When will DR open for International travel??????

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Active member
Mar 16, 2020
Cuba has two things that are missing here: more medical expertise and the police enforcing the laws.
Did you notice that the countries most successful at controlling the pandemic are countries where the executive branch is not dependant on parliamentary bickering: China, Germany, Denmark, Vietnam, Switzerland, Cuba, just to mention a few.

But the the worst of all russia, brasil and US have presidents with much more executive powers then the countries from your list ( Kuba and China not because of great executive power because of only one political party making a disagreement in parlament imposible)
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Active member
Mar 16, 2020
To much pessimism here now. I just want to discuss international travel lol. Next ferry flight to Europe for instance.
Ferry flight to Europe: even more pessimism.

German embasy: none and none planed. Austrian Consulate: no information on new ferry flights of other EU member states

everyone waiting july opening

if thats not happening maybe more ferry flights. Or lets wait till 2021....


Jun 28, 2003
What date?
Jet Blue does not sell the middle seat. Period. They do not sell alcohol, snack pacs, pillows, head sets or condoms. Period. You get a very small bottle of water, small bag of cookies, small Cheese Its, and two napkins in a clear plastic bag handed to you, and picked up 20 minutes later. They ask for row by row existing, that is, do not stand before the row in from of you is on their way (Passengers just don't get it but it's easily solved by giving them the dirtiest look you can and telling them " If you have a flight to catch you can push ahead of me. Bless your heart). If you are fortunate enough, best seats in the house are extra leg room, by the window, middle seat empty. Bring sandwich from home. Buy nothing at airport or wait on a line. Mind your own business , look out the window or the tv, go to the bathroom at the airport. Stay cool, calm, converse with as few ppl as you can. Wear a mask at all times. Keep walking to Uber. No stopping. Get home and pour a good one.


Active member
Sep 5, 2014
But the the worst of all russia, brasil and US have presidents with much more executive powers then the countries from your list ( Kuba and China not because of great executive power because of only one political party making a disagreement in parlament imposible)
In the US the president's powers are illusionary. States have their own powers over the sanitary mesures (I wish the DR provinces had the same - why should Pedernales take the same measures as Santo Domingo?).
Did you noticed how the governor and the city mayor of New York were quarreling about the scope of COVID lockup an Trupmp could do nothing? Or how he sent the military to the protesters and the generals said no. He can flight Corona virus on Twitter... until they censor him.
Do not blame Trump - that's the system that is beyond repair.


Jun 13, 2018
CV19 is here to stay. Like a fire consuming fuel as it finds it. It will turn into another disease that we just "live with".

we will know in 1 week


Jun 28, 2003
If you go on line to Jet Blue for JFK to SDQ ( July 6) It will cost a fortune for a RT ticket. About twice as I'm paying (that was 6 weeks ago). IF it flys !!!


Jun 10, 2008
Ferry flight to Europe: even more pessimism.

German embasy: none and none planed. Austrian Consulate: no information on new ferry flights of other EU member states

everyone waiting july opening

if thats not happening maybe more ferry flights. Or lets wait till 2021....
Iberia Madrid to Santo Domingo is the only route that will be constant I think. As its based on citizens Spanish and Dominicans going both ways. Thats the flight I am hoping now to use in October or November to get to Europe.


Sep 27, 2017
If you go on line to Jet Blue for JFK to SDQ ( July 6) It will cost a fortune for a RT ticket. About twice as I'm paying (that was 6 weeks ago). IF it flys !!!

While no doubt that airlines will be raising some prices in an attempt to recoup some losses, you also have to take into account that purchasing within certain time windows (less than 30-14-7 days) also increases their prices, which was the prior normal standard.

I was looking at this particular airline's flight prices for a late October return to the US of A for their elections, and found the prices to only slightly be above normal. By slightly, I am saying $25-50 USD.

Of course, this is four months away and not two weeks.


Sep 27, 2017
Captain's Log, Stardate 24 June, 1403hrs.

We have a Jet Blue flight on the tarmac of Santiago (STI) readying to depart to New York (JFK).
We have a DHL cargo flight originating from Panama City (PTY) entering Santo Domingo (SDQ).
And we have one helicopter in flight, within RD airspace as of this entry.
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Brendan Hubley

Dame luz vecino
Apr 30, 2020
Canada / Villa Liberacion
While no doubt that airlines will be raising some prices in an attempt to recoup some losses, you also have to take into account that purchasing within certain time windows (less than 30-14-7 days) also increases their prices, which was the prior normal standard.

I was looking at this particular airline's flight prices for a late October return to the US of A for their elections, and found the prices to only slightly be above normal. By slightly, I am saying $25-50 USD.

Of course, this is four months away and not two weeks.
Didn't the price of fuel plummet? i would have thought it would be much cheaper for the airlines to operate based on that. Having said that, I'm sure the losses were significant.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2020
While no doubt that airlines will be raising some prices in an attempt to recoup some losses, you also have to take into account that purchasing within certain time windows (less than 30-14-7 days) also increases their prices, which was the prior normal standard.

I was looking at this particular airline's flight prices for a late October return to the US of A for their elections, and found the prices to only slightly be above normal. By slightly, I am saying $25-50 USD.

Of course, this is four months away and not two weeks.
Yes. Here are some other ways they will increase prices:

1. More/higher baggage fees
2. Seat selection prices, you know, the ones for $43 bucks for "legroom" all will go up.
3. Priority boarding fees (even though they may load planes from back to front now.
4. Basic ticket prices.

$25-$50 overall increases sound like the low end.

Just a big dingfest. Prices into POP were so much higher to begin with. I can't imagine what they will be going forward.


Active member
Oct 17, 2015

Did you read that?
Presentara... "esta practicamente listo".... Consideró que esta semana la normativa podría estar lista de manera definitiva. ....:unsure::unsure:

They are talking about the protocols which have to be in place July 1. to receive the tourist and maybe the manage to get it done this week...😱

The good thing (maybe) according to the press relace from Mitur today the July 1. date for restart tourism is not changeable (vamos a ver!)...

"aseguró que la fecha del primero de julio es una fecha “invariable”

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