Safest city/region in the DR


Jan 18, 2012
off topic alert...

I don't really care about swiss cheese

I don't really care about swiss chocolate, (ok... well maybe a little. lol)

I don't really care about numbered accounts, (which stopped being private when the swiss banks gave into U.S. IRS threats)

I don't really care about the swiss guard, (but their wild outfits are a cool addition to the Vatican)

THE BEST "SWISS" THING is the SWISS ARMY POCKET KNIFE. I carry one 24/7 and have gone through several in my lifetime. And DON'T buy the "Wenger" crappy knock-off.... buy ONLY the Victorinox brand.

If I must be "on topic"... let's just say that while the SA pocket knife is a great tool, it's not gonna help with security or safety in the D.R. Buy a shot gun. (doesn't have to be swiss) (I knew I could find a tie in to the topic if I tried hard enough. LOL)
Now that everyone is talking about Swiss Cheese....
I want Turkey, Swiss Cheese, lettuces and sliced tomato on a rye with heavy dose of mustard...
If anybody can give me two....
You can keep the chocolate....