Dogs have to look for their own shelter,Even my dogs are refusing to leave the house because of the cold rain. Mid March!
but my 11 1/2 years ole Baby/Chihuahua 1kilo lady Lucy has since most of the lasting WINTER the allowance to sleep under the sabana of Daddy.
Wifey doesn't like that always, but hey, my wifey is always free to sleep in the bed of our daughter or in one of the guest beds, lol.
There are preferences to set, as always in life.
Just yesterday we burried on my buddy's Finca his Chihuahua male "Cabecita", who been a joy with us for 23 very long years.
Honestly, I had never in my life a wifey to stay 23years with me, 23 years of unquestioned loyalty.
so betya there are "priorities' set in this household.