The Hotel & Tourism Association (Asonahores) is organizing for the Dominican Annual Travel Exchange (DATE), the Trade Exhibition, the Investors Forum and Encuentro Asonahores to be held together online this year.
The Virtual Fair Asonahores 2020 is promoting the relaunching of the country’s tourism sector. The event will be held 2 to 6 November 2020. There will be some in-person events, but the focus is on hosting a virtual meeting. The event has the backing of the Ministry of Tourism.
The president of Asonahores, Paola Rainieri said:
“It will be five intense days, with the participation of important international and local tourism stakeholders who have much to share with us. She said the event is a novel way to learn and market the Dominican tourism product. She spoke also of it creating internal synergies in the sector and relations with society.
The Dominican Annual Travel Exchange (DATE) is the annual marketing fair that brings together hoteliers and suppliers of tourism services with tour operators and travel agents in our tourism markets.
The Trade Exhibition is matches suppliers of goods and services for the tourist sector with the hoteliers (managers, maintenance directors, food and beverage directors and executive chefs).
A section of the virtual fair is dedicated to the Asonahores Tourism Investment Forum, which analyzes investment opportunities in the Dominican tourism sector and the strategies to attract new investments. It also looks into trends in capital flows for tourism in the region and the world.
The “Encuentros Asonahores” is a space for continuous training for tourism industry members. It also is for promoting working strategies between the public and private sector.
Andrés Marranzini Grullón, executive vice-president for Asonahores, explained that this virtual fair is part of the actions to contribute to the recovery of the tourist activity. The present and future of tourism will be discussed.
“The objective of this fair is to offer a fully interactive and dynamic meeting space, allowing each participant to make business appointments with their clients and learn about the new perspectives and plans that are forthcoming,” said Marranzini.
To participate, access the Asonahores website, complete the online registration and payment forms.
The program includes award presentations, press conferences, and workshops.
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19 October 2020