
Woman charged with fraudulent sale of cryptocurrencies is remanded in custody

Judge Bienvenido Liz of the Judicial Office of Permanent Attention Services of Santiago imposed three months of preventive detention against Sarah Rodriguez Diaz. She is accused of defrauding dozens of people out of more than RD$50 million with the fraudulent sale of cryptocurrencies.

Magistrate Liz, who also declared the case complex, sent Sarah Rodriguez Diaz to serve the sentence at the Rafey Mujeres Correction and Rehabilitation Center in Santiago.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office accuses the woman of using numerous strategies to attract clients, whom she convinced to make bank and cash deposits, in pesos and in dollars.

The investigations indicate that Sarah Rodriguez showed off her apparent buoyant economic situation to encourage others to do like her and earn in the thousands of dollars by investing in cryptocurrency through Black Box Investment E.I.R.L.

Rodriguez is accused of violating article 405 of the Dominican Penal Code, as well as articles 15 and 18 of Law 53-07, on Crimes and High Technology Crimes. She is also accused of violating article 3, numerals 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Law 155-17, against Money Laundering.

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18 August 2022