I used a bad anology?
Maybe I should have said Mother Teresa...:glasses:
You're a fun guy, cobra.
Cobra: But why do I have to be a plural?
I used a bad anology?
Maybe I should have said Mother Teresa...:glasses:
I was told today during a visit that the buyers were from Florida, New York and also others that had already purchased in Punta Cana. Most of the buyers purchased individual units. This was the stage one release of the project and it had no international marketing. Stage 2 and stage 3 on the ocean front are yet to come where there will be more marketing done.
All of the condos being built on the ocean side of the highway have Ocean Front views ( no second row of buildings behind them. The Punta Cana buyers had reportedly joked that they will have a real "ocean view" as opposed to the sliver of the ocean that they can see in Punta Cana from their current properties in that location.
Above and beyond the planned buildings on the ocean side, the original Punta Goleta resort will be demolished and replaced with a 7 story apartment building, some free standing houses, a conference center, restaurants, tennis courts, bungalows at the back of the property and more. This appears to be a very ambitious project. "Luxury priced" is the bottom line here. The owner is a Dominican from Santiago. I am sorry but I don't recall his name.
BTW: Most notable families of Santiago (the poor ones that only have, you guess it!) did come hard against the proposed light rail in Santiago...One of our strongest allies is the J. Armando Bermudez firm and family. Along with Ochoa and others...
It was because of this why the proposed light rail at street level was shut down 100%...
BTW: Most notable families of Santiago (the poor ones that only have, you guess it!) did come hard against the proposed light rail in Santiago...
They think, me included, that Santiago must be kept as it's until we're able to safeguard most of our cultural patrimony and architecture.
If the rail was placed as proposed, many disturbing changes will occur to the City's view, one that we all cherish just as it is now...
So far, the muscle has worked, and the local authorities have backed down; still, much needs to be addressed before even the only accepted option, of an underground rail system, is backed by all the private finances that such families carry in Santiago...
We Santiageros love our small city just as it's; it has been proposed and pursued that, the City center be banned of any edification contrary to the already existent colonial architecture. The plans call for the vertical growth of the City to be most desirable in the limits of the old downtown and outer areas...
One of our strongest allies is the J. Armando Bermudez firm and family. Along with Ochoa and others...
It was because of this why the proposed light rail at street level was shut down 100%...
Let's keep Santiago as it is, and bring back the charm of La Ciudad Corazon!
.SANTIAGO/Rep?blica Dominicana.- Ante la propuesta del s?ndico Jos? Enrique Sued Sem de un tranv?a, que ser?a construido por una firma espa?ola con una posible concesi?n a 20 a?os, como soluci?n para el problema de la congesti?n del transito en Santiago se han levantado varias voces a favor y en contra.
Por un lado, los sindicalistas del transporte urbano como Domingo Mat?as, secretario general de la Ruta K, ven el proyecto del tranv?a como una utop?a del s?ndico y advierte que de ninguna manera aceptar?an ser desplazados de las rutas en las que han prestado servicios por m?s de 40 a?os
sorry dude but there isn't a recession Yet.We can all see the Recession of 2008 hitting in the USA - no debate necessary!
So, ...
my 3 questions are:
1. Whether recession in the USA automatically spells disaster for the DR. Or could there be some benefits?
2. Either way, what effects might we start seeing?
3. And...Has anyone seen effects so far?
I am just wondering. It may not be ALL bad in the DR. For example, if folks can't afford a house in the USA and lose it - maybe they'll look for one abroad. And I suppose a recession in Canada would reak more havoc down south!
'Just throwing it out there for thoughtful debate.
Thank you,
Sammy - concerned for the country of my Suenos (DR)
Perhaps I'd misunderstood, but I thought the light railway project was originally proposed and to be funded privately by some of these same 'notable' families of Santiago that built the Santiago airport (Bermudez, Rosario, Garcia, Clase, etc...)?
This thread has gotten off "track" but I must answer the above.
According to the following article the tramway for Santiago is still on track. There are studies being made that should be ready in the first months of this year. Much complaint for the tram is coming from the transportation syndicalist like Domingo Mat?as and others. As far as the "elite" families that PICHARDO likes to constantly talk about, the article mentions nothing, nada about them. If PICHARDO keeps this up those elite families that according to him prefer to be anonymous and discrete will probably put a contract out on him.....for he keeps exposing them.......
Voces a favor y en contra del tranv?a en Santiago
sorry dude but there isn't a recession Yet.
I'm not sure this is totally correct. The Fed meets constantly to adjust rates both up and down. Like all economic data, theirs is retrospective, but they DO get more and better data, quicker, than about any other body of analysts.Sadly but truth, our economy depends much on the little people than the big pockets. So far the FED has only used the airwaves to shoo the politicians into the bag, but I see no real plan from anybody there to use rate cuts in steps to control the surging inflation as well...
This is a direct reflection of Consumer Confidence.I'm hoping you are right. The sub-prime disaster was created by the greed of the banks, and the unrealistic dreams of people of owning a house priced well beyond their means.
I don't see prices dropping. First of all, I'm not sure a real supply/demand maket exists in the DR in the purest sense. The fact that Gringo Prices exist for almost everything speaks to that. The price of real estate goes up when a foreign face shows up to look at a property (I've personally experienced that).I fully agree with your assessment. I wish I had some extra money to take advantage of the situation. Perhaps, although I doubt it, the inflated property prices in Jarabacoa will be adjusted downwards.
Recessions are defined by retrospective statistics: two consecutive quarters of negative growth not the negative delta of acceleration. That has NOT happened, and, in fact, may not occur.
One aspect of the U.S. economy that no one is talking about much: the weakened dollar is actually spurring economic growth in the U.S. in several sectors, because goods and services are becoming much less expensive vis-a-vis foreign currency. More Europeans, Canadians and Asians are coming to the U.S for leisure. U.S. manufactured goods are less expensive to other economies. These are not necessarily negatives for the U.S. economy.
I'll make a prediction, and will be overjoyed to come back here to dine on a steaming plate of crow: if there is a change of political party in the U.S. Presidency, watch how quickly the doom and gloom of the pending cataclysmic "recession" disappears. I still remember how "the worst economy in 50 years" disappeared overnight 16 years ago...
This is a direct reflection of Consumer Confidence.
It takes two to tango, a buyer/borrower and a seller/lender.
I don't just blame banks, I also blame the consumer.
Additionally, I'm nit sure folks really understand what the "sub-prime" fiasco is really all about. Yes, many of those loans have/are going bad. But based on rational unerwriting critera, they never shoul have been made in the first place. AND there is a massive amount of fraud within the sub-prime loan markets.
If it wasn't for the sub-prime loan market, a huge number of Americans would NEVER have been alble to own a home. And today, more Americans own a home than EVER.
There will be adjustments, and some investor wealth will be reduced. But there WILL be a buying opportunity at bargain basement prices for those saavy folks who buy property when the chattering Herd is selling, and sell when the chattering Herd is buying (like I did). A market has willing buyers and willing sellers, not just one.
This is hardly understandable without a proportion or percentage figure.:ermm:Just to make the pain more understandable our company just lost 1 million in sales compared to the same period of FY 2006-07.