This is my 7th summer in a row I'm staying in Santiago. Looking to hang out


New member
Jul 10, 2012
Santiago is great. May I ask... Why summer?

IMO Winter is better.

I'm a teacher so i live here in the summer. If i didnt teach i would've moved to another state or country so this is the best of both world's (i like my job and i can temporarily relocate for 2 months and then return home)

I Dont like living in the east coast (Philly) but this is my home and where my family and friends live


May 2, 2008
Hey lateacher. I finished coaching for this summer but may still atttend a few practices. The language barrier made things next to impossible so next year i may ask for the youngest group since they need the most help and don't argue as much with each other. Plus it wasn't my team i followed the main coach so i was more of an assistant who just wanted to see if this is a viable option for the future. I coach back home so it's a lot easier to start a team from day 1 then show up in the middle of the season

Where do you stay?

I live on the western side of the city and run an ngo community center in Cienfuegos... im in philly now - my brother is a teacher here in west Kensington and I grew up in manayunk


New member
Jul 10, 2012
I live on the western side of the city and run an ngo community center in Cienfuegos... im in philly now - my brother is a teacher here in west Kensington and I grew up in manayunk

Do you mind if i send you a DM to chAt? My dad grew up in Manayunk btw

La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
I live on the western side of the city and run an ngo community center in Cienfuegos... im in philly now - my brother is a teacher here in west Kensington and I grew up in manayunk

Excuse me for butting in, but I grew up in Germantown, back in the fifties and early sixties! Didn't realize that you are from Philly, LaTeacher! To make it even stranger, I am a teacher too, albeit retired now.