The Central Electoral Board (JCE) announced on Tuesday, 20 February 2024 in the afternoon, the outcome of the Sunday, 18 February municipal elections in 158 municipalities nationwide. The results were uploaded to the JCE election page. The president of the JCE Roman Jaquez had said the results would be announced on Wednesday.
The big winner is the ruling Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM) and allies: 121 municipalities of 158 nationwide. The party also won in 150 municipal districts.
The runner-up is the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) and allies which won 16 municipalities and 36 municipal districts.
In third place is the People’s Force (FP) which won in six municipalities and 10 municipal districts.
The Reformist Party (PRSC) won in seven municipalities and the same number of municipal districts.
The Social Justice Party and allies won in four municipalities and seven municipal districts.
The Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) and allies won in one municipality and 5 municipal districts.
The País Posible Party and allies won one city government and in two municipal districts.
The Reformist Liberal parties (PLR) and allies won one city government mayoralty and a municipal district.
The Cívico Renovador (PCR) and allies won a mayoralty.
Other parties that won municipal districts were the Liberal Action Party and allies (PAL), with 4; Alliance for Democracy (APD) and allies, with 2, and the Alternative Democratic Party (PDA) and allies, 2.
The Dominican Green (PVD), Christian Popular (PPC), Dominicans for Change (DXC), People First (PPG) and National Citizen Will (PNVC) parties won one municipal district each.
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El Caribe
Diario Libre
Diario Libre
21 February 2024