
COE will control motorbikes

The Center for Emergency Operations (COE) announced that with the help of the National Police and the Transit Authority (AMET), officials will coordinate a plan to confiscate bikes from motorbikers that drive without helmets, with more than two passengers, or are caught drunk driving. COE announced 5,000 additional volunteers will be patrolling cities, bringing the …

Government courting Haitians?

Political analyst Orlando Gil of the Listin Diario speculates in his Orlando Dice column that the PLD administration could be behind the recently announced intention of Dominicans of Haitian origin to seek their own political space. Gil makes the speculation on grounds that Ruben Jean-Batiste Latorti, spokesman for the Movimiento Politico Comunitario Dominicano-Haitiano, is to …

Decision on IMF due January

Economic, Planning and Development Minister Temistocles Montas says that the government is postponing to January announcing whether it will sign a stand-by or other kind of financial supervision agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The current stand by arrangement expires on 31 January 2008. He spoke during a TeleAntillas televised debate on the economy. …

Challenges for 2008

Business groups say the sector’s biggest challenge in 2008 is the correct implementation of the Competitiveness Law and to find ways so that local industries can benefit from the free trade agreements signed with the United States and Europe in 2007. Representatives from the Association of Dominican Industries (AIRD), Herrera Industries (AIEH) and the Federation …

Dona Chucha dies

Maria de las Nieves Sierra, better known as Dona Chucha, will be buried at the Cristo Salvador Cemetery today. The 93-year old woman dedicated her life to helping homeless children. She operated one of Santo Domingo’s better known orphanages and her dedication garnered the support of many over the years. Dona Chucha opened the Hogar …