Why Dominicans are hated by Americans

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Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
In Defense Of "Americans"

Or to be "Politically Correct",People born and raised in the "USA"!
This "Defense" does not apply to First Generation "Asians","Indians",or "Pakistanis"born in the USA,they not only can "spell",they also know "World Georpaphy"(And win ALL USA "National "Spelling","Geography",and I'm sure,"Math" Bees,if there is such a thing!..Ever walked around "MIT"???)
Now where the hell was I? "Oh!" In Defense of Americans!
We really are nice People! We just have a hard time believing that there are "Other People" in the World besides us! So why should we learn Geography,how to spell,or maybe a "foreign language", anyway??
If someone wants to come visit us,THEY can learn "American"!!
Some may find it ironic,that a Nation made up almost entirely of "Immigrants",can be so damned intolerant of,well,"Immigrants"!!??
We can't tell you where Sri-Lanka is located,or Indonesia either,but when those "PEOPLE" have a Flood,Earthquake,or "Tsunami","Americans" will be the first ones there,with food,water,and emergency supplies!
Can you see Dominicans mounting a supply relief column for Haiti if they have a huge flood or other National Disaster?? Yet the USA,with so many of our "Mexican brothers and sisters" living in the USA without benefit of "Papers" is always bailing Mexico out of "Trouble", be it"Natural",or Financial!
So give us a break,whe don't know where you live,what language you speak,or necessarily want you to move to "America",but we will lend you a "Hand" when you need it!
On "OUR Terms" you will have to be sure!!;)


New member
Dec 9, 2004
Texas Bill said:
I encourage you to read the poem "IF" by Rudyard Kipling in which he describes the requirements of becoming a MAN in the true sense of the word.

I'll leave you with a quote from Shakesphere that best describes one's responsibilities to himself and others.

"Above all else, To thine onself be true"!

Texas Bill

Very wise advice indeed! "IF" by Rudyard Kipling is an excellent start, but Bill, when you quoted Shakespeare, I would have thought you would have finished the line.....

"This above all else to thine own self be true! And it must follow as the night the day!"

and Joshua! If Bill will permit me, on his advice, another Shakespeare quote:

"Though this be madness, yet there is method in it!"


Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
To JRR---

Permission Granted!

And Thank you for completing the Shakesperian quote in it's entirety!

There aren't too many people who really appreciate "The Bard" and his down-to-Earth writings, even though couched in archaic English!

Texas Bill


New member
Dec 3, 2005
So, we can say maybe, uh-huh, uh-huh, that Americans really don't hate Dominicans (except for Josh)? BUT do Dominicans hate US, and, ipso facto, WHY??? 'Cause we got McDonald's and they don't, 'cause Jack Veneno is short and fat while Hulk Hogan continues his march towards greatness? Is it a case of pure sociological jealousy (witness Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey's world-renowned Dominicans on Ice show)? It's time, I think, to address this whole HATRED phenomenon and this is the place to do it... please let your voice be heard- vote YES if you're against hatred and NO if you put ketchup on steak! If you think that Brahma is pretty darn similar to Presidente, ethanolically, just smile knowingly.
Jan 12, 2006
Why Dominicans are hated by Americans)
Who are those "Dominicans" and "Americans"? Only PEOPLE exist, albeit sadly some are full of prejudices. We think that always is the other that is the fanatic. Tolerance is not saying that every idea is as valid as the other, we have to make choices and pass judgement, but we can still reach out and open our minds and hearts. Then we may be surprised of how much we really have in common.


New member
Dec 9, 2004
people are people!

"That I am a man, this I share with other men.
That I eat and drink, and that I eat and sleep, is what animals do likewise,
But that I am I and is mine to give,
Not to another man, woman or to G-D,
Except in as much as I am one with him!"


We choose who we are, and what we are. The choice is still ours!



New member
Oct 21, 2004
The only Americans who hate Dominicans are Puerto Ricans, and very few of them. Culture-on-culture wars are usually latino vs. latino, not american vs. latino. A lot of Americans stereotype. Plenty do not know what a Dominican is. To them, we are all "Mexicans". I live in NYC, so everyone knows what a Dominican is, and nobody has claimed to hate me because of my ethnicity yet! The original post seems biased and unfounded. If you're going to claim something, please properly support your claims.

