Very Sad News…MountainAnnie Has Passed


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
I’m very sorry to tell you that longtime DR1er MountainAnnie/Elizabeth Eames Roebling died early today. She passed after a brief but serious illness that swept her away in weeks.

She was one of the first friends I made here on DR1 many years ago, and I spent many a day with her in the Gascue apartment in Santo Domingo that she loved so much. We enjoyed our political talks, neither of us tried to convert the other (we were worlds apart) but we listened to one another and maybe enlightened the other to understand our stance, while not changing sides. She loved the restaurant Cappuccino’s, and we ate there often, she always reminded me to save room for their delicious desserts.

She relocated to Florida and was happy there. She continued to help the Haitian community there. She often said “Thank the Goddess” for this or that. Well Annie, I thank the Goddess for our friendship. Rest in Peace my dear friend.


Aug 26, 2012
Reading the title of this thread touched me deeply.
How could I feel such emotion for the loss of a person I had never met in person?
It just goes to show how powerful words on a page can be.
Through those "words on a page" mountainannie had the ability to reach out to others.
She was fiercely passionate and endlessly patient at the same time.
She was a communicator and an educator.
mountainannie was one of the good ones.
She will be missed.