
President is received by the Pope in Rome; on first vacation in four years

President Luis Abinader has been on vacation in Rome, Italy, since Friday, 24 May 2024 with his immediate family — his wife, First Lady Raquel Arbaje, and three daughters, Esther, Adriana and Gabriela. It is the Presidential family’s first vacation since Abinader took on the Presidency on 16 August 2020.

On Monday, 27 May, the Abinader-Arbaje family held a private meeting with Pope Francisco at 9am. He also has on agenda to meet with diplomats and representatives of the Dominican community in Italy from 1 to 2pm at the Palazzo Cesiv. At 5pm, he is meeting with Italian President Sergio Mattarella. These are all times in Rome.

The President had previously described the meeting with Pope Francisco as “a bilateral meeting with Vatican authorities.”

Abinader has specified that this is a visit that has been scheduled for some time.

As he makes his way back to the DR, President Abinader will make a stopover in Portugal to meet with President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa of Portugal. President Abinader is scheduled to return on Saturday, 1 June.

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Vatican News

27 May 2024