Jon S.

Jan 25, 2003
Jose A. Grullon Suro said:
Why Dominicans are hated by Americans)
Who are those "Dominicans" and "Americans"? Only PEOPLE exist, albeit sadly some are full of prejudices. We think that always is the other that is the fanatic. Tolerance is not saying that every idea is as valid as the other, we have to make choices and pass judgement, but we can still reach out and open our minds and hearts. Then we may be surprised of how much we really have in common.

Why does your name sound familiar to me :surprised ???? Good post.


New member
Jan 20, 2006
i think american(white people ) have a really wrong impression of dominicans and i'm going to be honest i don't blame, because we've the dominicans chickenhead ,the really loud as hell people on the train, the dominicans whom talk really weird,dominicans without no manners. and have to say why should american like dominicans when they're hating them too, i mean the dominicans guys"oh white girls and flat and stupid" that's not a cool thing to say......the dominicans grils"white boys are boring and lame" not true at all and not cool either, and dominicans be hating rock and punks so how you guys want them to accept you if you don't aceept them to ................i don't agree , white people don't think they're so Superiors actually they're more humble than some dominicans. i don't think you guys should say americans(white)hate dominicans because that's not a fact and white people are really nice you guys just need to give them a chance. what about if white people think dominicans hate them too, are not we kidding our mind, you know maybe they think we hate them so thereofre thye pretend they don't like us and we think they hate us so we don't like them. you know hite girls think dominicans guy hate them think about that before we criticize and say stuff think about people feelings. if your dominican people are going to assume you are going to act a certain way, i was never consider dominicans because my skin is white and i'm really shy and quite so i have got ot the conclusion taht peoiple expect dominicans to be loud and wild and crazy and taht's not fair because that's not really the meaning of being dominicans. this is just my opinion...bye

Kidd Creole

New member
Nov 29, 2005
The Some of America think of Dominicans as lesser people because of the island Heritage and we have and how proud we are of our individuality.. Dominincans want to be accepted in America that is the problem Why should Dominicans Change themselves so we can fit in, no matter how you change your appearance or how you try to act like them you will never be them they will always see you diffrent from themselves even if they aren't Racist
(Racist is a pretty strong word but does a word like Nationalist exist?). They are proud of their heritage just as much as we are, T? Sabes

And The problem with being a conformist to the American Culture (Euro-American Culture) thinking it will change you will try to change the system from within(trying to adapt to the culture) it will eventually change you and how you view things.

We Are in the Same struggle as all minorites in America, its not really Racism that is the problem it is Classism that is the real issue.
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May 12, 2002
Joshua R said:
I never said i was a "thug" and the word "hood" is short for hood
You are biting more than you can chew Joshua.
Most of us can read between the line.


New member
Feb 17, 2006
I am a dominican-american who lives in NYC (probably one of the few cities in the USA where it is very likely that white ppl know at least one dominican). I've never experienced any obvious discrimination from white people and I've lived here my whole life.

By the way Cubano, there are many educated dominican americans like myself. We aren't as prosperous as most cuban americans (i believe we fall in second place of all hispanics after cubans) but the average cuban who left Cuba was rich and educated (the "elite")--not the case with dominicans and other hispanic groups (uneducated and with nothing).

If anyone has problems w/ dominican americans, it's usually other hispanic groups bc dominicans tend to have "too much pride" (many times seen with cubans as well, but at least they have reasons to be---if u consider money and education to be enough reasons to be this way). It is true that this is what gets them into trouble but it's also what drives them to progress; we are not a rich people here in NYC, but many dominicans have careers and many who don't have careers own there own small biz (bodegas, taxi bases, beauty salons, etc.); I have never seen a homeless dominican; I've never even seen them sell batteries in the train (anyone from NYC knows that many who do this are often south americans/mexicans). See the thing is, many other immigrant groups humble themselves more when they are in a foreign country, but this is not the case with dominicans; these aren't the people who are brutalized by the police; if illegal, they would rather get deported than humiliated by any authority. I've visited many european countries and met dominicans there...and it's the same throughout...they may not know the language of the place they are in, an 8th grade education, no money...but they walk with their heads held high. Often misunderstood by those who don't give them a chance.

