Wife denied visa to CR? Incompetence or corruption?

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Apr 26, 2013
Too late. If they would have accepted the passport when my wife brought it to them, there was over a month of time. That was before CR dicked around with the passport for two weeks. Trip cancelled and we are going to jamaica. I dig Curacao. Never been to Aruba but looks nice. Unfortunately if you make it more difficult for tourists they go elsewhere. Twelve days in Jamaica instead of 12 in Aruba and Curacao. We'll probably go back to Jamaica in january or february.

The beaches are nicer and more live music in jamaica any way. Though I will miss live Jazz at the restaurant in the Avila Hotel. In fact we had planned 6 nights at Avila. Oh well.

They like to make it difficult for the regular tourist while the hookers find their 'illegal' ways to come here. Same problem with Colombians who need visa but Venezuelans not... Colombians with money cannot make it but the Venezuela putas do..

Its bad for tourism..


Jan 2, 2002
They like to make it difficult for the regular tourist while the hookers find their 'illegal' ways to come here. Same problem with Colombians who need visa but Venezuelans not... Colombians with money cannot make it but the Venezuela putas do..

Its bad for tourism..

Yep. I agree. They don't realize they have competition. We liked jamaica, we go once per year. If we liked aruba we would be regular visitors. Low level clerk messes it up for them. Oh well.


Jul 3, 2002
My company is holding a sales meeting in Liberia costa rica and I have invited 70 resellers and distributors, plus co workers and we will have over 50 rooms at a Riu resort in CR. Many of my customers know my wife and others wanted to meet her, so we planned on having her come to CR and then from CR we could leave to Aruba/Curacao for a honeymoon.

Sounded like a great plan. I went to both consulates with her and asked if my bank statements and work letter were enough or if I needed an actual letter from my bank. Both said we were fine. I asked if we needed to do an authorized letter saying I will cover all expenses on the trip. Both said no, just a hand written or typed letter. Great!

Now it all falls apart. Paises Abajo or Curacao/Aruba said 15 working days for the visa. CR 10 working days. We would have just enough time if all went well. Since Paises Abajo send the passport to washington for processing, we decided to do that visa first as if things ran late, the CR visa was handled here and we could hopefully ask the CR Consulate rush service. At least with the passport in country we would have a shot, and worst case we could eliminate CR from her trip and meet in Panama on the way to Aruba.

Well, first the woman with nasty attitude at Paises Abajo said, no. We have to do CR first. WTF? We were going to CR first not after Aruba and CR was not the important part of the trip. The Honeymoon is. My wife said, we would rather do the visa that takes longer and CR wasn't important. The woman insisted and said if CR denies they would want to know why. I don't get what CR visa has to do with Aruba, but whatever. My wife has had 4 visas to Brasil, 2 to jamaica, mexico, Peru etc. Never stayed even a day past the alloted time, never any problems getting the visas.

My wife drops off the paperwork and passport to CR consulate and begs the girl to get the pssport back in time to do the Paises Abajo visa as it is our Honeymoon. The girl was very nice, and said call tuesday. Tuesday was a week later and would have gotten the ball rolling with paises abajo in time. Sounds great!

Tuesday my wife calls and the girl said the CR consul wants to meet her wed morning. She goes to consulate frst thing in the morning. He grills her as to why she does not have US visa if she is married to a gringo. She replied that we are married just two months. He asks why we don't own a house in DR. She replies that we will likely be moving to US, so why buy a house.
She said if we needed an invite from CR company we could get one easily etc. He said it would be "complicated" to get the visa. WTF? Our address is in Bella Vista which is not Piantini etc, but doubtful that anyone living in Bella Vista would want or need to stay in CR, lol. Who the hell would not stay in Brasil, Peru or Mexico, but want to stay in CR?

I called the consul and he refused to speak to me. I spoke to his secretary and asked how the thousands of dominican hookers got their visas? Of course I know the answer. For the most part they "buy" the visas.

Next day Consul calls wife and says he will do all that is possible but it is complicated. He said call back later for an answer. When she called back, secretary said call Friday. My wife said, if I am not going to get the visa give me my passport so that my honeymoon doesn't get ruined. She said "tranquila". When she called Friday the girl said come by before 12 noon monday for your passport. My wife asked, with or without the visa? She said she could not answer over the phone. Mind you, this is after the Consul had said he would give her an answer over the phone.

