President Jovenel Moïse assassinated in the night in his private residence


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2019
This from NPR:
"Elite commandos" these fools were probably cooks and forklift operators. No skilled soldier is going to walk into an ambush yelling "DEA" . X soldiers are a dime a dozen and smart enough to know a set up. Hoodlums looking for some cash is what they are.


Jul 10, 2004
1. The assassination of Haiti’s president has thrown the nation into disarray.​
Shootouts have erupted in the streets of Port-au-Prince, and terrified citizens have been cowering in their homes after President Jovenel Moïse was gunned down in his residence on Wednesday. At least 20 people — 18 Colombians and two Haitian Americans — have been detained in the attack. One told his sister he was there to protect, not to kill, shortly before he died in the bloody aftermath.​
The Haitian authorities have asked the U.S. to send troops to stabilize the country. But the Biden administration showed no immediate enthusiasm for sending even a limited American force. Some in Haiti quickly criticized the request, citing other foreign interventions that left a trail of abuses.​
Moïse’s assassination sparked dueling claims to power and exposed an even more complex, less visible battle among some of Haiti’s kingmakers. One lawmaker’s luxury villa in Montreal has become an emblem of the gap between Haiti’s impoverished citizens and its political elite.​
Above is from a daily NY Times email.


Dec 11, 2003
,,,"Jimmy Cherizier, a former cop known as Barbecue who heads the so-called G9 federation of nine gangs, railed against police and opposition politicians whom he accused of colluding with the "stinking bourgeoisie" to "sacrifice" Moise this week.

"It was a national and international conspiracy against the Haitian people," he said in a video address, dressed in khaki military fatigues and sitting in front of a Haitian flag.

"We tell all bases to mobilize, to mobilize and take to the streets for light to be shed on the president's assassination.""...



Jul 10, 2004
,,,"Jimmy Cherizier, a former cop known as Barbecue who heads the so-called G9 federation of nine gangs, railed against police and opposition politicians whom he accused of colluding with the "stinking bourgeoisie" to "sacrifice" Moise this week.

"It was a national and international conspiracy against the Haitian people," he said in a video address, dressed in khaki military fatigues and sitting in front of a Haitian flag.

"We tell all bases to mobilize, to mobilize and take to the streets for light to be shed on the president's assassination.""...

Maybe they will uncover the truth. And find out where Jimmy Hoffa was buried and who killed the Kennedy's as well.

I won't hold my breath for the actual answer to surface.


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
,,,"Jimmy Cherizier, a former cop known as Barbecue who heads the so-called G9 federation of nine gangs, railed against police and opposition politicians whom he accused of colluding with the "stinking bourgeoisie" to "sacrifice" Moise this week.

"It was a national and international conspiracy against the Haitian people," he said in a video address, dressed in khaki military fatigues and sitting in front of a Haitian flag.

"We tell all bases to mobilize, to mobilize and take to the streets for light to be shed on the president's assassination.""...

Seems that my prediction of a single strongman to take control of Haiti is taking shape, much sooner than I’d anticipated in the best scenario.

Imagine, the people already had big problems with Moise existing tenure, and now you have three to four career politicians putting their hands fully into the cookies jar.

This guy controls (for now) the strongest gangs in the capital region. His words carry more weight than the entire Haitian government stragglers.

An explosion of violence and lawlessness is soon to take hold in Haiti.

This is the calm before the storm…


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2019
,,,"Jimmy Cherizier, a former cop known as Barbecue who heads the so-called G9 federation of nine gangs, railed against police and opposition politicians whom he accused of colluding with the "stinking bourgeoisie" to "sacrifice" Moise this week.

"It was a national and international conspiracy against the Haitian people," he said in a video address, dressed in khaki military fatigues and sitting in front of a Haitian flag.

"We tell all bases to mobilize, to mobilize and take to the streets for light to be shed on the president's assassination.""...

LMAO Love it !! A former cop nicknamed "Barbecue" ......"military fatigues", 30 y/o terminology (its "BDU"s Battle Dress Uniforms). I think Barbecue should be the next President. He has my full support. Is he a member of the Beef or Pork party?


Dec 11, 2003
..."Two former high-ranking government officials in Haitian President Jovenel Moïse’s administration and an ex-cop turned influential gang leader have been sanctioned by the Trump administration for their involvement in a 2018 Haiti massacre that left scores dead, homes torched and families in a low-income Port-au-Prince neighborhood displaced.

