By electoral law, the JCE has until 21 May to complete the counting of the votes resulting from the 19 May 2024 presidential and congressional elections. The 18 February 2024 municipal election proved the vote counting system in place is effective and a vote count can be expected much before the deadline.
Central Electoral Board (JCE) Resolution No. 40-2024 establishes that the Electoral Boards and the Coordination Offices for Electoral Logistics Abroad (OCLEE) will issue their first bulletins once 20% of the results received have been processed or at 8:30pm, either of the two comes first.
From then on, the electoral boards will issue partial bulletins as the results are transmitted from the polling stations. The results tally will be updated every 15 minutes, max.
Once the electoral stations electronically transmit the voting reports (including both the image and the data) to the central repository datacenter at the Central Electoral Board, the reports will be sent from there to the computing centers of the Electoral Boards and the corresponding Coordination Offices for Electoral Logistics Abroad (OCLEE) and to the political parties that have requested these and have the technical conditions to receive the data.
The JCE explains that once the bulletins are generated, they will be sent to media that has signed up for the information and is technically fit to receive the data for dissemination of the results on election day.
It is highlighted that in the case of European countries, the bulletins will be issued in the manner indicated in the resolution, while the dissemination of the results will be done concomitantly with the results of the national territory.
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Noticias SIN
15 May 2024