
The wage increases at the Superintendency of Banks

Noticias SIN reports that the Superintendent of Electricity is not the only high-ranking Abinader government officer to recently get an increase wages. The top man at the Superintendence of Electricity recently resigned when news stories indicated he had raised his wage and others in his department.

Noticias SIN reveals that the Superintendent of Banks, Alejandro Fernández Whipple increased his wage from RD$999,970 a month to RD$1,145,184 a month.

In addition, Noticias SIN says that his special advisor, Marielle Antonia Garrigó Pérez got a raise and went from being paid RD$237,500 to RD$543,979.

The news service said that at the Superintendence of Banks, Anniete Isaure Cohn-Louis Guerrero, technical advisor, is paid RD$858,914, up from her starting wage of RD$446,635.

Likewise, Superintendence of Banks manager Juan Francisco Mendoza received a raise from RD$600,000 to RD$687,131 and Julio Enrique Caminero Sánchez’s wage at the Superintendency went from RD$750,000 to RD$858,914.

The Public Administration Law establishes that no government officer should make more than the President of the Republic. The President makes RD$450,000. The Ministry of Public Administration has also said the raises need their approval.

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Noticias SIN
DR1 News

2 August 2022