Unacceptable loud music - Sosua Abajo

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
I hear you Gorgon, if only they were playing Bob Marley here!!! :)

they do play Bob Marley, but just a very few of his songs that were really popular hits. for example, every bar will give you Buffalo Soldier and No Woman No Cry.


May 29, 2013
I hear you Gorgon, if only they were playing Bob Marley here!!! :)

Every bar where we go knows I like Bob Marley. They play it. But after a while I just say go back to the bacchata. Mostly Dominicans in the bars where we go. We leave when my ears start ringing...


May 29, 2013
Actually you'll find that just as many locals object to this noise as foreigners!

I wish. I think people get used to. But, my Domincan family did complain once about the loud music from the church next door - many days the music, not just sunday. And they complained the other day about hearing motos on the street from their front room wtf. They must have picked this up from me.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
Folks, if you don't like something, change it! If you can't change it, change your attitude...it might help!! :)


Apr 29, 2014
(INSERT DEITY HERE), grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.


May 29, 2013
Folks, if you don't like something, change it! If you can't change it, change your attitude...it might help!! :)

Can't change it. That's the point. And I don't expect them to. Even better point. I came here for the chaos. You take the bad with the good.


Apr 29, 2014
I think the consensus is that loud noise at time of the morning is annoying. Rather than demanding that it be stopped, perhaps the church should be approached and queried if it is really their intention to play the music at that time. If the answer is yes, I'd ask why, for the sake of understanding of course. No reports of the disturbance continuing after the first occurrence. Any update?
Feb 7, 2007
I have luck that I have two neighbors - Dominicans - (and one of them quite influential, whose was/is the owner of all terrains around where I live, and it's an upscale residential area) who are also upset with loud music and who join me in the quests for having a quit area to live, whenever the music gets too loud from anywhere around ... (we had two colmadones get closed, now there is a pizza place instead which is OK) we had the local Ferreteria blasting their Feria navide?a since late October get to tune it down, etc.
Feb 7, 2007
I have a friend who live in a nice residential area on the outskirts o Higuey... there is a church just in front of the house. One day they were so loud so my friend went out, got about 6 huge speakers and two power amps, and he started blasting Heavy Metal music (almost satanistic style) pointed towards the church. I think his music was louder than the church's because when the pastor came complaining he told him that as soon as he tunes down his music in church he will tune down his heavy metal stuff as well. Also that whenever the church music gets too loud he will start blasting his music as well. I think that at some point they found a middle ground.


Sep 7, 2012
nobody suggests that Dominicans are devoid of common sense. and i am careful when i use the term "Dominicans". i am referring to the rank and file, who do not have the social graces of educated, urbane Dominicans.

if anyone believes that gringos have a low opinion of the everyday Dominican, then they need to go and find out what the upper segment of Dominicans think about them. do you believe that certain people can just buy a house in certain neighborhoods because they have the money? the DR is a society in which the prejudices are not based on color, but on class. i live in POP, and i can tell you that the people in Bayardo would never allow for people coming there and disturbing the peace. they know it is unacceptable, just like anyone from any other country does. the problem lies with the hoi polloi.

Gorgan, I strongly suggest that Dominicans (not all but most) are devoid of common sense and logic as well for that matter. Don't get me wrong I am not one of those expats that complains about everything here, I embrace it. When I go back to the states I find it too structured and organized, I get bored. I miss the insanity of the D.R. and the lack of common sense and logic makes it interesting and often hysterical, and yes and sometimes frustrating.
Oct 13, 2003
I am surprised that so little mention has been made of the age old Dominican tradition that in the days leading up to New Year the people go round the neighborhoods with pots and pans starting early in the am (although not usually 3 am). This is to scare the ghosts away for the New Year. The pastor is just continuing this spiritual cleansing.

Btw is that the tent church at the back end of Sosua?

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
I agree that the 'unacceptable' loud music is problematic

but the tight clothing on women is what I find most 'unacceptable'

I was more/less normal before moving here
Now, I am a Marty Feldman lookalike

I just need a day or two of normalcy to reset my orbs.... from looking at too many orbs...


New member
Nov 4, 2012
Speaking about noise and loud music i would love if someone will explain this to me.

a while ago a bar near me had what they call a concert, they call it music, ok i cant disagree with their taste and music style, lasted until 4 AM, ok i dont mind

next week they gathered in a big space belong to the bar, now this is what is i wanna understand

so many cars and trucks and people everywhere, 5 big truck with huge speakers each playing different music, so what is this and how come they are enjoying.

i catches a cold the day before and been in bed, but couldnt stand this situation, my whole body was shaking from load music so i left to SD and came back late.

the only answer i get when i ask is "welcome to DR"

wish i have time and the ability to get huge speakers and play the type of music i like, i love celtic music, i wonder how they gonna react to that or to Spanish bagpipe music :)

main point here, dont complain just live with it.