I bought the Larimar plan in September. I've heard only good things about SeNaSa, about how it's the best, etc. So the plan is 80k a year for a family of four people. We haven't had to use it yet until today, my wife has the flu and wanted to see a doctor for consultation. The doctor is listed on their website as "in network" and supposedly it's supposed to be covered, but maybe there's copay or something. She went there and
the doctors says no, SeNaSa is just basic insurance that doesn't cover anything and he won't accept it. So my wife gives him 2500 for the consultation (I now wish I would have gone along, I would have told him to take a flying leap at a rolling donut.) But anyway, has anybody used this insurance? I'm wondering if this is just a fluke on the first visit or if it's actually worthless. According to their marketing material it has reasonable coverage, relative to the price. She called them and they told her she needs to go their office and get a book of providers. Their website is not up to date but their printed book is? I could believe that in the 1990's.
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