New & Renewal Cedula, Residency Cards & Drivers License

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Aug 20, 2007
I would like to see a sticky for the above. I have no doubt that within the various threads there is all the information required, but trying to find it **!! I have just spent 45 minutes wading through the threads and yes I have learned a lot but I'm still not clear. What I would like to see is 4 sections for personal applicants.
1) New Cedula.
2) Renewing Cedula.
3) New residency card.
4) Renewing residency card.

Each section to show the steps:
Where to go.
What documents to take.
Hints & tips.

I presume it will have to be updated regularly.
The number of posters I have read all requesting this information and where to look whereas if it were all in one place life would be a lot simpler. None of the above to involve lawyers, please. No disrespect Mr Guzman.

Linda Stapleton

Well-known member
Jun 3, 2003
I was just about to start to search for this and was delighted to find this new will be wonderful when some of the answers can be provided. I know I have searched for it all before, and found it, but to have it all in one place would be extremely useful.

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el forastero

Oct 25, 2009

I did this today in TWELVE MINUTES !

Office hours: 8:00 am to 3:45pm, Monday thru Fridays. The busiest times are between 8 am and about noon. There was nobody else there when I went at 1:30pm on a Friday. If you have something to do down at Migracion, go there first, as Migracion closes at 3:00 pm, and then do your cedula in the afternoon.

They told me that the mornings are usually very busy and some days OOF, there are a ton of people there. For you out-of-towners, southbound traffic at the roundabout and south on Ave. Luperon is really heavy in the mornings with rush hour from about 7:00 to 9:15am.

Here's what you need to take along to renew your cedula at the JCE:
1. RD$1200 for renewals
2. Your old cedula
3. Your residency card (and it must be valid and not expired)
4. Your passport
5. A photocopy of your residency card which shows both the front and the back of the card on the same copy.
6. A nice smile and cheerful attitude.

JCE has a special office for extranjeros. It is located about 200 meters below the big roundabout located at the intersection of 27 de Febrero and Ave. Luperon. As you go south, or below, the big roundabout with the giant arch and Dominican flag, on Avenida Luperon, stick to the rightlane or the second lane from the outside so you don't fight traffic to get into the parking area.

You pass the big JCE offices on the right. Continuing on, next is a two story building with "PARQUEO" at the roofline, then a big blue warehouse-type building with a greenhouse-type addition along the front. After that is the JCE building for Extranjeros, with two tired looking flags in front. If you miss it and get to the intersection of Ave Betancourt with a stoplight, you went too far. Do a u-turn where you can and go back around the roundabout.

The parking lot is small, but just pull in. Most cars are for employees, but the watchyman will tell you where to park.

Inside the buildings front entry, take the steps to the second floor. Go left to the office with all windows and 4 or 5 employees and desks inside. Start smiling about 15 feet before you get to the door and they will be very welcoming. The boss will check your documents, give them back to you and then tell you to go across the central hallway to the cashier to pay your $1200. Tell the cashier you need to renew your cedula (they do other things too), and hand her your old cedula and $1200. She will give back your receipt and your documents.

Then go to the door to the right side of the first office and walk in (closed door with a sign that says "PHOTOS" but no need to knock). They will take your photo here. There are two (or more) people here to enter your data into the system. Sit down in a chair when invited and give them your documents and receipt.

They will enter the data and print out a proof sheet, and review all information with you to make sure it is correct. You then sign the proof, and then sign on an electronic signature unit. They will then direct you to first place your left index finger on a pad, and then the right index finger for entry into the system. Your new cedula will spit out in a minute or two.

Done ! Come back in 6 years.
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Linda Stapleton

Well-known member
Jun 3, 2003
Yes, I did mine on Wednesday, at around 3 p.m. and got through almost as quickly, about 20 minutes in total and a thoroughly easy experience with no-one else waiting.

One thing to bear in mind is that they will not and cannot renew your cedula until it has expired, i.e. you have to have passed your birthday on the year of expiry. I tried to renew mine earlier in the year, at the same time as my residency, but couldn't as it hadn't expired yet. However, they don't charge you for being overdue with it.

Unfortunately, my friends who were trying to renew their residencies did not have quite such a good experience and we spent nearly two days in Migration and still have to return, which isn't so great when you live on the north coast, but that's another story....the Cedula is by far the easier part of the process!


Aug 20, 2007
Well done Linda and el forastero! That's just what we want. Now all we lack is Residency and possibly, a secondary thought, Driving Licence. I know that this thread is not of much interest to holidaymakers and those interested parties who live abroad but all of us immigrants have to go through the nuisance of these targetas and licences and we all need help and reminders. Lets have a little more support from other ex pats.

el forastero

Oct 25, 2009

What you need:
1. Your old residency card
2. Your passport (you need to enter your passport number on the form)
3. If you are married to a dominican, you need to know your spouse's cedula number, although I got my new card without this information.
4. a ballpoint pen
5. Patience.