Joshua R

New member
Jan 2, 2006
Mr_DR said:
You are biting more than you can chew Joshua.
Most of us can read between the line.

Well you see Mr DR im not biting more than i can chew i know exactly what im talking about and i stand firm with my decision and my actions i know exactly what people think about Dominicans not only where i live but in neighboring states and territories. Do you know what they depict dominicans as being??!! do you know what they think we are to them? do you know how steriotipical they treat us in schools, jobs, and in public? nahhhhhh none of you guys know... you guys are totally oblivious to our situation taking place in the " real world" as broke back bill stated


Aug 3, 2004
Well, it looks like the OP's original issue was resolved, and as for the ensuing brawl, I have to say the score for humor goes definitely to Scandall (the French bit cracked me up), while the score for self-righteous indignation goes to Joshua. Dont get me wrong, I am not being sarcastic (I can be ironic at times, sarcastic almost never). I understand your anger, I do, and so I give you a tie score for expressing it here honestly. I lived in Harlem for years, worked up in Washington Heights, know the subculture well, and I am fully aware of the negative stereotypes that prevail in NYC (though not in other places -- as several posters noted, most Americans have never heard of the Domincan Republic, and if they react against Latinos it is often because they just feel uncomfortable when confronted by a different culture that they cannot penetrate for lack of the language, but it betokens no ill will). And as one poster noted, those stereotypes are sometimes not entirely unjust, as a minority of Dominicans do exemplify these characteristics -- the error lies in seeing ALL dominicans in this light. While I may not agree entirely that all Americans hate Domincans, or even most Americans, I do understand how it looks from the other side, looking out from inside the hood, so to speak. And that perspective ultimately has nothing to do with being black or DOminican or any other particular ethnic type. It is a social barrier informed by many complex factors, and from inside it one often feels put upon, at a disadvantage, and misunderstood. people may scoff at the manner in which this frustration is expressed, but the underlying feelings are valid.

But Joshua, if you dont mind my saying, Texas Bill's advice is solid: that view of life from inside the nabe or the hood is incredibly parochial, limited, even crippling. I cannot tell you the number of bad mo' fo's I have seen who are just lost in the world outside the hood --they are just big fish in a little pond. You have to be sure to get away from all that, widen your horizons, see the big bad world outside those borders. And it looks like in fact you are taking steps to do so, so I applaud your efforts, and if you need any further advice or help, just ask. You may eventually decide not to play along with the agenda set by the USAF, but even when it comes to life in general, in or out of the barrio, ghetto, hood, favela or whatever you want to call these places, you gotta know how to play the game when you are on other peoples' turf -- just as I had to walk the walk and talk the talk when I worked over on 163rd and other drugridden streets. You noted yourself that the forces arrayed against you on this little thread -- though it does not represent all of us here on DR1.com -- are white, "privileged" -- or at least, certainly not from the hood -- and tended to make fun of your grammar, vocabulary and manner of expression. You cannot win this battle if you persist in righteous indignation, it almost never works -- Isaiah was a great prophet, but nobody listened to him! Anyway, you cannot really fault them for taking you to task on these matters, though they seem petty. Rational discourse has its rules, and solid ideas, to be properly expressed, have to observe good grammar, proper orthography, and so on. The rules may seem irrelevant or petty, but they are not, because they lead to greater understanding. (Unfortunately it appears that the American public school system is failing to make that significance clear to its students.) Still, that is not to say that rational discourse is not itself a form of disguised warfare.

hey, I am not chastising you or making fun of you, just pointing out that from a tactical point of view --and since you are in the Air force this should be pretty clear to you -- it is not wise to let down your defenses or tackle the enemy on his own ground, especially when you are none too sure of the terrain. I am sure there is some clever little quote from The Art of War that would be perfect here,but I am too tired to think of it. I will say this, I believe that in the martial arts they teach you very strictly never to let your anger show, that the battle is fought with the mind, and that it is lost when the mind gives way to anger.

