You Have To Be Kidding Me!!


Jan 8, 2002
As I understand it most foreign folks that live in the DR are abused because the impression is that they can afford more. This is ridiculous! The ones that should be paying more for public services are those in power who rob the citizens in broad daylight. However, those that rob the average citizen want to have everything for free. But the one that really killed me and made me sick was the one about building a new hospital for the congress men/women. Who the hell do they think they are? Our poor people are carrying the burden of this incompetent government while they make promises and laugh behind doors or better yet laugh in our faces. Oh my people...when will you learn?



On Vacation!
Mar 2, 2002

Talk to the people in the small villages who voted this gov't in and they think Hippo's doing a great job. After all he didn't give them the cash in hand they were expecting but because he says Fernando took it all they're still hoping they'll get it someday soon.
Anyone won the lottery lately????
Wanna bet he gets elected again??
Where I'm at the previous gov't had started a lot of good projects that would have benefitted the area greatly. Everything stopped dead after this gov't took office, none of the projects have been completed and all I've seen since then are price hikes, taxes raises, new taxes, jobs lost, businesses closed and a general decline in income and moral.


New member
Jan 30, 2002
I agree with your comments MommC.. People in the small and smelly villages realy think that all the bad things and causes of their troubles is the fault of the Fernandez Administration. Sometimes I think that my father is right when he tells me that Democracy was not intended for mediocre people and that they must be excluded from choosing a country destiny's or running for president, Just like the Security & Exchange comission in the US exclude ordinary people from investing in the best offers.
This does not sound democratic but lets face it ,I don't smell democracy here neither, but I do smell Corruption and "Divertinaje".

These people will never get out of poberty even if they get 1 million "Toletes" because that's the way the choose to live and like it or not they are the majority in this country and the ones leading our country into disaster.
To them their enemies are the source of their jobs and the very laws intended to protect and guide us all. They think that a good president is one that throws "pesos" at children or one that throws them food bags like dogs. They only think in eating, reproducing, drinking, Violating rules and destroying our natural resources for they so called "Survival".

I bet you that Hipolito would be elected again in 2004 If He starts visiting their villages and promises twice what he did during his campaign .
Like my sister said, they don't care if its a goat that runs for president as good as its from the PRD..


Jan 8, 2002
It's amazing how all those (or most) projects put on by the previous government came to a halt. A lot of those projects as far as I know were to improve education which is a way to help society get ahead in life but I don't realy think that government in our country has ever been about that. The only reason why I liked Fernandez was because of the fact that he seemed to have understood that it's not feeding the people but teaching them to feed themselves that really works. Now, do you think that Mr. Mejia is thinking about such things? A man who can hardly use our vocabulary? We cannot fool ourselves. It's all common sense as to why these projects are no longer moving forward.

Now, to top it off it seems to me that there is so much pride with these politicians. It's almost as if they don't want to finish something that someone else started because one might believe that the one with the credit would be the one that started it ( the one with the idea). Sometimes I really believe that's how they think. No one is really out there for the people. Give me a break! If it was so, why is it that all those loans that Mr. Know it all has been approving are not to improve the lives of the common citizen or even to improve the economy? It doesn't even make sense!! They borrow more money and yet they impose new tariffs on the people. The people have to pay for something that in the long run is of no benefit to them! How is that fair? It sounds to me like the money is just magically disappearing and no one sees where it's gone. Were not stupid!

You know what's interesting about a lot of these governments that come to power? Almost every government that comes to power wants to blame the last for the country's mishaps. It's just a cover up for all their fake promises. When I heard Mr. Mejia say that the only reason Fernandez didn't take The National Palace with him was because he couldn't remove it, it made me sick!! It just sounds so DAMN childish that it's sickening to the stomach. I mean does the President take power to work for the people or to complaint about what the previous administration did or didn't do?

Oh Thee Trecherous People, When Will Thy Learn?!?


New member
Jan 19, 2002

Not necessarily in order...............BUT !!!

The two primary concerns of a newly elected goverenment are:

1) Blame all that's wrong on the previous administration. :(

2) Recoup what it cost the new government to get elected. :(

That's REALITY !!!


On Vacation!
Mar 2, 2002
Number Three

Steal like he-l for the next four years just in case you don't get elected again and make sure all your relatives and friends are in the money pit with you so they all will be set for life!!!

Tom F.

Jan 1, 2002
heard it on the radio last week

An interesting way to describe many governments in the developing world is, talk left and act right. When 80 percent of the people support one of the two "left of center" parties, of course they have to put up the appearance of helping the working class. I am still wondering what it would take to get a government which is somewhat responsible in caring out public duties. Some group is really going to have to break with tradition over a sustained period of time before it will take hold. Leonel did start the process but it fell apart once people questioned whether he was going to get reelected. I base this opinion with how and when the police stopped you on the road and either asked for money, hinted at giving them money or simply asked what you were doing and from my trips to the aduana and dealings with other government agencies.


On Vacation!
Mar 2, 2002

It was nice to see the positive changes taking place under Fernando's leadership...imperfect but better than nothing at all.
It was downright shameful to witness how quickly things returned to the status quo after Hippo took power and it's more than disturbing to see where the country is headed now....... it just keeps getting worse and worse.

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
Social Psychologists will tell you that the majority of members of the Lower class will remain there because they desire instant Gratification. Politicians in the DR know this and milk it for all it is worth. I remember when Balaguer use to go to the small towns handing out womens panties for Votes. Women would vote for him just because of that.
If you offer a poor dominican a choice between taking $10 now or the investing of $5 now that will be $20 in a year they will take the $10 now. Could you just imagine the Dominican Politician that campaigns buy saying that under his Gov. the people are going nto have to tighten their belts and do with less handouts so they can invest in the Future? That would be political suicide!

Tony C.


Jan 1, 2002
While I thoroughly despise the current form pf government-the money grubbing s.o.b.s- I happen to have a lot of friends -at least people that I know pretty well in this government.

I haven't heard anything good about any of them!

The inflation, the outright stupidity, the wonton excesses are a disaster. Hopefullym the bye-elections of may just might provide a wakeup call. otherwise we'll get another government real soon.

I think I'd like to see a government of Candielier as President and Marcoris as Vice-President. Might shake some trees, huh?

Oh, by the way...we are not alone in corruption and payoffs. The deputies in Brazil get to retire with pensions that are larger than Helmut Kohl's!!

Good article in yesterdays papers'about all the privileges the deputies and senators get. Not a bad gig.....



On Vacation!
Mar 2, 2002
You Said it!!!

I've been trying to teach my maid about the benefits of saving 5% of her pay each month for 11 yrs. When she first started working part time for me she had 150 pesos in the bank.
Now she workd part time for 3 different ppl in the building and had 250 pesos in the bank (monthly take home about 7000 pesos)!!