Monday morning we go to consulate and I wait in the car figuring if they wanted her there by 12 it was so she could go to bank and deposit the fee. Wrong! She texts me and says Consul wants to speak to me. I go up the stairs and to his little window. He says, "ya Le di repuesta" y es no. I said, I am bringing 70 people or more to CR, and my wife is denied? That makes sense. He says, if she had US visa it would be easier. I said, idiota, if she had US visa we could go to HAWAII and not maldito Costa Rica, lol. He left the window and was walking towards me as I was leaving. I called him an idiot, a conyaso, and said I will produce a documentary on Dominican Hookers in CR and how they get visas. Security was running upstairs with hand on his gun, lol. Hysterical.

So, now we head to paises abajo, and they say 15 days. Visa would not show up on time, and if they were worried about CR visa, made no sense to even try. We just left. Cancelled flights, cancelled hotels. Wife is crying. I rebooked flights and Hotels for Montego bay and Negril. COPA actually owes the wife 70 bucks after change fees etc.

She went to Jamaican consul tuesday morning, with all the paperwork. She paid a lawyer to do the letter stating I will be responsible for all costs etc. She has had that letter done 4 times for Brasil, once for mexico and twice for jamaica. Woman at Jamaican Consulate, which is walking distance from our apt, was very cool. She said she didn't need the letter, as we are Married now and I wasn't just her BF. Didn't want my work letter, or bank statements. She just said, come pick up the Visa thursday.

So, after this trip to CR for my meeting, I will not spend a dime there. There is no way in hell I would be able to talk the wife into going to CR, Aruba or Curacao either. We dig Jamaica. There are places in DR we still need to visit. We want to do the Galapagos in Ecuador, and maybe tierra del fuego. Once she has a US Visa she can pretty much go any where. CR is not on the list!

I have seen articles online about dominican hookers being denied visas, but then a tigre outside the consulate says he can get them a 6 month visa to study english. Cost 500 to 1000 dollars.If those reports are true, I am thinking maybe the consulate is spoiled and doesn't like giving away visas for free.

There are a lot of Dominican hookers in CR, working in US owned bars. The immigration bureaucrats may have thought you are an American club owner trying to bring another one in. Its sad, but in Latin American everybody thinks all DR women are hookers.


Jan 2, 2002
There are a lot of Dominican hookers in CR, working in US owned bars. The immigration bureaucrats may have thought you are an American club owner trying to bring another one in. Its sad, but in Latin American everybody thinks all DR women are hookers.

Exactly my point. How do the dominican hookers get visas? According to the article I posted a link to, through corrupt costa rican officials. Also I doubt very mangy gringo business owners marry one of their hookers to bring her into CR, lol.

Our first trip together was July of 2009 to Buenos Aires. She has been to 10 countries so far. One would hope the consul was competent enough to see the difference. One would be wrong though.

The part that bothers me is the dicking around for two weeks. If there was an issue or concern, say so. You want and invite from major media companies in CR? Done. Want more proof? More info? No problem. The fact that he called my wife to say it was "complicated" smells fishy.


Aug 20, 2007
we had the same problem chrisdr, so we took it to arbitration in the UK, my brother represented us.The judge was very rude about the UK border official who made the decision, it was a treat to hear but I daren't repeat, and her visa was granted on the spot, they even went a step further than we had asked and made it valid for multiple repeat visits for 10 years. Now ,of course, the government have made it much more awkward and inconvenient to do anything about one's passport. All in the name of efficiency and saving money!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oct 13, 2003
Exactly my point. How do the dominican hookers get visas? According to the article I posted a link to, through corrupt costa rican officials. Also I doubt very mangy gringo business owners marry one of their hookers to bring her into CR, lol.

Our first trip together was July of 2009 to Buenos Aires. She has been to 10 countries so far. One would hope the consul was competent enough to see the difference. One would be wrong though.

The part that bothers me is the dicking around for two weeks. If there was an issue or concern, say so. You want and invite from major media companies in CR? Done. Want more proof? More info? No problem. The fact that he called my wife to say it was "complicated" smells fishy.

I strongly suspect he was looking for a handout there Rafael.


New member
Jan 30, 2011
Exactly my point. How do the dominican hookers get visas? According to the article I posted a link to, through corrupt costa rican officials. Also I doubt very mangy gringo business owners marry one of their hookers to bring her into CR, lol.

Our first trip together was July of 2009 to Buenos Aires. She has been to 10 countries so far. One would hope the consul was competent enough to see the difference. One would be wrong though.

