What's the deal??


New member
Feb 25, 2003
I was just thinking about that Petaka... we should open a new thread about elitism...
BTW... now it's me the curious one... why do you think I'm not a man Petaka?


New member
Nov 8, 2002
Here we go

karmatico said:
I was just thinking about that Petaka... we should open a new thread about elitism...
BTW... now it's me the curious one... why do you think I'm not a man Petaka?

My opinion on elitism stands, if we prefer to mingle with people of our own group and socio-economic background we are all elitists.
If we try to knock further down those that are not at our level, it may be racist and discriminatory, and that is WRONG.

For the second part:

Originally posted by karmatico
Yeah, that's right Raquel... you did the goood thing ( or will do ? )
One more advice... Honey...don't try him to be honest with you...he wont!! You said if he doesn't talk again to you his loss....
Honey...you are the one that should stop talking to him at all!!!
You ain't missing anything and you'll be wasting your time with that guy...

The above quote sounds like girls' talk (to me) or it may had been your feminine side?. Hence the curiosity.
No sweat, I'm very liberal in accepting sexual behavior.
I'm a straight male but not a homophobic or machista (My first Rican girlfriend took care of that). I always say, in this world there's room for everybody: sankis, putas and maricas.


New member
Feb 25, 2003

Petaka..I honestly don't see the femine side on that post... maybe you really are homophobic still...
But don't worry, I'm not gay, If I would I wouldn't be ashame of it...but I'm just not sexually attrated to men, and I'm heterosexual...
I know I don't need to answer you anything, but I did anyway..it's funny; 'till now I though you were a girl, And you know what they say about homophobic guys right? --Just kidding.

Hippie from Costa Rica? who, me? That's hillarious...

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Ok,DominicanaNJ! You asked for it,here it is!

I won't "Sugar Coat" it like everyone else has done up until me! Robert says that the people who have the bad things to say about Dominicans only meet the bottom of the socio-economic sector."News Flash"! That is about 85% of the population!
How about this for example,"Howcome so many dominicans,leave their children in the DR,while they go off to Curacao,Panama,Spain,Europe,Canada,or the USA?Politically Correct Answer: Economic hardship in the DR! They go to other countries to work hard to be able to send money to help their kids! Reality: the woman go to prostitute themselves,and hope to marry a "local" so that they can live well,and send a few hundred dollars per year to their mother who is stuck raising the grandchildren!! The men get married,or just start families with any woman they can get and more or less abandon their wife and kids in the DR!... I would rather be dirt poor and live with my wife and children,than abandon them like so many dominicans do!!!
"DominicanaNJ,If you want to know so much about why we have so many negative things to say about dominicans,what the hell are you doing to help this coutry from NEW JERSEY? Is that where you live? I will have lots more examples of Dominican "Bad Habbits" later! CRIS


Jan 2, 2002
Its evident from criss' post of what types of people he socializes with. He is the one who claims to have scouts seeking out potential female sex partners. Just imagine what types of families they are coming from? Its clear he only knows the hooker class girls and their families. I am sure the doesn't get too excited about meeting any decent class dominicans nor he cares to make any effort in getting to know them.
I can show you tons and tons of dominicans in santiago who don't fit the same mold as he has described. It all depends on which socio-economical circle you are accepted in.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
As always,AZB is trying to make us think that he

is socializing with "Higher Class" girls, stop trying to "Spin" yourself man! Any girl that goes out with you is nothing more than a "Hooker" from a poor family! No Dominican girl from a wealthy family would be caught dead with you!I am not slaming you,they would only date a rich dominican guy from her social circle! You KNOW IT!!!

85 % of dominicans are POOR! There is a small middle class,10 or 12 % and then 2 or 3 % that are Super Rich! So don't confuse the issue,or try to make "Nice Guy" points here!

When asked why he robbed Banks,Jessie James replied; "Cause thats where the money is!"

When asked why I look for sex in the "Barrios",I answer;"Cause thats where the poor girls are"!CRIS


New member
Feb 11, 2003
Dominicana_NJ .... I'm with you...

I am still kinda new to this forum also, and I read a lot of negative things about Dominicans. I think some people only look for the bad in other people. If you put any group of people together, whether it be by race, religion, nationality, hair color, whatever, there will be good ones, bad ones, criminals, saints, all kinds. My best friend in this world is a Dominican American, he is also my ex-boyfriend, and he never did any of the things described on this forum as "typical" of Dominican men. I also have a lot of Dominican friends, and I have been to Santo Domingo (I did not stay at a resort), where I met a lot of people, and not one of them tried to hustle me, or anything else. I found people to be very warm, friendly, and hospitable. I am looking forward to returning to Santo Domingo in June!

