Understanding more about the motorcyclist epidemic


Sep 14, 2007
I'm guessing it hasn't. Remember the thousands of motorcycles at the old dog track?

I'd bet they have about another 250K bikes to go before folks start to pay attention.

They also have to come up with some sort of plan that makes it much more painful for delinquent riders.

More reasons to confiscate, Big fines for offenders, and proof of payment before another bike can be registered in their name.
This is something that I have always said when talking to friends about this. They get fined a 1000 pesos or so and this does not hurt them enough. You start fining them 10,000 pesos then this hurts big time. And they don't get their bikes back until they prove that the fine is paid and that the bike is roadworthy as in proper running lights both back and front and not these stupid and dangerous strobe lights, (they should get an extra fine for having these) and that their helmet matches the license plate. No license plate or helmet, the bikes should not be returned. Just think how much the government would make in fines if they actually started fining people with much heavier fines. And for the most part (there are always the clowns that don't care), they will think twice about breaking the law again, be it driving erratically, no lights, no helmet or no license plate (yeah I know, wishful thinking right?). But this should not stop with motorbikes, it should be for anyone using the roads, bikes, cars, trucks, gua gua's, carritos, delivery drivers, bus drivers...the are all as bad as each other, and it is not just the Dominicans, I have seen so many idiotic foreigners doing the same just because they think that they can get away with it. Transit laws need to change big time. Digesett (Amet) need to stop directing traffic at stop lights which more than often creates chaos, and spend their time on stopping these idiots that are on the roads! If they increase the amount for the fines then they can afford to employ more agents...they are supposed to be there to enforce road safety!


Jun 16, 2014
They have been confiscating a lot more motos than usual the past couple weeks here in Cabarete. I saw about 8-10 up on a flat bed truck yesterday in front of the police station. I'm amazed at how many are still driving around w/o a helmet considering AMET is out there almost every day.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
They have been confiscating a lot more motos than usual the past couple weeks here in Cabarete. I saw about 8-10 up on a flat bed truck yesterday in front of the police station. I'm amazed at how many are still driving around w/o a helmet considering AMET is out there almost every day.
They were giving out helmets during Semana Santa. I just saw a story about some of them selling the helmets. Idiots.


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
About a half hour ago I saw just a beautiful sight. A guy in a moto with his 5 year old-ish kid sitting in front of him and presumably Mrs. Baby Mama behind him. Of course the moto had no lights. This would have been about 745pm.