Where to go:

This is done at the main offices of Migracion located in Santo Domingo, at the intersection of Ave George Washington and Calle Heroes de Luperon. (This is the first intersection with a stoplight west of Ave Enrique Jiminez Moya (the bottom end of Winston Churchill) and Ave George Washington (the Malecon). They are open from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm, BUT they will only accept your paperwork for residency renewal until 11:00 am.

There is a large parking lot located behind the building, or you can park along the street. Lots of guys trolling the parking lot to "help" you and "watch" your car while inside. Lots of others hanging around the entrance offering to "help you" with your work inside.

Entering the front entrance (facing the sea), you need to go into the right side offices. The other side is for Passports only.

Buy the application form ("Formulario para la renovacion de mi residencia") at Window #9 for RD$100. A good place to fill it out is at the large counter in Reception outside in the main entrance., as long as you go off to one side, and tell the girls behind the counter how pretty they are.

The form asks for your first and middle names, ("NOMBRES" = your first and middle names), your last name(s) - ("APELLIDOS" = last name(s),) each of your parents names, your Dominican address, your passport number, your country of citizenship *"NACIONALIDAD"), and if it applies -your dominican spouses name and cedula number, etc.

Fill it out, turn it back in at Window #9 along with your old Residency card. Take a seat and wait about 45 minutes for them to review it and give authorization.

They will then call your name and you will pay the RD $2500 fee (and RD$2000 more for VIP service if you want fast service) plus any late fees if you are late in renewal, at Window #9. They will give you a numbered ticket and your paperwork.

You then then take the approved form and your receipt to Window #3. After about another 45 minutes they will call your ticket number for the photos. They usually call 3 numbers at the same time.

Go into the central hallway leading away from the center of the building and go to the first door on the left in this hallway. There is someone at this doorway who will direct you down a short hallway to wait in the hallway outside of the last door on the right side. If you don't speak Spanish, just hold all of your paperwork in front of you and they will point the way.

Queue up in the short hallway, and they will call "proximo" from the small room. They will take a front and side view, and then you go back out into the waiting area and take a seat (pet peeve = instead of hanging out in front of the hallway and gumming up the way for people to pass. There are a lot of people coming and going, and it doesn't help anyone trying to get through if there are 50 people standing around in the way.) Your new residency card will be ready in about 30 minutes and they will call your name.

A gentleman will come out of the central hallway with the latest batch of cards and will start calling names to come and collect their cards. If it's been about 30 minutes and you don't speak Spanish, just walk up to this area when the guy comes out, he will see your face and match it to the card and hand it to you.

CHECK THE INFORMATION ON YOUR NEW CARD BEFORE YOU LEAVE. Sometimes they do screw it up, and it needs to be correct. They used to have a hard time with using only three names and not four, and get them out of order.

I came in at 8:45, and walked out at 11:25. About as efficient as they can make it I guess.

I renewed my residency two months before it was due for expiration, and had no problems. The only difference was that I lost the two valid months remaining. The residency is good for 2 years, but after you have had residency for 10 years, they give you the option of longer renewals.
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el forastero

Oct 25, 2009
Twelve minutes and 10 hours of driving would be about the best that I could do to renew my Cedula. Perhaps some day in the future they could actually renew our Cedulas at the closest JCE office if they could ever figure out how to tie their data bases together and the government could get a clue. I know, wishful thinking. At least it doesn't have to be done often.

Windeguy, Dominicans can already get their cedulas renewed now in some of the Oficilia offices. Due probably to pressure from other countries, they force foreigners to come to one central office to get a cedula.

A cedula is a government issued primary form of identification. Just imagine what could happen if someone from Al Qaeda could bribe a JCE employee to give them a cedula and then they somehow fast-talked their way into the US while carrying a dirty bomb. The horror, and the fault would lie on the JCE's head. Or so they imagine.

By centralizing things at the JCE Extranjero offices, they can also watch out for scumbags, child molesters, Chinese people trying to sneak illegally into the US, etc

suarezn posted a great cartoon from Cristian Hernandez on this issue.

I put the blame on other governments pressure, and not the JCE for this one.


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
Lets end this here and keep on topic. Take it to PM's.

New & Renewal Cedula, Residency Cards & Drivers License, that's it, nothing more.

Now a "real" sticky :)

Linda Stapleton

Well-known member
Jun 3, 2003
Cost for Overdue Residency

Just one little extra bit of info to add, at present the cost for each month overdue with a residency renewal seems to be 250 pesos although I'm not sure if that also applies to part months.


