
Executive Branch announces new industrial parks in San Cristóbal and La Romana

The Presidency issued on Monday, 23 May 2023 executive acts 204-23 and 205-23, both dated 9 May 2023, creating free zone industrial parks in San Cristóbal and another in La Romana.

Decree 204-23 orders the creation of the Zofraica Caribbean Industrial Free Trade Zone Park in San Cristobal. Decree 205-23 creates the Flor del Este Free Trade Zone Industrial Park in Villa Hermosa, La Romana province.

The National Council of Free Export Zones (CNZFE) has yet to approve the industrial parks. The parks benefit from the incentives and exemptions contained in the laws, decrees and regulations in force, as well as those that may be decreed in the future.

The decrees indicate that the Ministry of Industry & Commerce will act in the name and on behalf of the state, and establish the conditions under which the relations and management of these export free zone industrial parks will be developed, operated and regulated.

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23 May 2023