh.

Still, a scarf does tend to look somewhat better than 40 tubos of various hues.


Jul 9, 2010
This is a difficult issue but not reserved just for the DR. This is happening in many countries, including the US. Is there an equivalent to Planned Parenthood in the DR or does the Church rule this issue? I am really not sure.



Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Profamilia try hard - but they are often at odds with the Church for their education campaigns, promoting contraception and campaigning for abortion in the cases of rape, abuse or when the mother's life is in danger.
Profamilia | ?Por una vida sana!

Other organisations working with children and young people do prevention work, sexual health and education, self-esteem for young women and men, encouraging them to stay in education, vocational training: all this contributes to preventing underage pregnancy.


Dec 27, 2010
Ive heard other posters occasionally make this comment, "Every DR Chica has an Expiration Date".. Is this what they are talking about 22 and has a kid or two and the scars from the C Sections?


Feb 10, 2005
If you put all all of the men in jail that impregnated these under aged girls you would have to build a bunch of new prisons . but cutting their dicks off would be a good start .


Dec 11, 2003
Another issue with the Dominican male logic is that a vasectomy will never be under consideration. They believe that a vasectomy is just as bad as what occurred to John Wayne Bobbitt. Typical Dominican machoism.

I had a couple of Dominican men who were even really arguing with me about having my dog neutered. A HUGE vascetomy campaign is needed here but there is no one who is going to undertake that one. There is money in HIV work but they will only promote condoms.


Jan 3, 2007
He never needs much of an "Excuse" to jump on his," It's The "Rich Guys" Fault!
The "POOR" are just his Victims, and are blameless in their plight!
Like it's the "RICH" that are impregnating young girls AND women here.(Note, DR1 Is ABOUT HERE!!!)
It's the "RICH" that FORCE poor "Dominicanos" to misplace value on "Beer, Celares, Nike,and Dominos" and not in sacrificing for the children THEY, NOT THE "RICOS", brought into this situation.
You can pour all the money a society has to improve the lives of the "POOR", but it doesn't work, until THEY decide to!
Just like chip, and making EVERY THREAD about abortion,"GREY" got to drag out his "Tried & UNtrue" philosophy about the "Bad 'Ol USA" keeping the "POOR" poor.
"A Rising Tide Raises ALL BOATS"!
The "Rich", the "Middle Class" and yes, EVEN the "POOR"!
"Robin Hood", the "Patron Saint" of those who "Vote" for a living!
"Vote Republican", look at the results of voting for DEMON-O-Creeps"!
How's THAT been working out for the "POOR"?????
Sorry for using "Working" Grey, I know you hate the "W" word!

By-The-Way, "Drey",is your post a "Cut & Paste" from an "Obama" campaign speech?
You remember, before "Hope & Change", became "HopelessMESS" & Dispare", and the only "Change" we see is what we have left in our pockets after paying our taxes??????????
This is funny on so many levels. The "W" word. Bwaaahahahaa! Just exactly what do you know about the "W" word?

I have worked for my entire adult life, two jobs for most of it, raising 5 Kids through college. You sit in your little 3rd World escape, disparaging the People around you who were born there and haven't had even a percentage of the opportunity which you and I were fortunate enough to have experience, eating your government cheese which my tax dollars provide without the common courtesy of a "thank you".

You cannot dispute the fact that the system is broken. You are surrounded by evidence of this. In the event that U.S. economic problems were to worsen, the austerity measures which would ensue will snatch that government cheese right out from between your snarly lips (see Greece) as your government entitlement checks wither due to the fact that the government can no longer afford to borrow the money required to keep you in cheese and you would probably find the level of poverty which surrounds you to be your new reality because unlike me, you are deathly afraid of the "W" word.

No cut and paste here, Bubba....all original stuff. Happy cheesing!

Franco 66

New member
Aug 1, 2013
Michelle Obama Just made a speech,sorry CC but i think she might have the answer
Womens Education


New member
Oct 6, 2011
Kids are like pets here, just have to feed them and give them a roof over their heads. Screw educating them :ermm:
Preocupa la cantidad de ni?as embarazadas de 10 a 16 a?os -

The age of consent in Germany is 14
The age of consent in Greece is 15.
The age of consent in Hungary is 14
The age of consent in Italy is 14
The age of consent in Liechtenstein is 14
The age of consent in the Netherlands is 16

List of youngest birth mothers......
List of youngest birth mothers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
DR Not in the list...maybe you should al curb your quick judgment
Sep 20, 2003
When the global economic crisis worsens to the point that foreign governments can no longer afford foreign aid, local governments go completely bust, and even Christian charities run out of cash, then starvation will drastically and brutally thin the herd. I think Isaac Asimov had it right: he said that overpopulation had condemned millions (billions) of people in third world countries to lives of misery. The economic toll will be the final deciding factor- not what a religion, government, lobby group, or the media has to say.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
When the global economic crisis worsens to the point that foreign governments can no longer afford foreign aid, local governments go completely bust, and even Christian charities run out of cash, then starvation will drastically and brutally thin the herd. I think Isaac Asimov had it right: he said that overpopulation had condemned millions (billions) of people in third world countries to lives of misery. The economic toll will be the final deciding factor- not what a religion, government, lobby group, or the media has to say.

what has condemned people in the third world to lives of misery is far more complicated than simply overpopulation. human nature has caused the problems. there are enough resources to feed everyone on the planet. the problem is allocation, and distribution of wealth. when some people own most of the wealth, and others have nothing, you will inevitably witness the spectacles of misery which are manifest today.