Sosua Beach Unions Want More Involvement

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Jun 17, 2005
Its already happening like at Playa Chiquita Disco at night . ( according to these video guys ).
The Disco used to be ONE place where mostly ATTRACTIVE Young Women would congregate , at least in like Santo Domingo .
not at P C . disco

Its kind of sad that Point and Clicking these Spandex lard asses is all these dudes seem to know . Zero game .
It never occurred to them to NETWORK a little bit on Feyboo ? an absolute Gold Mine for them , and then everyone could be happy .
Those Fat bottom girls Strolling on OUR beloved Sosua Beach , for absolutely no reason other than to provide Eye Candy to these dudes , really is an eye sore to the rest of the population.
We all know who is way over feeding them .

Be never, ever took any game. A fat wallet was all that was required. Outside of Sosua, it helped to speak a bit of Spanish. I suppose it is still true.

The beach for me was always a place to get away from the hassle. Peace on the beach.
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JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
The problem is demand.

The really attractive women can literally pick and choose among thousands of followers, whereas the Spandex girls have a fraction of what the lookers have.
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Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
While playing music over the years, I have met far more than several. The number is growing substantially on the north coast while tourism has steadily been lost to Punt Cana. Inflation has hit everywhere, including the north coast.

I have no idea if there are any nails going into coffins. Why would trying to make improvements to Sosua kill Sosua?
Dominicans will still go to the beach and bring their own bottles as well, just like before.

I do know that Sosua did not disappear during the pandemic. Why would changing the beach cause the demise of Sosua any more than almost no external tourism has already done?
I do not think these improvements are going to kill Sosua at all and certainly not in the long run.
Perhaps I should have been more specific. If these vendors are forced to close temporarily or relocate
when they start working, I do think it will be the nail in the coffin for many of them along with some of
the other businesses who rely heavily on the tourist who visit them.

I agree with you (tho it really doesn't need to be said) Sosua did not disappear during the pandemic
and last time I checked, the beach isn't going anywhere either. I am still very curious as to why the
developer/ government has not released any plans to the public regarding how these works may or
may not impact the "atmosphere"/ businesses once the construction starts.
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Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
The problem is demand.

The really attractive women can literally pick and choose among thousands of followers, whereas the Spandex girls have a fraction of what the lookers have.
You mean to tell me little hotties like this one are gonna to have to find other pastures to graze in?



Jun 16, 2014
I am still very curious as to why the
developer/ government has not released any plans to the public regarding how these works may or
may not impact the "atmosphere"/ businesses once the construction starts.
I think it's because if they release actual architectural plans and drawings of the plazas, the vendors will quickly realize that there is not enough space for all of them.


Dec 12, 2009
Blue Collar Town in New Jersey

This dudes Videos are getting more and more CREEPY every day .
even following women into stores now with his phone , making these idiotic Zero Value videos about Sosua ..

This is what is now considered CONTENT Video Vlogging and Promoting SOSUA ?

Note the TITLE of the video .

No wonder the Powers that be want these dudes OUT of town .
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Frequent Flyer
Jan 7, 2021
I think it's because if they release actual architectural plans and drawings of the plazas, the vendors will quickly realize that there is not enough space for all of them.
Collado had images of the drawings on his Instagram video last week.
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