Moving to the DR. Are you sure ?


Almost Silver...
Jan 1, 2002

richard said:
I found you Maxx you are gone. For anyonewho wants to see what MaxxJaxx calls propaganda the URL of the club is below.

Thanks!!! And why was it you needed to post 3 three times. Hmm...
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New member
Jan 15, 2002
re- ex dr. lover, maxx, richard, chris

Hi all, i think i have spoken in the message boards to u all, since i found this site the other day, so am i allowed yet to throw my hat in?
Ex dr lover or whatever. I think you would have been taken for a ride sooner or later anywhere u went. And trust me, if u think the DR girls are manipulative and only after money, good luck in the far east mate!
As jisk says, there are money grabbers anywhere, here in the UK , i have a mate who has two kids to one, and we are all sure that as soon as the money runs out, she will be gone. But she is pretty and that is why my mate is with her, he even says, he couldnt get better. I think some of these guys who get taken for a ride know what they are getting into and just try to hang on to these girls as long as they can.
Missing dr is right too, that is probably where he met her! But even the clued up people like him and AZB have had there fair share of bad experiences, the clever ones learn from them, get on with life and dont get dragged down with embittered feelings.
I will have to agree with maxx a little on one thing. We shouldnt compare ourselves to anyone. Any problems a place has and i have been on here a short time to know that the DR has some, well they have to be solved simple as that. In my country, it happens alot. Instead of fixing a problem ie. the health service, rail network, crime, trust me there are more! the politicians rant on about which countries are worse than ours, but it doesnt make it right tho.
But, the problems which have been pointed out to me about the DR, would not put me off coming over to at least give the place a chance with an open mind. I welcome comments good and bad on here. It is the responses by u all they throw up which have impressed me.
Richard, Chris etc, u seem like good guys, with the knowledge. I was staying in Sosua last time i was there. What is Maxx on about? Is he saying there is a false impression of the place being banded about. Or is the north coast in general hyped! Maybe for people like me to invest or come and spend money? I have noticed there are alot of businesses and homes for sale in Sosua. Even Eddy from the Sports bar, while i was there was saying he is trying to get out. I have read the figures, i know that tourism is down, but is it only because of the general decline world wide after 9/11 or something else? I found Sosua to be a fun place, alot of bars, some not busy at all tho. But it was a good place, i liked it. It was like any other town, a bit run down in some areas and some very nice places there too.



Jan 8, 2002
Lost $10,000

Perhaps you have a point about the Dominicans. Since moving here less than a year ago, I have "lost" something like US$10,000 during the moving process and paperwork and other things. You might say, "What filthy rotten people to cheat a poor American!" Oh, by the way, this money was lost at the hands of an AMERICAN I once trusted who has lived here for years. Were it not for a caring DOMINICAN, my household goods would still be located at the port. All that not to compare one or the other. I would simply like to point out that as individuals, we must learn to practice discernment on a personal level.


Jan 3, 2002
Santo Domingo Este
Well I have lived here for almost 3 months. It's not easy..but then I didn't expect it to be. I have met many people and most are great! You just have to come here with a positive attitude and accept their way and not what your used to. I still love this country. Everything here is dificult..from getting a phone to getting your money out of the bank. But thats all part of the challenge.
I am a woman..white woman and I have been hit on but I'm not stupid. At least most of the time. You just have to be smart,and when in RD be a Dominican!

Jane J.

Jan 3, 2002

Hello, I'm new here. I'm a bitter, ex-Sosua resident. Bitter, I tell you...

I thought ExDR made a lot of very valid points. I was glad to see, finally, some sort of formal recognition of the corruption in the DR. Just as I suspected - it is one of the corrupted-est places on this earth...I knew it...

Being single in the DR does suck if you're of the gringo variety. It's so tiresome being hit on all the time. While some mistake this for popularity and sex-appeal, you only have to be there long enough to see the same pattern of things, over and over again, in order to be hardened (not *that* kind of hardened!) and get all weirded out by it.

I agree - it's totally frustrating when you're bossing some Dominican around and they just want to do the thing their way. Stupid Dominicans, stupid, stupid, stupid. At least you don't have to pay them much, so there is that advantage. You know, trying to turn a profit out of their labour and everything.

Taxes totally suck - how could anyone disagree with that? The Aduana team are a crafty bunch. Just the thought of paying nearly $10 CAD for a box of cereal bugs me to no end.

Pesticides are nast-ay! Everyone in the *real world* has been going organic for the last few years. And that's over *here*. Still, maybe with the lesser amount of chemicals ingested from over-processed foods, the cancer thing could balance itself out. Let's hope so.

Also: driving is dangerous, water is elusive. Electricity is iffy, bachata is loud. Doctors are swindlers and many people have bad breath.

