Deslindes will be mandatory beginning April 2009

La Mariposa

Jun 4, 2004
Is a deslinde a survey (in English)?

Does anyone know if a deslinde is a stand alone document and is it done on a standard form or can it be incorporated in to a registered title?

If it were in the title how would you tell if it were there?

If you have read the thread, you missed the first post from Fabio J. Guzman. Read it


New member
Sep 19, 2008
It appears that a deslinde is what we call in the US a subdivision of land with each subdivided parcel having separate title.

Has anyone gotten any legal counsel on whether this new requirement will apply to condo's?? I should think that it would apply in which case the condo sales market of non-deslinde condo's is going to come to an abrupt halt in April!


May 18, 2002
It appears that a deslinde is what we call in the US a subdivision of land with each subdivided parcel having separate title.

Has anyone gotten any legal counsel on whether this new requirement will apply to condo's?? I should think that it would apply in which case the condo sales market of non-deslinde condo's is going to come to an abrupt halt in April!

Without "deslinde" you cannot establish your condo rules or "regimen de condominios" which are necessary to obtain seperate titles for each condo.

I think it is better to purchase a condo in the name of a company because you can always sell the company even if the title is not ready yet.
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The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
hello Fabio,
i am sure not kidding.
but if condos are approved without deslinde means i ask myself why i had to do deslindes for my properties?
should i have just declared them as future condo projects ?
on some cheap papers sold to some family members by contract?
really, on such law i do not get the point where i can decide about the papers of a 3000 tareas finca whic is in my own and only name.
i want to have each of my boys and one gal(aside of one they are not my own blood) the right on their specific piece of that property just in case i go myself down the river tomorrow. should i really take the step on which i am actually thinking and devide it in several separate properties with separate titles in different names or is there in case of the condo exception a backdoor where we should better say that the whole property should be declared as a condominium and no separate deslindes/titles would be needed?, just some "condo" contracts which show who owes what piece.
thank you again and again for your great and valuable advice


New member
Oct 20, 2008
I have a carta constancia for a property in Barahona and would like to get an actual title (maybe divide the property into several titles). Do I need to pay the title transfer taxes if the title(s) are still in my name? Does anyone know of a surveyor in Barahona with GPS?

J D Sauser

Nov 20, 2004
Mr. Guzman, I have a contact looking to buy a property here in the DR next week which has not yet been deslindado. Given the April deslinde deadline coming up, would you recommend they go ahead with the buying before the deadline or do you recommend they wait until the deslinde has been obtained by the seller as to after the April deadline?
Which is more legally safe, which is faster.

.. J-D.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Mr. Guzman, I have a contact looking to buy a property here in the DR next week which has not yet been deslindado. Given the April deslinde deadline coming up, would you recommend they go ahead with the buying before the deadline or do you recommend they wait until the deslinde has been obtained by the seller as to after the April deadline?
Which is more legally safe, which is faster.

.. J-D.

good question,
interested in exactly that info myself

Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
If the seller is in possession and the due diligence (including that of a surveyor) does not bring up any encroachment issues, you could go ahead and buy and retain a portion of the purchase price until the deslinde is done.

Also, a new resolution by the Supreme Court, just published, states that "undeslinded" properties dating from before April 2, 2007, can still be transferred, for just one time, provided that the owner is selling the entire property and not a piece of it!

For example, if you have a "Carta Constancia" (an undeslinded property) from before April 2, 2007, for 1,000 square meters. The Supreme Court is now saying that you can convey the property to a buyer if the whole 1000 meters are sold. The new owner, however, will not be able to sell it without doing a deslinde.

J D Sauser

Nov 20, 2004

Also, a new resolution by the Supreme Court, just published, states that "undeslinded" properties dating from before April 2, 2007, can still be transferred, for just one time, provided that the owner is selling the entire property and not a piece of it!

For example, if you have a "Carta Constancia" (an undeslinded property) from before April 2, 2007, for 1,000 square meters. The Supreme Court is now saying that you can convey the property to a buyer if the whole 1000 meters are sold. The new owner, however, will not be able to sell it without doing a deslinde.

IMO, for once a wise and sensate Supreme Court decision, understanding that many may be those who do not have the financial means to go thru a deslinde process and thus would be unable to sell or at mercy of sharks.

