Enforced child maintenance.


Sep 27, 2011
Has anyone had a child maintenance order enforced?
What documents of proof of income (if any) were required?
Was you income from abroad taken into consideration, or was it only what you earn here?
How much income did you declare, how much were you ordered to pay?

From what I understood they can not ask you to produce international income, only what is generated here, but I have just heard about a case where he was ordered to produce international income, refused and so was jailed. Men are really on the back foot these days, women have taken the whole equality thing and made it corrupt over the space of about 12 months. If this is true then any woman can now file for an order, if her requests are not met then the guy just goes to jail. Something tells me the over crowded prisons are about the become even more cosy. Why can this country not do anything right, satisfactory or even remotely down the line.


Moderator - North Coast Forum
Apr 3, 2009
Santiago DR
I have never found even a rinconcito of my herat where I could feel sorry for a man who refused to care for his offspring. Any more than I can feel sorry for the killers at the Boston Marathon that someone was trying to get sympathy for.
Der Fish

Derfish, please explain what is highlighted...........
I have no idea what it means........

B in Santiago


*** I love DR1 ***
Jan 29, 2012
Fish, I think most guys don't have a problem with taking care of there offspring. They just don't like to subsidize the mothers fantasy life style, and support her whole extended family.Its much more complicated than giving the mother an amount of money every month. In many cases the child will not benefit at all but the mother has new cloths updated electronics etc.
Many woman on the island have no ambition other than having a child with an A.T.M (Guy with money)
Its a complex topic here as it is everywhere, but no guy wants to be taken advantage of so the mother can sit at home and watch soap operas.


New member
Jul 14, 2012
I got my girlfriend to go the fiscal to get her no-good ex to pay. He had told her for two years that child support laws didn't apply to the police. He also lied about where he worked, reneged on a promise of health insurance and hid behind his mother's skirts when I drove her to see him. So, with a little prodding and the support of her sister, off to the fiscal she finally went. I believed she had to bring her identification and the child's birth certificate. The ex initially failed to appear and then was ordered to the following week. I wasn't at the hearing but I suspect it involved questions about paternity, proof of income, and so on. When all was said and done, he was required to spend around 1000 pesos a month for food and pampers, which doesn't sound like much but it's a big chunk of a national policeman's salary. If he refuses to pay, he'll go to jail.

I can't speak to what it would be like to be on the receiving end of the legal action but everything seemed fair from my perspective.

Big Dan

New member
Feb 14, 2009
Has anyone had a child maintenance order enforced?
What documents of proof of income (if any) were required?
Was you income from abroad taken into consideration, or was it only what you earn here?
How much income did you declare, how much were you ordered to pay?

From what I understood they can not ask you to produce international income, only what is generated here, but I have just heard about a case where he was ordered to produce international income, refused and so was jailed. Men are really on the back foot these days, women have taken the whole equality thing and made it corrupt over the space of about 12 months. If this is true then any woman can now file for an order, if her requests are not met then the guy just goes to jail. Something tells me the over crowded prisons are about the become even more cosy. Why can this country not do anything right, satisfactory or even remotely down the line.

It seems that there are people in the world who like to play, but don't like it when the rules get in the way. Birds of a feather flock together. I'm happy that another deadbeat has been taken to task.


New member
Jul 14, 2012
Cases like the following are the worst worst-case scenarios I know of where men's rights are concerned:

A father has been ordered to pay child support to his ex-wife despite results of DNA testing that found three of the four children he helped raise are not biologically his, a Quebec Superior Court ruled. The man learned the shocking news after he demanded DNA testing when he and his wife of 16 years separated in April 2010.
“Since I learned that I am a broken man,” the father told QMI Agency.
His daughters are aged 12, 14, and 16, and his son is nine. DNA testing revealed the son is his only biological child.
To make matters worse, his ex-wife told him his three daughters were all fathered by different men, he said.

Dad must pay child support for 3 kids that aren't his: Court rules | Canada | News | Toronto Sun


Feb 9, 2012
my woman has a 7 year old with a Dominican. He is required to pay 2000 pesos per month and had being doing that until I showed up. Now it has to be pryed out of him and always late. Always has an excuse....fell off a ladder and can't work....guagua broke down and have to fix it....stomach ache cant work

La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
It isn't just here. I sat in Family Court in the US and listened to my ex-husband tell the judge he'd rather go to jail than pay child support - and that was for his own children!


Sep 27, 2006
He should take his case to a higher court.There is no reason whatsoever why he should
pay for the three girls.His only responsibility is his son.

there is... i believe there is a similar law in poland too: once you initially declare a child as yours it is yours for good.

as for DR: every little helps. even if the father pays only a 1000 pesos a month it means something.


Sep 27, 2011
Ok, seems some are not switched on today. Please read the question, this is not a will or won't pay thread, this is a 'how was your claim worked out' and 'what was required as proof of income' thread!

Big Dan

New member
Feb 14, 2009
Ok, seems some are not switched on today. Please read the question, this is not a will or won't pay thread, this is a 'how was your claim worked out' and 'what was required as proof of income' thread!

You already know the answer. Any man who doesn't bring forward income from all sources and properly provide support is a deadbeat. Any man who hides income from the discovery process in any court of law is committing an unlawful act.

This is where not following the rules comes into play...some people have no problem with it and are able to counsel people to lie to or cheat their own children.


*** I love DR1 ***
Jan 29, 2012
You already know the answer. Any man who doesn't bring forward income from all sources and properly provide support is a deadbeat. Any man who hides income from the discovery process in any court of law is committing an unlawful act.