Sosua, I miss you!


New member
Jan 15, 2002

As some one who is about to come out on their next scouting mission to the DR. I read the last 3 posts with interest and a bit of sadness. You 3 women seem to have had a few problems in the DR. Would any of these problems have happened elsewhere?
Jane J, i was in sosua last, it seemed like a fun place. But i can imagine you would be hit on alot. I was and i was with my girlfriend. She , i must say is a very beutiful blonde, so she also got alot of attention. But i never felt threatened by it. I agree, there must be corruption in the DR. I talked to people there about the government and they said there had been problems. But a new head is in now, do the people posting here think he will be better? I hope so. In y country , the UK, there is a saying in politics, i think it goes
" Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely". It goes on. Can i ask, is it more blatant in the DR?
What business were you running there?
As for some one in business now, i would say the hardest thing is finding good people anywhere.
Jan, where are staying at the moment? Have you found accomodation eassy to find? Are there places where there are more ex-patriates? What do you plan to do in the DR?

Jay, 30, male! UK


Santo Domingo Sammy
Jan 2, 2002
People are people

First I would like to get my two cents in,
I was just reading a post from the Canadian above, if we judge people by the acts of a few I would think all Canadians are just cheap!! they come to Florida come to our stores complainig their dollars arent good and want discounts!! they should be charged more if their dollars arent good!!
I have found some of the niciest people I have ever meet in my life here in the Dominican Republic,and they were from the poor class. Some oh my G-D were even Hustlers and prostitutes!!!
I few years ago I was running a resturant in an american run guest house and when I started to turn a profit they threw me and my dog out in the street. The people who helped me till I got on my feet again were some Poor Domincian Street people. at that time I had no where to turn they were their for me .I had went out on my own to try
to forge my way. these people got shelter for me and helped me
get back on my feet. this was over 30 years ago. Most of these
people are friends even today. I have many fine folks from Ingenia Quesqueya to San Cristobal to Santo Domingo. In sectors like Sabana Pierdida to Victoria. I have made friends (I feel true friends) as even at the time when I didnt have a lot of money , I never wanted for a Copa de Cafe or a sonrisa. I by the way am an US Citizen born (not raised ((ah ha )) ) . I have adopted The republic as my 2nd home. I dont write as fancy as some but my thoughts are: You recieve what you give. To me I have found my Paridise Island. And hey some of the problems like apagones bring people closer together!

I was told by one of my Domincan friends when I asked if he thought an American could make it living in the DR. He said most couldnt but you Sammy shez youd go to the Colomado buy your bag of rice and buy your beans youd be okay tu eres mas Domincano de nostros. (sorry cant write well in either language) .
So I really guess its all in your frame of mind. and where ever you go thats where you will be .
I while living in Florida I hope only temporarly . I have spent the major part of my last 37 yeears residing in the republic.
In fact I seem to feel more @ home in Santo Domingo then when im in Florida even though I was born there . La mejor amigos mio esta en La Republica LiL Sam


New member
Jan 1, 2002
lilsam you are so right. in my opinion Dominicans are not only the salt of the earth, they are the suger.



Almost Silver...
Jan 1, 2002
Re: MAXIPAD,AKA "Diaper Boy Wannabe"

Criss Colon said:
I want you to tell me all about that area! (Where I lived for 4 years!) "Sawadi" Khun Crop" Khun Chew Aray? Put that in your Thai "Bong" and smoke it! Criss Colon

The correct saying is Sawadi Khun Kah (what a chick or wannbe chick would say) REMEMBER the doctors have told you that you do not have enough testorone to address me as a "MAN". But then again the "lady-boys" addressed me the same way!!!! Maybe Criss Colon is just a Lady boy????.

Hey Criss remember this "Yo hansome GI, can I be yourrrr boom boom girl????

I told you Criss, Ican Ican p*ss with the big boys!!!!.



Jan 3, 2002
Santo Domingo Este
Well J...I got a great little apartment in Ensance Julietta..small 2 rooms..but its only $4500 pesos and everything but phone is included. Good quite neighborhood and my dog can be outside without worrying about the streets. It took me 3 days to find it and only had to pay 1 month security. And when I arived the first hotel i called permitted my dog to saty there til I found a place.
My job search was a bit more difficult..First I came during holiday and no one does anything curing December and beginning of Janurary. But I kept telling people I needed work because I had no clue how to find work..its not easy when you don't know much espa?ol. But I now have a job as a secretary and its a great job!I walk to work cause I have no car but its good exercise.
It isn't easy getting around when I have always had a car and am not used to public transportation,but I'm learning.
I do rely on my Dominicn friends alot and it does get frustrating when they do everything in "Dominican time" but its ok...I love this country for the slow pace(except for the driving) but I also get frustrated because of the slow pace when teying to conduct business.
But I love it here and I think I am adjusting fine..its not for everyone..but I never did what everyone else did anyhow!
I say "What have you got to lost if you try to live can always go back where you came from ,but youll always wonder about what if if you don't follow your dreams! Life is an adventure!Do what you dream!

