Domestic Abuse by Dominican Men this year

Dec 26, 2011
I laugh when I hear guys go on about how sweet and affectionate Dominican women are.

This is a common misconception. It blindsided me. My ex-wife(met her not far from the restaurant you frequent on 181st) turned out to be loyal, hard-working, gorgeous from the first I saw her till the present, honest and very well-liked by my friends and family, a devoted mother, etc. We had a very healthy sexual relationship. Affectionate? Never. It's like she wasn't built that way. I think it had a lot to with some episodes of childhood abuse and emotional neglect on the part of her parents. I guess they did the best they could(she was the oldest of eight). From the time we dated until I left about fifteen years later I never got the warmth and affection I sought from her. She's not giving it to anyone else either. She's alone and bitter and hates my guts and instead of admitting her deficiency prefers to consider me a perro.

For context, she didn't marry me for money because I had none when we met. I feel bad for her inability to connect emotionally but hopefully learned from the experience.


Jun 19, 2009
SKING, you are I presume a heterosexual female so your concept of what is attractive to men is no where near definitive - if you know what I mean.

The DR has a higher percentage of hot women ( of all stripes/shades) than most other places in the world. These are the facts. The male tourist biz and the Miss Universo pageants are proof. On a scale of 1-10 the DR average is high relative to place like the US. These are the facts. That doesn't mean other countries don't have attractive women - the average in the DR is higher. just the facts

Facts ? Of course, this is DR1, filled with men who flocked to DR for cheap pussy with beautiful women (Hence, the alleged "snotty attitude" of the same women at home ;)).

Go to another expat forum, they will tell you that Cuban are the most beautiful women on earth.

I heard the same about Brazilian women.

I also heard the same about Colombian.

And the list goes on......

The thing that Dominican women have over let's say Ukrainian (know a couples drop dead gorgeous ones) is that they come in all shades.

So, your facts are NOT facts. It is just opinion/preference.

Not hating baby, just the truth.
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Nov 22, 2007
Amen sistah.

Like I said.....




I see just as many of them in DR as I do in the States and every once in a while when I wake up and have to run to WalMart cuz I have no milk for the kids cereal, you could consider me a hot ghetto mess also. But I can guarantee you (and you may ask any person on this board who has seen me) I can hold my own right alongside your "stunning" Dominicanas and I'm straight Afro-American.

But to each his own, you boys have fun and just be safe :)

Dec 26, 2011
Who said that a hot ghetto mess is a bad thing? :)

The beautiful in Afro-Latina(Afro-Cubana/Dominicana/Colombiana/Costarricense/Boricua) and Afro-American is the "Afro", the rest matters little.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Who said that a hot ghetto mess is a bad thing? :)

The beautiful in Afro-Latina(Afro-Cubana/Dominicana/Colombiana/Costarricense/Boricua) and Afro-American is the "Afro", the rest matters little.

Your opinion doesn't make it true. Most Costa Ricans have very sparce Afro Blood, and well as many of the others you've mentioned. It is the " mix" that makes the difference.
Dec 26, 2011
Your opinion doesn't make it true. Most Costa Ricans have very sparce Afro Blood, and well as many of the others you've mentioned. It is the " mix" that makes the difference.

Obviously, it's an opinion. It's subjective. Just like what you just said. The ones that have "sparce(sic) Afro Blood" are not referred to as Afro-Latina, rather simply Latina.


New member
Mar 9, 2009

Facts ? Of course, this is DR1, filled with men who flocked to DR for cheap pussy with beautiful women (Hence, the alleged "snotty attitude" of the same women at home ;)).

Go to another expat forum, they will tell you that Cuban are the most beautiful women on earth.

I heard the same about Brazilian women.

I also heard the same about Colombian.

And the list goes on......

The thing that Dominican women have over let's say Ukrainian (know a couples drop dead gorgeous ones) is that they come in all shades.

So, your facts are NOT facts. It is just opinion/preference.

Not hating baby, just the truth.

Here is part of what I said:
"The DR has a higher percentage of hot women ( of all stripes/shades) than most other places in the world."

Nothing in your statement refutes or disagrees with what I have said.

DR, Brazil, Colombia, Ukraine (thats 4 countries). - the statement still stands - the Dominican average is above average when compared to the places the posters on this board are from - definitely the US, Canada, Western Europe.


Nov 4, 2011
Here is part of what I said:
"The DR has a higher percentage of hot women ( of all stripes/shades) than most other places in the world."

Nothing in your statement refutes or disagrees with what I have said.

DR, Brazil, Colombia, Ukraine (thats 4 countries). - the statement still stands - the Dominican average is above average when compared to the places the posters on this board are from - definitely the US, Canada, Western Europe.