Aug 20, 2007
Thank you Robert (if this is not too off topic!) At last I have done something useful on this Forum. Richard


On Vacation
Jan 12, 2006
Directions to Cedular Office for extranjeros

Thanks el forastero, your directions for the Cedular could not have been more perfect and exact.

Myself and WayToGo went there today and your directions were so good an instructional video could not have been more precise.




New member
Dec 15, 2008
Police report needed for Residency-Canadian

Well things had changed in March whereas Canadians and I would imagine others as well, need to have the police report from their home country and then apostilled.
My lawyer said literally she could not find a solution opposed to returning to Canada.
I then dealt direct with Canadian police authority over the phone, they say you can download the necessary forms online, fill out and have your embassy in SD confirm your identity, and fax direct to RCMP. Then RCMP says 2 day turnaround and they will either send/fax back to embassy our you can have someone pickup and courier to you $40 fee for report.Quick easy!!!
Tested this at SD embassy-first girl says we no longer do this and I dont/cant say why. I asked for someone in authority, waited and another girl said yes they can but must talk to the girl who said NO. Then of course was a NO again, 2nd girl was just a "yes" person. Again asked for someone of authority. Waited 30 minutes and spoke with someone who said rules again had changed over the past month and DR was getting tougher excepting these. She said they could do it but process is; First go to Police National on Mexico ave. get fingerprints done- get a certifed bank cheque for about 26cdn for Canadian receiver general- bring back to embassy, they will fax all to RCMP of your choice and upon completion, the Embassys job is done. They say then you need to have that form sent to the DR Embassy in Ottawa for apostille and somehow provide them with self addressed,post paid envelope so when its complete they will forward to you in the DR.
Embassy here cant seem to give any real solid guarantees all these processes will succeed, and they average time to receiving has gone from a few days when i spoke with RCMP to now up to 10 weeks.
The added process seems to be this DR embassy part in Canada which throws a true heavy "manana"=10 weeks into the mix.

Has anyone else found this or a better solution. It seems now just flying back and getting direct from RCMP is not much of solution either as still needs to go to DR embassy in Ottawa.
Must say from visiting Canadian embassies around the world-this seems the most un-Canadian one I have experienced. Not sure if they even have a Canadian worker there apart from the Embassador.

Any feedback??
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May 18, 2002
Does anybody know when the new (biometric cedulas) will come out? I turned my biometric data in in the beginning of 2009 and have not heard anything from "them" since then.


Moderator - North Coast Forum
Apr 3, 2009
Santiago DR
It seems like government agencies love to mentally torture their citizens, post #15...
What is a biometric cedulla? I just picked up my permanent (good for 6 years) yesterday with my permanent residence card in the capital. Are they supposed to look different?


On Vacation
Jan 12, 2006
It seems like government agencies love to mentally torture their citizens, post #15...
What is a biometric cedulla? I just picked up my permanent (good for 6 years) yesterday with my permanent residence card in the capital. Are they supposed to look different?

The answer is no WayToGo, even tho you got your card yesterday and they got the biometric data from you, they still gave you the old card.

Maybe someone in the government forgot to tell the personnel in the JCE Extranjero office about the new cards.



Oct 7, 2002
Dominican Republic
Did my renewal in a record-time of 3 hours! (VIP of course (RD$ 2,000 extra) Coming in Monday-morning at 8am and leaving at 11am! I was 6.5 months to late and had to pay a fine of 6 times RD$ 250.

And then came the surprise: they offered me to change the validity; instead of the normal 2 years, I could get 4, 6, 8 or a maximum of 10years for each 2 years RD$ 2,500 extra!!! Unfortunately I didn't bring enough cash so the limit was 6 years...but this is huge!! Imagine no need to go their for the next 10 years!!!

After this straight to the JCE (for extranjeros) and there I was outside within 10minutes (RD$ 1,200)

After these 2 "miracles" we went to Pacos to enjoy a cold Presidente and the "view"...


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Did my renewal in a record-time of 3 hours! (VIP of course (RD$ 2,000 extra) Coming in Monday-morning at 8am and leaving at 11am! I was 6.5 months to late and had to pay a fine of 6 times RD$ 250.

And then came the surprise: they offered me to change the validity; instead of the normal 2 years, I could get 4, 6, 8 or a maximum of 10years for each 2 years RD$ 2,500 extra!!! Unfortunately I didn't bring enough cash so the limit was 6 years...but this is huge!! Imagine no need to go their for the next 10 years!!!