Still, you get my vote like I said, and while they may not have ears to hear it, you spoke some truth.


New member
Mar 1, 2006
El_cubano said:
After seen the way many US dominicans behave i can't blame them. They have nothing to do with dominicans back at home. It's funny, but i've always found white americans to be nicer and behave better than blacks (i don't use that african-american bs).

Wow! if you really are Cuban I can understand all the "BS" in your post. Of course it's your opinion.

But I agree with one of the posters. Your generalizing everything. Can you be more specific with what exactly it is you mean when you say "After seen the way many US dominicans behave i can't blame them". I don't live in the US but when I do travel there I see no problems with the way dominicans treat others.

And what do you mean with "i've always found white americans to be nicer and behave better than blacks". I'm also going to stereotype with my statement, If you really are cuban your basically dissing your people. You just see a persons skin colour when you look at them. Just remember "60 percent black or mulatto" (stats from 2001-2004 searched on google).

For some reason most of the cubans I meet think people of their nationality areWHITE it seems like they dont like to admit the statistics. I'm just saying this from personal experience. Its not ment to be taken personally because I have Cuban relitives and I'm just stating their views.

People from my school vistit The DR for school trips all the time. They love the Dominicans. It the first thing they tell me. They say its because they have a strong sense of community. In places like Canada its hard to keep it because there aren't as much Dominicans as in the states concentrated in one area. But in the States they carry it over. The students always wonder why Dominicans are always so happy when alot of them have so little but then Canadians, American "WHITES" ( if thats what you want to categorize them as) aren't as happy or grateful. Again I am generalizing but I'm basing it on a high percentage of people.
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Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
latina16 said:
Wow! if you really are Cuban I can understand all the "BS" in your post. Of course it's your opinion.

But I agree with one of the posters. Your generalizing everything. Can you be more specific with what exactly it is you mean when you say "After seen the way many US dominicans behave i can't blame them". I don't live in the US but when I do travel there I see no problems with the way dominicans treat others.

And what do you mean with "i've always found white americans to be nicer and behave better than blacks". I'm also going to stereotype with my statement, If you really are cuban your basically dissing your people. You just see a persons skin colour when you look at them. Just remember "60 percent black or mulatto" (stats from 2001-2004 searched on google).

For some reason most of the cubans I meet think people of their nationality areWHITE it seems like they dont like to admit the statistics. I'm just saying this from personal experience. Its not ment to be taken personally because I have Cuban relitives and I'm just stating their views.

People from my school vistit The DR for school trips all the time. They love the Dominicans. It the first thing they tell me. They say its because they have a strong sense of community. In places like Canada its hard to keep it because there aren't as much Dominicans as in the states concentrated in one area. But in the States they carry it over. The students always wonder why Dominicans are always so happy when alot of them have so little but then Canadians, American "WHITES" ( if thats what you want to categorize them as) aren't as happy or grateful. Again I am generalizing but I'm basing it on a high percentage of people.

Maybe the so called "Race War of 1912" has something to do with this?

The phobia towards blacks and mulattos in early Cuban history could be due to the paranoia some former white French elites (those who governed Haiti) felt after the Haitian slave revolution. Many French fled Haiti, most going to eastern Cuba.

As is usually the case, stories of horrible and/or honorable things are told from generation to generation, sometimes the details are lost or altered in the process. Perhaps, the stories of the former Saint Domingue colony elites spread through out Cuba (probably exacerbating the attacks of the black slaves of the white masters). Combine that with the importation of segregation from the United States and the race war of 1912 was born.

This racial attitude probably still exist among many (although not all) former Cuban elites, given that Castro's revolution occured in 1959, a few years before the US banned segregation.

Post the revolution, Castro's regime has worked well into eliminating racism as much as possible and the result has been the rise of mulattos in numbers. This comes in conjuction to the fact that today black Cubans have a mortality rate that is lower than any other black community in the Western Hemisphere, even that of the United States.

Interesting, it's just sad that most things of the revolution has failed miserably, especially the economy.

Click on this for more insight into this:


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