Where is the Love?

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Aug 20, 2007
Well I don't know. There are some funny people (peculiar) posting here. I've been here 6 years now and the only things that have ever happened to me are 1) I had a cellphone stolen, my own silly fault I gave somebody a lift but didn't watch them carefully. 2) been ripped off at a garage but I'm wise to the tricks now. 3) Tried to be overcharged at a tienda, but If I suspect this I ask a Dominican to go in and check the price, then go in , remonstrate with the owner and offer the dominican price, the next time in the same shop never have a problem.
A little over a year ago I slipped and fell in the bathroom breaking my nose and spraying blood all over. My wife called out aiuda and three neighbours rushed over and asked permission of my wife to use my car and took me to the Doctor. No they're not special friends but just damn good neighbours. Then they called every day for a week to see how I was. They're mostly real nice people so it means you must go to inadvisable places and mix with funny people to have all these misfortunes.


Jan 3, 2007
Well I don't know. There are some funny people (peculiar) posting here. I've been here 6 years now and the only things that have ever happened to me are 1) I had a cellphone stolen, my own silly fault I gave somebody a lift but didn't watch them carefully. 2) been ripped off at a garage but I'm wise to the tricks now. 3) Tried to be overcharged at a tienda, but If I suspect this I ask a Dominican to go in and check the price, then go in , remonstrate with the owner and offer the dominican price, the next time in the same shop never have a problem.
A little over a year ago I slipped and fell in the bathroom breaking my nose and spraying blood all over. My wife called out aiuda and three neighbours rushed over and asked permission of my wife to use my car and took me to the Doctor. No they're not special friends but just damn good neighbours. Then they called every day for a week to see how I was. They're mostly real nice people so it means you must go to inadvisable places and mix with funny people to have all these misfortunes.

I think that you may have been in the D.R. long enough for your perception of acceptability to undergo an alteration. If you can find the love to blame yourself after being victimized by a thief whom you were in the process of helping then I need to be taking lessons from you on how to be a kinder, gentler person.

Being overcharged so often that you have developed a defensive strategy against it (requiring accomplices on your part to execute) is not indicative of dealing with "mostly nice people" and I would really hate to be caught in one of those "inadvisable places", around the "funny people" if they are any worse than the "nice" ones. You could work for the Dominican Tourism Authority.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Economic desperation, like any addiction, can make "nice people" act contrary to their nature...


Jan 3, 2007
Economic desperation, like any addiction, can make "nice people" act contrary to their nature...

I've never thought of it like that but I'm open to the concept. I've always thought of economic despair as an affliction since in many parts of the planet there doesn't seem to be any logical way out of poverty for most. If it is really an addiction, wouldn't the same people, removed from their impoverished countries usually improve their lot in most cases exponentially.

I served in the military with guys from pretty desperate economic conditions in the D.R., Panama, P.I., etc. and to a Man they all executed better strategies for personal economic success than most of their "born and bred" counterparts.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
I've never thought of it like that but I'm open to the concept. I've always thought of economic despair as an affliction since in many parts of the planet there doesn't seem to be any logical way out of poverty for most. If it is really an addiction, wouldn't the same people, removed from their impoverished countries usually improve their lot in most cases exponentially.

I served in the military with guys from pretty desperate economic conditions in the D.R., Panama, P.I., etc. and to a Man they all executed better strategies for personal economic success than most of their "born and bred" counterparts.
I didn't say economic desperation=addiction.

I meant the behavior patters of folks with them might be similar.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
AZB,Can You Post When You Are Away From Your House???

Cris Colon


Nov 22, 2009
I've never thought of it like that but I'm open to the concept. I've always thought of economic despair as an affliction since in many parts of the planet there doesn't seem to be any logical way out of poverty for most. If it is really an addiction, wouldn't the same people, removed from their impoverished countries usually improve their lot in most cases exponentially.

I served in the military with guys from pretty desperate economic conditions in the D.R., Panama, P.I., etc. and to a Man they all executed better strategies for personal economic success than most of their "born and bred" counterparts.

I consider myself a contrarian.

A contrarian is a person with a preference for taking a position opposed to that of the majority.
A contrarian is someone who poses as a skeptic, refusing to accept consensus conclusions in science on the ground that there is still some uncertainty.
In science, the term "contrarian" is often applied to those who reject a general scientific consensus on some particular issue, as well as to scientists who pursue research strategies which are rejected by most researchers in the field.

I think in most respects these poor Dominicans are more of the obsolete and literal definitions of contrarian, merely just being on the contrary. Dysfunctional contrarians?

contrary (plural contraries) The opposite.

One of a pair of propositions that cannot both be simultaneously true.
Derived terms

on the contrary
to the contrary

contrary (third-person singular simple present contraries, present participle contrarying, simple past and past participle contraried)
1. (obsolete) To oppose; to frustrate.
2. (obsolete) To impugn.
3. (obsolete) To contradict (someone or something).  
4. (obsolete) To do the opposite of (someone or something).
5. (obsolete) To act inconsistently or perversely; to act in opposition to.
6. (obsolete) To argue; to debate; to uphold an opposite opinion.
7. (obsolete) To be self-contradictory; to become reversed.