After this straight to the JCE (for extranjeros) and there I was outside within 10minutes (RD$ 1,200)

After these 2 "miracles" we went to Pacos to enjoy a cold Presidente and the "view"...

so your Residency AND Cedula been due to expire together?
lucky so just one ride around St Dgo needed.,
'cause Residency card expires the Day issued, Cedular every 6 Years on Your B-Day, independend at which Day the first one been issued.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR

I did this today in TWELVE MINUTES !

Office hours: 8:00 am to 3:45pm, Monday thru Fridays. The busiest times are between 8 am and about noon. There was nobody else there when I went at 1:30pm on a Friday. If you have something to do down at Migracion, go there first, as Migracion closes at 3:00 pm, and then do your cedula in the afternoon.

They told me that the mornings are usually very busy and some days OOF, there are a ton of people there. For you out-of-towners, southbound traffic at the roundabout and south on Ave. Luperon is really heavy in the mornings with rush hour from about 7:00 to 9:15am.

Here's what you need to take along to renew your cedula at the JCE:
1. RD$1200 for renewals
2. Your old cedula
3. Your residency card (and it must be valid and not expired)
4. Your passport
5. A photocopy of your residency card which shows both the front and the back of the card on the same copy.
6. A nice smile and cheerful attitude.

JCE has a special office for extranjeros. It is located about 200 meters below the big roundabout located at the intersection of 27 de Febrero and Ave. Luperon. As you go south, or below, the big roundabout with the giant arch and Dominican flag, on Avenida Luperon, stick to the rightlane or the second lane from the outside so you don't fight traffic to get into the parking area.

You pass the big JCE offices on the right. Continuing on, next is a two story building with "PARQUEO" at the roofline, then a big blue warehouse-type building with a greenhouse-type addition along the front. After that is the JCE building for Extranjeros, with two tired looking flags in front. If you miss it and get to the intersection of Ave Betancourt with a stoplight, you went too far. Do a u-turn where you can and go back around the roundabout.

The parking lot is small, but just pull in. Most cars are for employees, but the watchyman will tell you where to park.

Inside the buildings front entry, take the steps to the second floor. Go left to the office with all windows and 4 or 5 employees and desks inside. Start smiling about 15 feet before you get to the door and they will be very welcoming. The boss will check your documents, give them back to you and then tell you to go across the central hallway to the cashier to pay your $1200. Tell the cashier you need to renew your cedula (they do other things too), and hand her your old cedula and $1200. She will give back your receipt and your documents.

Then go to the door to the right side of the first office and walk in (closed door with a sign that says "PHOTOS" but no need to knock). They will take your photo here. There are two (or more) people here to enter your data into the system. Sit down in a chair when invited and give them your documents and receipt.

They will enter the data and print out a proof sheet, and review all information with you to make sure it is correct. You then sign the proof, and then sign on an electronic signature unit. They will then direct you to first place your left index finger on a pad, and then the right index finger for entry into the system. Your new cedula will spit out in a minute or two.

Done ! Come back in 6 years.

quiet different here in Bavaro, I did my renewal last week.
the office is at the Friusa Crossing in the Building of Plaza Tronco, 2nd Floor, large Signs out in front.
it took 3 minutes at all and Cedula Renewalfor Dominicans and residents is for FREE!!!
required documentation to bring:
* up to Date Residency card, no copy needed, they just want to see Your Card and the expiration date
* old expired Cedula card
while he types your cedula number on the keybord with one hand he points you in front of the Camera with the other hand and takes the shot, 2 electronic finger prints, the electronic signature, DONE.
I asked what I owe and the answer been "Cedula renewals are FREE!!!
he handed me my stuff and i went on my way.
the printer started to run the same moment I finished my electronic Signature.
friendly, quick and Free.


Oct 7, 2002
Dominican Republic
quiet different here in Bavaro, I did my renewal last week.
the office is at the Friusa Crossing in the Building of Plaza Tronco, 2nd Floor, large Signs out in front.
it took 3 minutes at all and Cedula Renewalfor Dominicans and residents is for FREE!!!
required documentation to bring:
* up to Date Residency card, no copy needed, they just want to see Your Card and the expiration date
* old expired Cedula card
while he types your cedula number on the keybord with one hand he points you in front of the Camera with the other hand and takes the shot, 2 electronic finger prints, the electronic signature, DONE.
I asked what I owe and the answer been "Cedula renewals are FREE!!!
he handed me my stuff and i went on my way.
the printer started to run the same moment I finished my electronic Signature.
friendly, quick and Free.


I went there 2 years ago for the renewal(they told me it was free too) and I had to come back 4 months later...did that: they didn't have it.
Came back year later; no, we don't have it....
So that's why I went to SD.... RD$ 1,200 down the drain, however I like it to be in some civilized area from time to time...Bavaro is so....
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