Odebrecht scandal


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Two jokes going round:
The names are in Portuguese
They will release the nombres but still need to investigate the apellidos.


Jul 10, 2004
There is a screaming cat in a bag and they want to keep it inside until it dies?

Only in the DR.

Maybe they are allowing people to purchase same day plane tickets.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Naw, they are negotiating on who are going to be the fall guys, and the fall guys are negotiating how big the pay off and will it be house arrest......etc.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
I tend to believe that if names are released they will be fall guys as Bob stated. There is no reason why it should take this long..


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
I tend to believe that if names are released they will be fall guys as Bob stated. There is no reason why it should take this long..

How long do you think translating thousands of documents from Portuguese to Spanish will take?

And just think back, over enthusiastic prosecutions with public disclosures have done little in DR to date as far as convictions are concerned.

Maybe that is all people really want? Names and no prosecutions.

Let it play out and then we can really speculate.


Jul 9, 2010
Naw, they are negotiating on who are going to be the fall guys, and the fall guys are negotiating how big the pay off and will it be house arrest......etc.

Exactly. Some are going to have to take the fall for big boys. What is sad in all of this is that services like electricity and water are still twentieth century and showing little improvement yet the PLD can siphon off money at the expense of the public. Nothing has changed in the DR in the last 30 years. Yes, the infrustructure has improved but the politics has not. This government wants to appear as a Democracy but at the cost of lining their own pockets. DR Gov officials have perfercted the art of bribe and cover up. It will get to a point that the public will no longer buy the BS and force changes. Let's hope this is a wake up call and violence will not be needed in enact change.


Jul 10, 2004
Translating thousands of documents from Portuguese to Spanish in the DR. None of us are likely to still be alive by the time that is done.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast



Jul 9, 2010
The DR Attorney General continues his stall tactics in getting out the names of those involved. It has gotten to the point that it is almost comical the lengths they will go to protect the big wigs involved. You know the names on this list are not flunkies. Only the top of the administration would be dipping into this illegal pool of money. I will be very surprised if anyone in the Presidents inner circle will be exposed.


Jan 12, 2010
I do not think any Attorney General can name people publicly who may just have been involved in the introduction of Odebrecht or the tender process or their continued work here . There has to be due diligence . Lobbyists around the world make money by introducing clients to government ministers and officers and they get bonuses paid on success . A contract in this sort of work would also include a formula to be used for variations to the original contract and there would be many changes during the life of various contracts such as new culverts, new exits , changed routes and so on . It is a very difficult task to actually work out what monies that this Brazilian company paid out was actually to bribe and who accepted it . So far the names that I see on the leaked list were mainly lawyers .


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
No idea Kipling but DR1 News reported El Nacional the other day and:

It was also revealed that the Justice Department already has a list of a series of arrest warrants that could be executed at any moment over the next week against those who are implicated in this great bribery case. 

El Nacional newspaper cites unnamed sources who have said the case file is practically ready and they are only working on a few details prior to beginning the arrests and the arraignment before the courts. 

I suspect Diario Libre may be referring to these such reports in relation to the refurbishment of the said prison cells which is also reported in other newspapers.


The air conditioning is being refurbished too so any potential guests are in luck.


Jan 12, 2010
Actually I think it was Acento that had a list of names that I saw . And that list had people close to politicians which would be logical of course .. The work that Odebrecht has completed is in the high millions of dollars if not more than a billion.I have not the figure. The main concern that I had was that at least one very large contract , or maybe two , was not awarded by a tender process . But ,even that is not so abnormal in the world , because companies can be chosen on the basis of past work and specific expertise.
Let us look at the Coral Highway, for example , that was stalling for many years and then, through a God made technicality, Odebrecht got the job and also the work between Bavaro and Sabana de la mar ..what a fantastic job they did..I could not believe my eyes when I saw all the equipment they had between Miches and Sabana and the speed and the quality of the work they did .There are numerous other points in the matter of Odebrecht. The DR is not like the USA nor Europe and we do not have a large civil construction companies that build roads, bridges, airports . Nor do I imagine that the DR government had specialist estimators that could evaluate work and variations .
Odebrecht obviously pressed for as much work as possible here whilst they had the machinery and management here and they no doubt used all channels to get the work.. I wonder if the DR was the loser. I personally think not.


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
5 billion actually:


(Click on the pdf link in the link to get the list of contracts and it looks like this excludes variations)

Which is no small amount.

Were they any cheaper than large international contractors working in the region and there are plenty?

They won virtually everything and the variations were massive so transparently the Dominican people should be given answers and more so because this same company has been proven to have exploited, corrupted and overcharged in at least another dozen countries.

They presumably worked on the assumption that in this country anything goes and may still go.
Last edited:


Jan 12, 2010
many international civil engineering companies in DR

5 billion actually:


(Click on the pdf link in the link to get the list of contracts and it looks like this excludes variations)

Which is no small amount.

Were they any cheaper than large international contractors working in the region and there are plenty?

They won virtually everything and the variations were massive so transparently the Dominican people should be given answers and more so because this same company has been proven to have exploited, corrupted and overcharged in at least another dozen countries.

They presumably worked on the assumption that in this country anything goes and may still go.

Can you name other international civil engineering companies working in the DR .. I have not seen them . There was a Colombian company that was hopeless but others?? The variations were great and you can still see some of the variations that were made on different routes but I fear this was the fault of the Dominican planning and engineering companies . All contracts have a formula for costing variations and these are high. If the total was 5 billion, then 92 million is pretty small bickies . Still it will be interesting to see who got the money and whether it was bribes or retainers.