Nature's way of thinning the herd?
I've seen worse when living in the campo when it comes
to people sitting/ blocking the roads where vehicles pass
at high speeds.
The truck was full of avacados which would make it very heavy and hard too slow
down in a hurry, so there's no telling who's at fault until they release the video(s)
RIP x10.
Se entregó a las autoridades Ángel Encarnación Bautista, el chofer del camión que impactó contra una multitud en Azua
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Mr. Ángel Encarnación Bautista , identified as the driver of the truck that ran over a crowd in the municipality of Las Yayas, Azua, leaving 10 people dead and more than 30 injured, turned himself in.
According to the data, the man who was on the run after the tragedy is from Hondo Valle, Elías Piña province.
Encarnación Bautista was driving the red Daihatsu truck and fled the scene after hitting the victims.
At the scene, Ysmailin Santana was arrested and is in the custody of the Public Prosecutor 's Office . He was accompanying the driver of the aforementioned vehicle that was traveling west-east on the aforementioned road.
So far, the following have been identified: police sergeant Jose Rene Guzman Guzman; Genesis Arias Alcantara, Deivy Ferrera Matos, John Deuvy Geraldo, Yocaira Melo Mendez, 20 years old, and Eliun Guzman Rodriguez.