Papi Lindo NJ

New member
Feb 4, 2003
It's no big deal

I am dominican, and I have never gotten offended by any comments made by posters about putas/sankies/ladrones/lambones/and other kinds of dominican trash that tourists come in contact with. There are people like that in every country, so if you are not one of them, there's no need to get offended about those posts. Lighten up because people don't mean harm or hate when they express their frustrations about the bad apples. Moreover, foreigners have a lot more good things to say about our country than negative. After all, they keep going back to spend time there and enjoy it.
So dont get offended dominicana, just take it like the joke it is. I can't help but to laugh when I read about the scams that the dominican tigueres pull on people to get some pesitos. The victims might not find it funny, but those tigueres are so smooth that I just laugh in awe. Remember, people will always talk about the good and the bad, so let's not pretend everything is perfect, but I'm sure the good things far outweight the bad because after all, it is the people of DR and the way they make us feel while there that draws dominicans abroad and tourists alike back to the country. The funniest thing about this forum is how some people try to give advice against the sankies because I know that no matter what they say, those girls will still go back to them, and send them the money they want. I have first hand experience with this because here in the USA, us dominican men have the worst reputation among latin american people for being womanizers/cheaters/mujeriegos ect... I have heard numerous times about girls that have been told not to date dominicans because they will end up getting hurt/cheated on, but once a dominican tiguere starts talking to those girls, they forget about all those bad things that they have been told and fall for the tiguere. Those are the girls that swear that they'd never be with a dominican because of what they have been told, or how they have seen their friends gettting "mistreated" by dominican men, yet they can't resist us when we prey on them. So yeah, I know that we are unfaithfull, that we like to cheat, that we are borrachones, but our virtues are more than our imperfections. Otherwise women would not still keep comming back to us, and loving it.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"SKYMALL",you obviously don't know that the fact that your EX-boyfriend

is Dominican,and doesn't do any of the things descibed on this forum as "typical" means absolutely nothing!!! That is called "anecdotal information"! He could be "One-In-A-Million", or just like every other Dominican! Point is your personal experience don't mean shit!!
You have been to Santo Domingo,you had agreat experience,and hope to come back.I hope you do,and I hope you have an equally great time!
Let me put it like this,"Visiting" the Dominican Republic is like "Dating" someone.You can "Date" for years,and be really "In Love" with someone,but you will never know what they are really like until you "Marry" them,and live together 24/7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats when your comments about Dominicans will be worth something!Not until CRIS


New member
Oct 16, 2002
Posted by Cris

you will never know what they are really like until you "Marry" them,and live together 24/7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats when your comments about Dominicans will be worth something!Not until CRIS

This is why I'm always nervous about posting here - though I might have some thoughts on what's being posted on these forums, I'm by no means an ~expert~ on DR living, and have no desire to be slammed by those who might be.


New member
Feb 11, 2003
Most of what is written on these forums come from personal experiences. And I did live with my boyfriend for three years, 24/7 so we were pretty much "married." Therefore, I think I know what I am talking about. And until you know me, and the people I know, don't tell me I don't know shit! There is no need to be so disrespectful.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"SkyHead"! why not read my post again,or do you just want to "Misquote" me?

I said,"Your personal experiences don't mean shit",not that,"You don't know shit"! (Everyone can decide that for themselves!) You ARE.however,ignorant! Now,that is not disrespecting you,only pointing out that you have not ,until now,had the opportunity to learn something!
LESSON ONE:"Anecdotal Information"; just because you have had a certain experience with a Dominican Man that was pleasurable,does not mean that anyone who has a similar experience with a Dominican Man will be either pleasurable,or un-pleasant! Now if we "interview 1000 women similar to you who have been in a relationship with a Dominican Man,and 850 have an outcome equal to your's,we can now safely say that :Dominican Men,when faced with a situation similar to yours,will act,and or react,similarly to your "Ex-Boyfriend"!!!
See,you got all worked up over nothing! You need to read the other posts several times until you understand what they are trying to convey.Don't just "Lash Out"! It makes you look Stupid!CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC


New member
Feb 11, 2003
Criss Colon, I am very sorry for misquoting you...

You are right, you said it is my personal experiences that don't mean shit. And who cares if what I add is "anecdotal information"? I have read a lot of people's negative personal experiences with Dominicans, and I was merely adding my positive personal experiences. I did not say that every Dominican is a wonderful person or that everyone will have experiences similar to mine. And my personal experiences may not mean shit to you, but maybe some people would like to hear from someone who has good things to say about Dominicans.