Jimmy Cherizier, known as “Barbecue,” Fednel Monchery and Joseph Pierre Richard Duplan were sanctioned Thursday by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, the agency in charge of enforcing U.S. sanctions, for their role in the La Saline massacre. Monchery and Duplan were senior officials in Moïse’s administration when they allegedly spearheaded the killings and were only eventually fired after pressure from Haitian civil society.

The trio has been sanctioned under the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the United States is using these sanctions along with the Department of State’s 7031(c) visa restriction to promote accountability and deter human-rights abuses and corruption in Haiti and elsewhere."...

Read more here:
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Dec 11, 2003
It appears that only Felix Bautista and family from the DR are under Magnitsky Sanctions..
Under that act, the US (and other global signatories) can deny visas and seize any property on deposit in their countries.


Jul 10, 2004


Police say suspect in killing of Haiti’s Moïse planned to assume presidenc​

Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier, a powerful Haitian gang boss, urged protests of the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse on July 10, risking more chaos. (Reuters)
By Widlore Merancourt
Samantha Schmidt

July 11, 2021|Updated yesterday at 9:56 p.m. EDT 413
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Authorities said Sunday they have arrested a Haitian man suspected of playing a leading role in the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, allegedly recruiting some of the assailants by telling them they would be his bodyguards.

Police said Christian Emmanuel Sanon, 63, planned to assume the presidency and hire some of the men as his security team. Sanon is reportedly a doctor with long-standing ties to Florida.
The announcement of his arrest came as senior FBI and Department of Homeland Security officials arrived in Haiti Sunday to discuss how the United States might assist after Moïse’s killing last week.
National Police Chief Léon Charles said Sanon landed in Haiti on a private plane in early June with “political objectives” and recruited a team through a Venezuelan security firm based in the United States. The team’s mission changed when one member was presented with an arrest warrant for Moïse.
The president was shot to death July 7 by what authorities have described as a team of commandos at his home in Port-au-Prince.
A convoy of vehicles carrying unidentified members of a Haitian diplomatic delegation makes its way to the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince on Sunday. (Valerie Baeriswyl/AFP/Getty Images)
Sporadic gunfire erupted in Port-au-Prince over the weekend, piercing the relative calm that followed Moïse’s killing as violent gangs threatened to fill the power vacuum in a country that now has no clear leader. One powerful gang leader called his followers to the streets as residents shuttered their doors against the possibility of more bloodshed in a city already terrorized by criminal violence.

In the mystery and confusion immediately after Moïse’s assassination, the gangs gave the city something of a reprieve from the torrent of gunfire that has killed hundreds this year. But while answers remain elusive — the motive for the president’s killing remains unclear, and at least four men have claimed they’re in charge now — the peace has now been broken.
The city’s most powerful gang leader, Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier, called followers into the streets in the coming days to demand “justice against this cowardly assassination carried out by foreign mercenaries in the country.” In a video message Saturday, the self-styled revolutionary asked other gang leaders to join him in the violence.
In Haiti, coronavirus and a man named Barbecue test the rule of law
One resident of the Port-au-Prince neighborhood of Martissant, a journalist in his 20s, spoke of fleeing if conditions worsen.

“Anyone who stays in Martissant can be a victim any time,” said the man, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of fear for his safety. Anyone who chooses to take the road knows there are three possibilities: Either you die, you’re wounded or you get home safe.”
The four men claiming leadership of the government include acting prime minister Claude Joseph and Ariel Henry, a neurosurgeon whom Moïse appointed prime minister two days before his death. On Friday, members of the country’s nonfunctioning Senate voted to name the body’s leader, Joseph Lambert, as Haiti’s acting president. In February, one faction of the opposition declared Supreme Court Judge Joseph Mécène Jean-Louis interim president.
In Haiti, rivals claw for power as crisis escalates after assassination
Joseph, who has been recognized internationally but challenged at home, has asked the United States and the United Nations to send troops to help provide security. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said Sunday the request was under review.