The part that bothers me is the dicking around for two weeks. If there was an issue or concern, say so. You want and invite from major media companies in CR? Done. Want more proof? More info? No problem. The fact that he called my wife to say it was "complicated" smells fishy.

Congrats on the nuptials and I wish you joy and love and happiness! Yes because the only way to un complicate the situation would have been to fatten his wallet. You sound like you are doing well and things are going great. Take a ton of pictures of your honeymoon and send them to the CR consul after you are back. Write him a nice letter stating that due to his incompetence you were forced to spend all your tourist dollars in a country other than his. Make sure you copy it to the head of tourism in CR and to one of their newspapers. Let him know that the thousands of people you interact with on a yearly basis are, and will be, made aware of easier and better places, for those of us with the funds, to go to other than the CR. Living well is THE best revenge!


New member
Jul 21, 2013
The, ?Bad Dominicans? have poisoned all the WATERS for the ?Good Dominicans?.
Just like at the American Embassy here, low level clerks get their rocks off saying ?NO?!!!!
Happens when you give ?Little People?,...BIG Powers!!!!!

Yep. My lady says the same thing.


New member
Jul 21, 2013
If it makes you feel any better we had the same issue with the UK Embassy. We had a trip to Europe planned with 3 days in the UK to see some of my friends. Declined the application - we have been married 3 years, have bought property here, have a business... yet apparently there was not enough evidence to prove that she would leave the UK!!!

Sucks when it happens - hope you can sort it all out.


Married for 3 years and own property and they still said no? No wonder I can't drag my lady to them. She said if she gets denied she has to wait a few years to try again. Is that true?


Jan 21, 2006
Hookers from all over travel to CR. They follow the green. Not too complicated although the best looking were far and away the Dominicanas followed by Brazil and Colombia. Not like they are going to stop them with a few new rules. These girls are far smarter than embassy hacks.


Jan 2, 2002
Hookers from all over travel to CR. They follow the green. Not too complicated although the best looking were far and away the Dominicanas followed by Brazil and Colombia. Not like they are going to stop them with a few new rules. These girls are far smarter than embassy hacks.

They don't need to be smarter if embassy hacks are in on it, which the article I posted seems to say.


Oct 7, 2012
Married for 3 years and own property and they still said no? No wonder I can't drag my lady to them. She said if she gets denied she has to wait a few years to try again. Is that true?

I don't think they ban you from applying for any period of time but I'm guessing it doesn't look good if you get rejected for a visa then a couple months later you apply again...


Jan 2, 2002
Congrats on the nuptials and I wish you joy and love and happiness! Yes because the only way to un complicate the situation would have been to fatten his wallet. You sound like you are doing well and things are going great. Take a ton of pictures of your honeymoon and send them to the CR consul after you are back. Write him a nice letter stating that due to his incompetence you were forced to spend all your tourist dollars in a country other than his. Make sure you copy it to the head of tourism in CR and to one of their newspapers. Let him know that the thousands of people you interact with on a yearly basis are, and will be, made aware of easier and better places, for those of us with the funds, to go to other than the CR. Living well is THE best revenge!

Oh I will be sending letters to minister of tourism and media.

My wife just got home with Jamaican Visa. Her passport is brand new as she got a new one after the wedding with married name. There was a stamp in it. I looked closer. The idiot from CR consulate put a stamp that says denied visa with the date?

Has anyone ever had a visa denied and a stamp put in passport? What a piece of work. Didn't matter to Jamaican Consulate. so, whatever,lol.
Oct 13, 2003
I have told the story before but the very first time I applied for my wife's visitors visa (to Holland) they 'lost' all the paperwork, including her passport.

Luckily, I had the consuls private phonenumber. As I told my wife to wait in the embassy where she was told she could not get a visa, I called him and told him his name would be in the main newsoaper the next day if the papers weren't unlost right away. Her pasport was retrieved but the paperwork wasn't (they were going to use it to send a hooker to Holland I guess). The consul called me back with the bad news but since I'd done the paperwork myself I had duplicates of everything. He told me to mail him the 'missing papers' and he would issue the visa himself. My wife could pick up the passport the next day.

The next day she went in with the rest of the group and before they started pricessing anyone else, they called my wife in and handed her her passport, including visa.

Never had any problem whatsoever with subsequent visa applications.

These consuls are your servants, paid by you. Let them know it, so they will work for you.
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