The obsolete definitions of the word are the best way I can describe how I see them and their (anti-logical? non-lucid? and frequently uncommon) social behaviors.

Now I am free to listen to any response from a self-appointed Baghdad Bob telling me I dont see what I see.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I consider myself a contrarian.

A contrarian is a person with a preference for taking a position opposed to that of the majority.
A contrarian is someone who poses as a skeptic, refusing to accept consensus conclusions in science on the ground that there is still some uncertainty.
In science, the term "contrarian" is often applied to those who reject a general scientific consensus on some particular issue, as well as to scientists who pursue research strategies which are rejected by most researchers in the field.

I think in most respects these poor Dominicans are more of the obsolete and literal definitions of contrarian, merely just being on the contrary. Dysfunctional contrarians?

contrary (plural contraries) The opposite.

One of a pair of propositions that cannot both be simultaneously true.
Derived terms

on the contrary
to the contrary

contrary (third-person singular simple present contraries, present participle contrarying, simple past and past participle contraried)
1. (obsolete) To oppose; to frustrate.
2. (obsolete) To impugn.
3. (obsolete) To contradict (someone or something).  
4. (obsolete) To do the opposite of (someone or something).
5. (obsolete) To act inconsistently or perversely; to act in opposition to.
6. (obsolete) To argue; to debate; to uphold an opposite opinion.
7. (obsolete) To be self-contradictory; to become reversed.

The obsolete definitions of the word are the best way I can describe how I see them and their (anti-logical? non-lucid? and frequently uncommon) social behaviors.

Now I am free to listen to any response from a self-appointed Baghdad Bob telling me I dont see what I see.

A lot of goggly-gook to say you like to argue.


Sep 10, 2008
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Nov 22, 2009
A lot of goggly-gook to say you like to argue.

We are not talking about me. Gobbledy-gook. Or maybe you got the Canadian version of the Hip Dictionary? Aboot time to get a new one. eh? Ootdated is yoors, eh?

The point is the dude here, jackcrew, is looking to ascertain how can he find out if his love interest is real or not. My point was if he has the patience to look at his prospect and find out if she has the tendency or has been trained to be contrarian in the obsolete English definitions of the word he will know.

a.Does she do things which are counter-intuitive to success?
b.Does she do things which would promote or detract from future success?
c.How much responsibility does she accept for the things in her life?
d.When you talk to her do you get the impression that "it is not her fault"?

I notice that they tend to do the exact opposite of what you would think one would do to get the BEST results. And I dont know why? Maybe it is the desperation?

No offense man, but dudes like jackcrew come into the arena not prepared to fight the lion. They start hearing all these excuses and seeing all the apathy and take it to mind "What I could do is..." and before you know it you are in the position of employing people to be your friends or love interests. If that is how it is going to be then that is how it is going to be. All I ask of you is to get some reciprocation in the deal. And I m not talking about sex. If you have to pay her to be your friend then she should pay you to be her friend. After all she is getting more out of it than you are. Now if she cant do that then you have not met a peer and your relationship should not go any further than that.

...but you can for unlawful carnal knowledge her all you want! Take pictures even.
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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
The point is the dude here, jackcrew, is looking to ascertain how can he find out if his love interest is real or not. My point was if he has the patience to look at his prospect and find out if she has the tendency or has been trained to be contrarian in the obsolete English definitions of the word he will know.

a.Does she do things which are counter-intuitive to success?
b.Does she do things which would promote or detract from future success?
c.How much responsibility does she accept for the things in her life?
d.When you talk to her do you get the impression that "it is not her fault"?

No offense man, but dudes like jackcrew come into the arena not prepared to fight the lion. They start hearing all these excuses and seeing all the apathy and take it to mind "What I could do is..." and before you know it you are in the position of employing people to be your friends or love interests. If that is how it is going to be then that is how it is going to be. All I ask of you is to get some reciprocation in the deal. And I m not talking about sex. If you have to pay her to be your friend then she should pay you to be her friend. After all she is getting more out of it than you are. Now if she cant do that then you have not met a peer and your relationship should not go any further than that.

...but you can for unlawful carnal knowledge her all you want! Take pictures even.

Good post!


New member
Feb 7, 2010
I agree but it so seems, but it so seems the poor and the uneducated stink more. So the moral of the story, stay away from the poor and uneducated and chances are, you too will not stink after some time.
Raise your standards for a change and do something different. try to find people of your own level in this country; just like you did back home.