“We’re analyzing it, just like we would any other request for assistance here at the Pentagon,” he told “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace.
Asked by Wallace whether the events in Haiti are a matter of U.S. national security, he said: “I don’t know that we’re at a point now where we can say” that.
“But, clearly, we value our Haitian partners,” Kirby said. “We value stability and security in that country. And that’s why we want to send a team down there today to help them get their arms around exactly what happened and what’s the best way forward.”
U.S. officials have pressed Joseph to keep his pledge to hold elections scheduled for September. But many here argue that elections are impossible while the gangs still rule the streets.
Visual timeline: The assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse
Cherizier and his alliance of gang leaders, called the G9 Family and Allies, say they’re engaged in a revolution to liberate Haiti from a corrupt wealthy and political class. Human rights organizations had accused Moïse of maintaining links to Cherizier.

In his video message, in which he appeared in fatigues before a Haitian flag, he targeted the country’s Syrian and Lebanese business owners, whom he said “hold this country and its economy hostage.” He said they should leave the country: “Today, it’s time that folks who looks like us own supermarkets in this country. It’s time that we own car dealerships and banks.”
He said his followers would “practice what we call legitimate violence.”
“If they shoot on us, you know what to do,” he said. “You are not children.”
Assassination of Haitian president becomes complex international web
Gangs controlling neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince have blocked roads to the southern part of Haiti and disrupted gasoline distribution and commerce across the nation. More than 13,000 people in the capital are thought to have fled their homes, according to the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Some people and businesses are using boats to circumvent the Martissant area altogether.

On Saturday, hundreds of Haitian citizens held up passports in front of the U.S. Embassy in Tabarre to ask for asylum.
Earlier Saturday, an audio clip appeared on the Twitter account of first lady Martine Moïse, who was wounded in the attack that killed her husband and is now receiving treatment in Florida. It was described as a message from the first lady.
“In a blink of an eye, mercenaries entered my home and riddled my husband with bullets,” Moïse says in the recording. She urged Haitians to continue his fight for Haiti.
Haitian officials have described the assailants as a hit squad of 28 people, including Colombian former soldiers and their two Haitian American interpreters.

Sanon was identified by the Miami Herald as a longtime doctor in Florida who has registered more than a dozen businesses in the state. Police said two other people have been implicated in the alleged scheme as “intellectual authors” of the assassination, but did not name them. Police last week arrested two Haitian Americans who allegedly worked as translators for the team; they have now taken at least 21 people into custody, most of them Colombians.
‘Nothing is working’: Haiti’s chaos seen from behind the locked gates of one man’s home
A U.S. government official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the matter, expressed doubt about the authenticity of the recording of the first lady.

“Given the injury she sustained and the timing of when the audio was released, it’s questionable whether she would have been in a medical state to record such an audio clip,” the official said.

But a Haitian government official told The Washington Post that he spoke with a member of the first lady’s security team at her Miami hospital to confirm the message’s authenticity.
The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of fear of escalating the violence, said he worried about the days leading up to the president’s funeral, which has yet to be scheduled.
“At this moment, we’re trying to keep the country calm,” he said.
Schmidt reported from Washington. Anthony Faiola in Miami contributed to this report.
Read more:
Haitian President Jovenel Moïse assassinated at his home by unidentified gunmen
What to know about Haiti
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Feb 20, 2016



["The US is just now getting out of Afghanistan after 20 years. 60,000 Americans were killed in Viet Nam. What was accomplished in those conflicts?
No way the US will get involved in the Haitian mess. And without the US, I doubt any others will."] End quote

Nothing was accomplished.
Governments use their own citizens as political tools, nothing more than political ploys.

The lie always is, that the fighters are defending their country, families and way of life.

In the end the soldiers are just supporting their comrades fighting for unit integrity, trying to stay alive.

Haitians have been abused by successive Haitian governments.
A once fertile part of the Island of Hispaniola has been denuded and the soil depleted.
It will be a major task to turn Haiti into a viable country with proper structures.

At the same time the world is fighting regional wars and covid.
Supply chains have been disrupted, food costs are at all-time highs.
Emerging countries especially are hit by rising food costs.

Haiti faces a monumental task, exacerbated by international reluctance for military and monetary involvement.
Past records for Haitian aid do not bode well.
Haiti and Cuba could form a goverment of a new country....the Haitian/ cuban republic ..............
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JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Cuba is another one where big changes are coming.


Nov 9, 2006
I hope you're right. I have my doubts.

These new protests started quickly and are growing fast. It will depend how quick and brutally the communists crack down. But that may not end the protests. Hard to tell at this point, remember how it went in Venezuela? The people got beat back and gave up.
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