That's what's so great about the Darwin Awards. Those who receive the honour, are being acknowledged for their part in placing themselves in a particular situation usually culminating with a spectacular outcome.
If frying a turkey regardless of how careful you are (entropy is a real thing) is worth the potential physical harm or destruction of property, then have at it. My oven works just fine and the potential for an explosion is the same for a turkey as it is for a tray of cookies. I don't have a need or desire to deep fry my turkey twice a year. I accept that others feel differently; Yet I still feel justified shaking my head at the potential price of a dinner and several meals of left-overs.
To the people who feel the need to fling themselves off high places for kicks, I feel you, but likewise choose not to do that myself either as gravity can be a drag. I can't control gravity but I can ensure I am not needlessly subject to its full effect where it and the ground meet.
I am sure the burn wards in this country are just top-notch.
Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it a month late.