I actually didn’t really understand why the topic was brought up in this thread. It’s seems very personal to Lucifer. He should bring it up in a separate thread. Interesting topic.
I only used that example to illustrate the so-called slippery slope arguments some of these folks use. I thought it was evident on my post.
If you thought it seemed “very personal” then I failed miserably in my attempt to communicate clearly. I have no issues allowing consenting adults engaging in amorous activities, and it doesn't affect my relationship with my better half.
Example of
precendential slippery slope argument: If a school allows support dogs on campus, who's to say one can't bring a support snake or donkey on campus?
The point is that these folks are usually the ones who bring up the argument when dealing with legislature, mainly same-sex cases, but will not employ the same argument when dealing with adults and underage dating (Hah! Except with it's political: Clinton hanging out with Epstein).
They could easily use their preferred tool: If you allow a grown men to engage in sexual intercourse with a 17-year-old girl, then one could argue for sex with a 16 yo... 9, 8..., but they don't use it this case.
Then there's a super-duper rich poster who thinks we're just envious of Franco's wealth. May we say the same about them when they disparage and hate the Hollywood elite or George Soros?
Heck! I admire Keanu Reeves's treatment of his fellow humans. And he's probably wealthier than all of DR1 readership combined. Sean Penn and DeNiro are acting geniuses. They're rich, and we ain't hating them.
So that BS about being jealous of Franco's wealth is out the window.
Franco will probably go on to more fame and fortune. Good for him, but no high-five from me regarding his dating of an underage girl.
A man has to be extremely insecure in order to go after young, impressionable, and naive young girls.
Give me an adult woman or give me death.