Sorry AZB I've used enough public toilets to know, EVERYONE's stuff stinks. Lol. Since we don't really know each other, you really don't know what my standard is. Every trip to this beautiful island is a learning experience for me, and I am enjoying the lesson. I only wish some of you "more experieced" guys, who have cracked the code and gained access to the dominican eliete, would leave the door if not open, at least slightly cracked. Until then, the barrio is where I'll be. But at least I can say, I am there with my eyes wide open. If I managed to navigate my way through the maze of dealing with sistas from the hood in Los Angeles, and kept my heart in tact, I think I can manage the barrio girls in the DR.

A previous poster stated that one has to be invited, or given access to these rare beauties, so how bout it, hook a brotha up?
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Jan 3, 2007
The point is the dude here, jackcrew, is looking to ascertain how can he find out if his love interest is real or not.

No offense man, but dudes like jackcrew come into the arena not prepared to fight the lion. They start hearing all these excuses and seeing all the apathy and take it to mind "What I could do is..." and before you know it you are in the position of employing people to be your friends or love interests. If that is how it is going to be then that is how it is going to be. All I ask of you is to get some reciprocation in the deal. And I m not talking about sex. If you have to pay her to be your friend then she should pay you to be her friend. After all she is getting more out of it than you are. Now if she cant do that then you have not met a peer and your relationship should not go any further than that.

...but you can for unlawful carnal knowledge her all you want! Take pictures even.

I like where you're heading with this. It speaks to (her) negotiation strategy, which is all a relationship such as this will boil down to anyway. From the standpoint that she is working with a product of variable value (her time, services, whatever vs. her age, wear and tear, overall physical and social attractiveness) she is motivated to get a feel for what that product is worth to this guy once he shows an interest. He's the guy who shows up at the used car dealership and asks "how much is this car?" and gets the reply "how much is it worth to you?" but this process is longer and more drawn out than that and negotiations will be ongoing and the settlement will change everytime another product parameter changes causing him to place more or less value on it.

This can become very complicated. My suggestion would be for him to simply fornicate under consent of the king with her and forget all the "relationship" nonsense. Relationships based on one sided financial sponsorship are exactly the same whether it's with one of the well maintained mistresses/ manstresses of the richest folks on the island, a two hour date or a "stay at home" Wife (or Husband). The only difference is the value as perceived by the sponsor. That will be determined by what they were looking for out of the relationship versus what they received.

Value perceived is value received.


Jan 3, 2007
I have been following this website for about two years. Love is always difficult to find and the heart can be more easily lead astray than the mind. So, how does one really know if Dominican love is real?

When the shoe fits!

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/6kWYvLou3q4?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/6kWYvLou3q4?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>


New member
Aug 5, 2010
Oh Please!...Let us not be idiots here. If I pay for sex, whether from the $10-whore on the corner or the $1200-a-pop NYC escort, there is no love. There is only the fantasy fulfillment which stems from the exchange of economic sex. I don't care what country either US, Dominican Republic, Canada or who-the-hell-cares. That was not the thread I originally posted.

And of course, if a person hangs in the ghetto, don't be surprised if you get robbed. I would not even bother debating such an obvious premise.

My OP poised the question that based on my experience and travels to the DR and other nations, the people of the Dominican Republic seem to take advantage of foreigners as well as kinsmen for slight economic advantage. And that this behavior is actually praised (albeit not publicly). The "love" in the title was not meet in a romantic or amorous way...but as a reference to the Black-Eyed-Peas song of the same title which asks (paraphrasing) why do we not help each other rather than hurt each other?

Now let us not chit-chat about the obvious. Yes, hurt happens in all nations, in all cultures, among many people. But....does that hurt (both against foreigner and kinsman) seem more concentrated (as in parts-per-unit) in the Dominican Republic?


Nov 22, 2009
Oh sh!t bro you should write a book. That was not gobbledy gook. You know how many self help books have only 3 pages of useful information in them but a page count of 150?

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qVdpLLtSgHk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Patrick Adams, musical genius from Philly.

"From the standpoint that she is working with a product of variable value (her time, services, whatever vs. her age, wear and tear, overall physical and social attractiveness) she is motivated to get a feel for what that product is worth to this guy once he shows an interest. He's the guy who shows up at the used car dealership and asks "how much is this car?" and gets the reply "how much is it worth to you?" but this process...will change everytime another product parameter changes causing him to place more or less value on it. "

Genius. So essentially, the discussion is now not "where is the love?" It is "how do I get the love I want"?

The "love" in the title was not meet in a romantic or amorous way...but as a reference to the Black-Eyed-Peas song of the same title which asks (paraphrasing) why do we not help each other rather than hurt each other?

I dont like the BEP so I dont know song you mean, but that type of love is fraternal love, platonic love, brotherly love: Agape.

unselfish love of one person for another without sexual implications; brotherly love.
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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
So essentially, the discussion is now not "where is the love?" It is "how do I get the love I want"?

I was going to youtube "What Love has to do with it" but I will save you all the obvious.

OK Jack.

Let's see where this goes from here.

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