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Way to go Jan!

I have "followed" your posts from the "beginning".I did not think you would "make it" here! You are a survivor of the first class! I respect "strength", and I respect strong women even more! Please keep us informed about your progress here in Santo Domingo. Don,t forget to include the "dificulties" so people won,t think that it is easy to survive here! Good Luck! Criss Colon


New member
Jan 23, 2002
0 new at this...i have no idea how i landed on this page...but, reading the messages that have been posted i'd like to say a few words...i was born and raised in DR...i moved to florida when i was 18 now and i still miss DR even though i have friends here. i'm in college now and i plan to move back right after i'm done with opinion on this whole subject is that if you are planning to move to some other country you should do some good researching. no country is perfect, and yes, DR is a very corrupt country, like many others. it is stupid to go to a place that you basically don't know anything about and expect everybody else to look after you. people will take advantage in DR...or in any other place. like someone mentioned before, DR is considered a "third world country"(although i don't like the label)...but, don't expect anything else than what you make of it.

"...que hago aqui? extra?o hasta los apagones..."


New member
Jan 15, 2002
Hats of to Jan

I totally agree, people go on about the slow pace of life in the DR, but if i wanted fast and furious, i'd go to NYC. Slow and chilled, friendly and beautiful, hot and wet, that sounds perfect to me at this time in my life.
Do what you dream. - i like that. I used to dream about going here and there, planned i made, things i was gonna do. But trust me, do dream, live! Do it now, i nearly didnt, i had a close shave a month ago and all i would have had left is dreams.
Jan, is that place u live in, in Santa Domingo? Did you have any contacts at all in the DR before you went. You sound very gutsy. What do you think my girls chances are of finding work in the DR, given your experience. She is 29 and an accountant.

Anyways, keep up the good posts u guys, Chris Colon, AZB, when i get over there im gonna invite you both round for a few beers! Now that will be an interesting evening!

Jay, coming soon


Jan 3, 2002
Santo Domingo Este
Thanks guy for the positive messages!
I think if your girl really wants a job here and if she just has a big mouth like me..I kept telling everyone I met that I needed work..and I did meet a lot of people.Sometimes I just went out walking with the sole intention of "friend finding". You definatly have to have an outgoing personality..and the big mouth helps also. My grandma always tells me I have diahrrea of the mouth!!
Its a pain walking to work everyday but then its good exercise. For my first interview I had white pants on and it started raining 5 min. before I got to the place! I had my umbrella but I was still soaked and my pants were aLL MUDDY! I looked and fealt terrible but still got the job!
I learn everyday..I just figured out what those big tanks were on the roofs of buildings...theyer for water when the power goes out! Always wondered how we had water when there was no electricity!
Oh..and the only people I knew here were people I met on the computer and from vacations here.It will be 2 years in april since I discovered Sto. Dgo. and I thank God everyday for letting me be here!


New member
Jan 15, 2002
big mouth

Have u and my girl met? u just described her to a T. Diarhria of the mouth, yes my girl has that , but thats a bonus i think when ur looking for work as you say.
So what r ur impressions of SD, what is the bar and club scene like? We are both 30 and like to party, so it better be good!



Jan 3, 2002
Santo Domingo Este
Can't tell you too much about the bar-club sceen. I can't afford to go out much. Pretty much when I want a beer I go to a Colmado and sit outside and talk with the people there. Its cheep and you meet the locals that way. I'm 42 and love to party but the only way I get out is when someone takes me and I have no clue where I am!! Sorry can't help you in that area much.
But I am happy doing what I'm doing. I have many friends here and usually have at least 1 visitor everyday at my home.
Been here for almost 3 months now, have some people that I concider very close friends,and of course my boyfriend...we have been together for almost 2 years now. Hes Dominican. Met him on vacation here...hes been here most of the time to help me. But hes not always bugging me and I can go out with other friends..and hes not jeslous of this. Which is a good thing cause he wouldnt be around long if he was!!


Jan 14, 2002
Wow man, that is some story. I have just one question for you if you dont mind.

Did she have a nice body at least? Firm breasts and a nice ass?

Please don't tell me you got ripped off by a fattie! That would be lower than low and I would hide my face in the sand. Getting taken from a star is a whole nother story. Makes it almost worth it.

If she wasnt a fattie, can I have her number?