The poorer is the local population - the more opportunities for buying and luxury living have expats there with dollars.
It is a well known fact for over a century. Only poor population will work for expats for so little money - landscapers, cleaners, women, sweepers, auto repair men, plumbers, etc.
With a rich local population expats will have the same labor prices like in USA and Europe. And will have to move out of this paradise.
So, be careful with your wishes. They may materialize.
My experience is the opposite....
My neighbors abhor working for other Dominicans... long hours, low pay
The girl in my house now worked for a local before and quit !!
6 days a week.... 7 to 7.... one woman lived there
When I asked what she did all day looking after 1 person ....
the same in afternoon as I did in the morning.... boring work
Because my personal experiences... I disagree w/ you