Why sometimes advice is not heard

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Mar 29, 2010
Thanks for constructive criticism.

The thread should have been titled "Why Dominicans don't take criticism well from smart arse foreigners". :)

Again, thanks.

In my limited experience, I've found that, in general, Dominicans don't take criticism well from ANY source. There's always an excuse, never a "sorry, that's my fault and I'll fix it."


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
That list is a bunch of excuses. There are excuses for everything and everywhere. But if those excuses are truly what Dominicans say, I can only say that it seems easier for them then to excuse their behavior blaming someone else. Not a good excuse; take responsibility or explain why it is the way it is. Same goes of Americans blaming their lack of jobs on illegal immigration.
Those are not excuses, we're simply telling foreigners to not stick your noses where it was never invited (offering "solutions" or "criticism" when no one asked for your advice or opinion). We do criticize our country very much... among ourselves.

You can use the same criticism we use towards the country and we will tell you to shut it in a rather indirect way... at first.


Jul 25, 2007
I dont need to win by no means I raised a family here ok but I have never ever forgot where I came from. I have never blamed the US for the problems the DR has. I see the country for what it is just as I see my country, the US for what it is. Lets take drugs..What was your answer??? All those "token Americans" are to blame. Your values should be on the truth not who needs to win. I dont agree with you because you are WRONG. You discredit yourself and the Dominican people by your responses you wrote in this thread. How can you be the voice for Dominican repsonses when you are NOT Dominican. I take it as a insult due to the fact I have been married to a Dominican for over 20 years, his family is Dominican and you have decided you will be the spokeperson for all the wrong in the DR. Objectivity??? You lost yours. Thank God the tax payer in the US didnt loose theirs because didnt I read your collecting disability from the US government. Never ever bite the hand that feeds you. Done.

You just can't help yourself can you? This thread isn't about me dearie. It's about Dominican's responses to criticism of their country and culture.

Furthermore, I will reiterate that I never claimed the problems with the DR are somehow caused by the US. Yes it's true that if Americans like you apparently didn't take our drug problem so lightly there wouldn't be much of a drug trade to worry about. What a shame.

As far not being able to criticize what ails my country that's about as un American as they come. At the very least you'd think some of you with this extreme attitude could understand why Dominican would not like criticism of their country. How ironic to say the least.


Jul 25, 2007
I find it hard to believe that anyone who is married to a Dominican has never had a Dominican respond similarly as I have maintained. In my own case I've heard similar from my wife and her family more times than I can count.

Even more ludicrous is how some of you could claim Dominicans would never respond as such even being quite aware of Pichardo's and Nal's reaction to negative posts about their country on this forum.

Next I expect keepcoming and CC to claim Pichardo and Nals aren't actually Dominican. :ermm:


Oct 21, 2008
I find it hard to believe that anyone who is married to a Dominican has never had a Dominican respond similarly as I have maintained. In my own case I've heard similar from my wife and her family more times than I can count.

Even more ludicrous is how some of you could claim Dominicans would never respond as such even being quite aware of Pichardo's and Nal's reaction to negative posts about their country on this forum.

Next I expect keepcoming and CC to claim Pichardo and Nals aren't actually Dominican. :ermm:

That's the thing that you just don't get chip, they are Dominican but you are not.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
That's the thing that you just don't get chip, they are Dominican but you are not.

What point are you trying to make, Chip is American and hasn't taken out Dominican citizenship yet, I don't believe. My wife is very good at taking personal responsibility for her own mistakes...etc, but criticize the DR and she responses exactly the way Chip mentions in his opening post.


Nov 17, 2004
Also, the sublime attempt at personal criticism is not befitting a moderator. Please check your inability to refrain from trying to appear more intelligent than those who you oppose "at the door" before posting in the future. Thanks.

Your threads are the intellectual equivalent of a ponzi scheme.

The more one invests, the more one loses.


Sep 27, 2011
What point are you trying to make, Chip is American and hasn't taken out Dominican citizenship yet, I don't believe. My wife is very good at taking personal responsibility for her own mistakes...etc, but criticize the DR and she responses exactly the way Chip mentions in his opening post.

That's a shame, I hope she doesn't take such ignorance to her classroom. Most intelligent Dominicans wouldn't entertain such stupid statements with such generalisations. But there you go, teachers are only human.


Jun 26, 2012
Those might be the responses he's hearing, as I've heard some myself from very, very biased family members who claim world knowledge. The very vast majority of Dominicans and Americans do not read enough to know what's happening. Heck, I can't even keep up with my own affairs, and I try to read mucho as I'm unemployed and have plenty of free time.

Oh, yeah: Chip is not anti-US. Not even close. If he lived in the US, he might even consider joining the Adam West/Michelle Bachman McCarthyesque cause. But I'm glad he's in the DR. He, despite his constant need to pontificate on all matters of yu-yu religion, is a good guy. Chip appears to be a good family man and I bet that he's well liked by most folks who know him. So, yeah, those might be the responses he's hearing, but please, Chip, consider the source.


New member
Apr 6, 2011
A contradiction....

Do you take "Meds"???
If not,START!
Isn't that statement a contradiction??!! It seems to me the OP will be running in circles and I suppose that was not what you were insinuating. Was it CC?

Supposedly the OP is on drugs in CC's opinion and not to taken seriously. Then we run to the other side of the ditch and state if the statements made were made when the OP was not on drugs then he should start taking his drugs.

What is exactly your stance CC?



Jul 8, 2005
Chip, your OP shows how ignorant those who made those statements are. If these are true responses to the statements made then it only shows how your Dominicans do not take a look at themselves. The responses of dv8's husband shows that there are Dominicans that can think for themselves. Instead of being part of the mob mentality take some time and educate these people who think this way. Unless you think this way also. I thought so!