This is where not following the rules comes into play...some people have no problem with it and are able to counsel people to lie to or cheat their own children.

Big Dan. You are correct in the perfect world. However ,there is no indication that this guy is trying to get out of paying child support. He,like most guys just wants to pay a fair and reasonable amount. He appears to be gathering information. We don't know his situation. I'm sure the woman is NOT looking for what is fair but the maximum amount she can get period. As for calling guys deadbeats, I am sure there are some but there are just as many woman who are soaking guys and treating them like their personal A.T.Ms
In closing, the best way to avoid all the drama is the big V or a condom......In the perfect world.


Sep 27, 2011
You already know the answer. Any man who doesn't bring forward income from all sources and properly provide support is a deadbeat. Any man who hides income from the discovery process in any court of law is committing an unlawful act.

This is where not following the rules comes into play...some people have no problem with it and are able to counsel people to lie to or cheat their own children.

I can see you know nothing about what you are talking about, and so why not just not answer to the thread. There is no deadbeats, no avoidance of responsibility, no trying to cheat the child out of anything. I know a guy whose ex was awarded his entire salary from the DR. You declare everything here and they are going to try and get it all, simple. If you follow the rules here then you will get absolutely nowhere, the game is to manipulate those existing requirements to reduce the damage yet still find a fair outcome. The system here does not do fair, it does everything or nothing at all.
As for bringing forward all income, do you know this for a fact, or is this coming from the little land at the end of the rainbow?


New member
Mar 9, 2009
What never ceases to amaze me is the number of statists/communists/fascists from the "developed" world who come to the DR.

They flee the overbearing and intrusive police-state- like societies they come from only to encourage the growth and transplant of such oppressive apparatus here in the DR. Why do they hate DR so much ????? Why do they hate themselves so much ????

Maintenance of a child is an issue that should remain exclusively between the Mother and the Father ( and their families).
Government/Courts should have next to no role to play. Confiscating a man's salary is slavery. Ordering a man to prison because he cannot pay or won't is tyranny. We abolished Debtor's prisons a long time ago.

It is only a matter of time, because of many of you idiots, that DR becomes the disaster that the US has become with regard to this issue.

Oppressive government will expand once it figures out it has a new potential revenue source,
Women will become even more reckless and irresponsible with whom they procreate since they perceive that their bad judgment can be fixed by 'Daddy Government.'
Eventually, like in the US, normal hardworking guys will end up in the meat grinder: the result ?
-Destruction/poisoning of male/female relations, corsening of female outlook: man as wallet only

The child support regime in the US is a direct contributor to the breakdown of the family structure in the US and the degradation of male/female relations - a big reason why many men refuse to even date/marry in the US - and you people want to transplant that here.

For the guy encouraging his new girl to take her baby dad to court for support - threatening jail - SHAME ON YOU. You are not helping anything.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Kdolo I agree with much of your post however the reason for enforcement laws are just that. Enforcing something that should happen through agreement with the people involved. Unfortunately many guys once they no longer get to pet the pussy don't want to feed the kittens. On the other side of the equation are the pussies that deny access to said kittens just because they can. When the parents don't support the kids the taxpayer ends up paying. No easy answer. We have a number of children at the school that the father pays the school directly because if he gives the money to the mother its spent elsewhere. Some guys the only way they can see their children is at the school. I know a woman that is paying a good part of her salary to her ex-husband for child support.


Sep 27, 2006
a friend of ours has a son from previous marriage. now 12 or so. there was no court case ever, even thou the mother threatened him several times. why? because she wants MONEY. so that SHE can spend it. in the meantime this friend spends thousands of pesos every month. when the child was small he visited with pampers and milk supply. later on, and still, he is paying for the school (directly). he also occasionally does a big ass shopping in a supermarket and delivers food and goods to his son's mother house. he buys his son's clothes, takes him home for weekends, takes him on short holidays, buys gifts. but he will not give any cash to the mother. ever.

as i woman i damn applaud of that. i do not understand where does the s**t about supporting the spouse comes from. go to work. find another dude to pay for you. but do not demand that ex husband forks out for your bills as well.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
@kdluo, dont have kids and dont ask for my tax money for their education. simple as that.
Feb 15, 2005
a friend of ours has a son from previous marriage. now 12 or so. there was no court case ever, even thou the mother threatened him several times. why? because she wants MONEY. so that SHE can spend it. in the meantime this friend spends thousands of pesos every month. when the child was small he visited with pampers and milk supply. later on, and still, he is paying for the school (directly). he also occasionally does a big ass shopping in a supermarket and delivers food and goods to his son's mother house. he buys his son's clothes, takes him home for weekends, takes him on short holidays, buys gifts. but he will not give any cash to the mother. ever.

as i woman i damn applaud of that. i do not understand where does the s**t about supporting the spouse comes from. go to work. find another dude to pay for you. but do not demand that ex husband forks out for your bills as well.

Excellent and clear post. On one side of the spectrum is the woman that works and holds down her child regardless of support and then there are those that sit at home waiting for the mailman. Then you have everything in between. In reality in the DR, a lot of families wind up taking care of the children not only because of a man's lack of responsibility but also because of the woman's.
In speaking from experience who paid support for my son from 10 to 21 years old, I say that in the court of law, both the woman and the man should provide income statements and the obligations divided accordingly. If the woman does not have a job? This should be handled the same way as if the man does not. Perhaps custody should be his if he so desires it and many men would, I know I did.