... J-D.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
me llamo Laura soy italiana y necesito hacer una pregunta nel asunto del deslinde. En el 2008 he comprado una casa que tuve el t?tulo, con la asistencia de un abogado de un estudio importante en gazcue - calle cesar nicolas penson - santo domingo. He pagado el importe preguntado por el vendedor en ?nica soluci?n y un honorario de 3000 d?lares al abogado para redactar el acto de adquisici?n. Para tener el t?tulo a mi nombre me ha hecho esperar 1 a?o y luego la sorpresa me ha entregado un constancia anotada dici?ndome que en la Rep?blica Dominicana ya' no fueron concedidos t?tulos y tuve que tomar un agrimensor pagar otros 50.000 pesos por el deslinde. ?Es justo que un abogado se comporta as?? ?Si la casa que he comprado tuviera el t?tulo por qu? no he tenido el nuevo t?tulo a mi nombre? Gracias por contestarme.

J D Sauser

Nov 20, 2004
me llamo Laura soy italiana y necesito hacer una pregunta nel asunto del deslinde. En el 2008 he comprado una casa que tuve el t?tulo, con la asistencia de un abogado de un estudio importante en gazcue - calle cesar nicolas penson - santo domingo. He pagado el importe preguntado por el vendedor en ?nica soluci?n y un honorario de 3000 d?lares al abogado para redactar el acto de adquisici?n. Para tener el t?tulo a mi nombre me ha hecho esperar 1 a?o y luego la sorpresa me ha entregado un constancia anotada dici?ndome que en la Rep?blica Dominicana ya' no fueron concedidos t?tulos y tuve que tomar un agrimensor pagar otros 50.000 pesos por el deslinde. ?Es justo que un abogado se comporta as?? ?Si la casa que he comprado tuviera el t?tulo por qu? no he tenido el nuevo t?tulo a mi nombre? Gracias por contestarme.

No soy abogado y por tanto lo siguiente se limita a ser solamente mi opinion sin bases legales.

En este pais, sobre todo al momento de ofrecer un bien en venta, TODOS dicen que su propiedad tiene "titulo". En parte es una mentira, y otras muchas veces refleja una concepto erroneo popular de lo que realmente es un titulo legal y lo que no lo es. En el caso suyo parece que la propiedad NO tenia deslinde y por tanto NO tenia titulo legal sino solamente un contrato de compra venta trapasado de comprador a comprador... un procedimiento comun en este pais hasta que la nueva ley exija que se deslinden las propiedades para que se puedan emitr titulos legales.
Lo que es sospechoso, es que SU abogado "importante" no se haya percatado del problema, porque es justamenta para evitar este tipo de problema o timo, que uno contrata los servicios de un abogado al momento de realizar una compra-venta. Su abogado debia haber descubierto imediatamente que la propiedad requeria un deslinde segun la ley antes de poder ser transferida a un nuevo comprador (Usted). Le habra informado del obstaculo?

... J-D.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
corecto J.D.
un abogado recibe este informe imediamente cuando quiere transferir un titulo.
y la duracion de un a?o para el procecimento de la cosa?
desde el 1ro de abril 2007 propietades sin deslindes pueden ser vendido una sola vez sin la Deslinde hecho. que su propietad nueva tiene un titulo en el nombre de un due?o anterior sin deslinde significa la propietad fue vendido una vez sin deslinde, por eso la proxima venta(a ustedes) se obliga la nececidad de Deslinde.
suerte con este abogado


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Hola a todos, quiero precisar que tambi?n yo soy un abogado y no me reputo un irresponsable aunque no conozco vuestra ley me he informado antes de comprar. La casa que he comprado tuvo el t?tulo en nombre del vendedor con una hipoteca que he cerrado al banco popular, tengo los recibos, regularmente y no tengo solo el contracto. El problema m?s serio es que este pais tienen de los abogados incumplidores y en lugar de incentivar los extranjeros a llevar capitales en el pa?s se comportan deshonestamente por ganar poco dinero. Desculpe por el desahogo, pero soy disgustada por este comportamiento. Gracias.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
cada pais tiene algunos abogados buenos y un gran numero de "abogados" cuales son solamente un P.I.T.A.
ustedes como Abogado deben saber de este facto de vida mundial y informaselo de las reglas y costumbres de un pais extranjero primero de hacer inverciones en propietades o otros.
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