Dec 14, 2008
Tin or Coconut

.... so many Dominicans are incapable of basic problem-solving ...

I disagree.

They are very good at opening a tin of beans with a machete...
[and taught me how to do it.]
Awesome culture.
A pity that this skill is dying out.



Jul 10, 2004
The OP should have been titled "It Happens Everywhere".

It is not uncommon for foreigners here and abroad to criticize the Dominican Republic for all that ails it. However, from many a Dominican's point of view who keep up with world events a lot of the criticism is the "pot calling the kettle black". Here are a few examples and typical responses from Dominicans:

Statement: The DR is a corrupt country.
Typical response: The world's economy is in the dumps because of corruption in the US and Europe.

Your typical response is a gross oversimplification of the economic situation and uses the excuse of it happens everywhere.

S: The DR is a violent country.
R: In the US and Europe there are mass murders of many innocent people fairly frequently.

Another "it happens everywhere" response rather than looking inward.

S: Dominicans are barbarians because they like demonstrations.
R: Every time there is a G12 meeting or a football match there are mass riots and people die.

A third "it happens everyhwere" response instead of identifying the root cause locally.

S: Dominicans are not civilized.
R: Europeans don't bathe, Americans are cheap and aloof and Canadians are arrogant.

If Americans are cheap and aloof and Canadians are arrogant that has nothing to do with Dominicans being civilized.

S: Dominicans can't drive.
R: Apparently Americans can't either based on "World's Scariest Police Chases" or similar.
The OP displays a lack of awareness here. There is a vast difference between driving in the US and driving in the DR. I do extensive amounts of driving in both countries and the lack of driving skills in the DR are quite obvious to anyone that does.

S: Dominicans are womanizers.
R: The foreign tourists in the resort area make Dominicans look like saints and beside at least Dominicans like women.

Comparing whore mongers to men with several children with several woman whom they do not support is an apple to oranges comparison.

S: The DR is a racist society.
R: Dominican family members living abroad say they are victims of racism from the whites as well as the blacks.

Once again, an "it happens everywhere" rationalization that does not address the local situation.

The OP has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that it happens (differently) everywhere.


Jun 26, 2012
Jose where have you been????

Actually, 100% of my professors are pro American and European as they seem immensely impressed with order and infrastructure. I base my observations not just on fellow students but on family members, like my suegro, and many friends and acquaintances some of whom aren't even professional.

And are they concerned with academic plagiarism, for I hear it's rampant even at PUCMM? I know, I know, that's off topic and/or you may add that plagiarism runs rampant in other countries... but I'd like to know if your profes are also pro American in that respect, in combating academic dishonesty. Me atrevo a apostar que hasta tus profes han cometido fraude... si son profesores dominicanos y productos del mismo sistema.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"Nals",and "PEEchardo" are both Dominican born,but have made their decision about where they choose to live,and here is a little "Hint", it's the "Bad Ol' US of A"!
Chump,you need a better memory,or a less select memory.
You claim that you never used the USA as a "scapegoat" for the DR's problems,yet you have posted differently many times.
You claim that Drug users in the USA are responsible for the DR's being a trans shipment local for the drugs
When a post about children being sexually molested in the DR,you tell us that when you lived in Florida you were more worried about your children's safety that you are in the DR.
You can't have it both ways.
You continue to use the USA as your whipping boy for all that is wrong with the DR.
As far as this post being about you,IT Is Always About You!!!!!!
If there is no post where you can insert your personal story,you invent one.
I also love that you like to tell other posters that they are "Off Topic",when you are nothing,if not "OFF TOPIC".
You like to tell moderators that a post should be closed.
Didn't you get the "Memo",you are NOT a "Moderator".
AND,you have about as much chance of becoming a moderator as I do!
Wait a moment,I AM a moderator???????????????????????????????
Now to tidy up some "loose Ends".
"El DeundiDanes",let me try to clarify,and answer your questions about the "Meds" post,if I may???
I haven't yet had the opportunity to read your 12 posts here on DR1,but I will.
Until then,"Get Stuffed"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember that.


Jul 25, 2007
And are they concerned with academic plagiarism, for I hear it's rampant even at PUCMM? I know, I know, that's off topic and/or you may add that plagiarism runs rampant in other countries... but I'd like to know if your profes are also pro American in that respect, in combating academic dishonesty. Me atrevo a apostar que hasta tus profes han cometido fraude... si son profesores dominicanos y productos del mismo sistema.

I understand plagiarism is an issue. Still, I can imagine a typical conversation about the topic:

Statement: In the DR educational system plagiarism is rampant.
Response: If two people can become President and Vice president of the USA even though both have committed plagiarism in their professional career and one in college plagiarism in the US is no different.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
The replies in this are typical (insert The Blind Men and the Elephant poem).

  • Folks that don't live here don't have much opportunity to deal with different socio-economic strata and their opinions are based on short vacations dealing with a tiny sampling of locals.
  • Folks like NALs and PICHARDO are Dominican and have a decent handle on Dominican opinions. Chip has lived here long enough, has gotten trusted by locals in various economic strata and speaks Spanish well enough to pick the brains of many Dominicans.
  • Dominicans are feircely nationalistic. While that will complain to each other-it's the second National Sport-they will defend their patria to outsiders. The same can be said for many of non-Dominicans: a NYC person will defend NYC, a southerner (like me) will defend the south with pride, a Boston guy will do the same, as do Canucks and Euros on DR1. HE can call his sister ugly, but if you do he will defend her with his last breath.
  • I've experienced vary similar opinions to what Chip has experienced.

No new ground covered.

But for the life of me I don't understand why Chip posts such stuff. Maybe he just wants to rile folks up and get into fights. Sport, I guess...
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