I am in my mid 30's and I still have not seen all the beautiful women in the USA. I recently visited AZ and I had no idea AZ had so many beautiful women. You cannot compare Dominican women to American women are you MADD???

Atlanta, LA, Dallas, San Diego, Washington D.C., Chicago, NYC, Houston, Charlotte, Phoenix etc. These are just a few and their are many more. I have spent time in almost all of DR cities and the women pretty much all LOOK the SAME, not the case in the USA each group of women from different cities have their own FLAVOR.

I want you to tell yourself with a STRAIGHT FACE the country of the Dominican Republic have MORE beautiful women then the state of California.

If you took a worldwide POLL most men would choose BLONDE HAIR BLUE EYES over the best looking Dominican. Sorry that is just the way it is, very few men like the look of Dominican women over blondes and blue eyed women.
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Nov 4, 2011
Stop hating. You are woman so you would not necessarily know. The average dominican (18 - 28) woman who comes from the DR to the US almost always is an immediate cut above her local competition in the US.

They are then instantaneously bombarded with male attention they never received back home because - lets face it - being attractive in the DR is dime a dozen. Ask any man, Dominican or otherwise who has brought a woman to the US and find out what they tell you.
They are bombarded - quickly. Their femininity alone blows away the competition - (this is the same for many foreign women who come to the US). Lets face facts, US women on the average aren't all that feminine.

These are the facts.
When ever you get a chance give me some examples of what make Dominican women so feminine. I would love to read this.
Dec 26, 2011
If you took a worldwide POLL most men would choose BLONDE HAIR BLUE EYES over the best looking Dominican. Sorry that is just the way it is, very few men like the look of Dominican women over blondes and blue eyed women.

I think you're right about that poll. But, I have blonde hair and green eyes and no interest whatsoever in blonde blue-eyed women. We like what we like. That's what makes life interesting.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or at least that is what I always hear..True story..When I was dating my spouse and met his family for the first time I was ill prepared. No make-up, just finished cleaning, in sweats and t-shirt, you get the picture a hot mess. Anyhow the next evening he took me to their house and of course I had my face on, dressed, hair done, etc.. Well when they saw me his mother asked him in Spanish while I was getting something out of the car " who is this, we thought you were bringing your girlfriend, what is going". He starting laughing as did I (she thought I did not hear her or understand her) and said this is the same girl from yesterday. Moral of the story we can all clean up well.


Jan 2, 2002
One is either feminine or not. No amount of makeup can make one feminine, it's something that comes from inside. ;)


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Did you mean natural beauty??? You know beauty comes from within. Because I have seen some that were not very feminine looking individuals by day and low and behold a bit of makeup and they could have fooled


Sep 27, 2011
SKING, you are I presume a heterosexual female so your concept of what is attractive to men is no where near definitive - if you know what I mean.

The DR has a higher percentage of hot women ( of all stripes/shades) than most other places in the world. These are the facts. The male tourist biz and the Miss Universo pageants are proof. On a scale of 1-10 the DR average is high relative to place like the US. These are the facts. That doesn't mean other countries don't have attractive women - the average in the DR is higher. just the facts

Facts? Really? LOL!!

How do you know that you know what other men find attractive. I haven't looked twice at a Dominican woman for years, they lost their appeal after I'd lived around them for a few years. Don't think men swarm to the Island because the women are incredibly attractive, that is a misconception some men like to convince themselves of so as not to face reality. Men swarm to DR because the woman are very easy to screw and it is a short flight for many. Yes many are attractive, but not unusually attractive, just in many mens real world they do not get the attention they get in DR and so obviously, back home women are not as attractive.


Jun 17, 2012
Casual sex is as easy as breathing in the DR. In the US its gets tough when you pass 35. That is an attraction about the DR. The average 40 year old is not picking up a 25 yr old hottie ( or younger depending on what you like) in the US unless hes got mucho bucks, no matter what she is.
Most US/Latinas do put up the snotty front. Thats not just the Dominicanas. Puerto Rican women (those who are still a bit ethnic) Cubanas. Once you get an intro its a different story. Thats the US latin culture. Italian women have that same thing.
Women who live here know the deal. One of my buddies tries his Santo Domingo bull**** on women here in NY and wonders why he gets shot down. A woman isnt going to bring home a white guy who tells her about his trips to the DR. Unless you lie and say you never left the resort with your girlfriend at the time. Women here have jobs education and a visa. So you have to step up your game or save your Latina fetish for the DR


Dec 11, 2003
i just wonder if we would be talking about men this way? I mean, Hot Dominican men? for all the sankie stuff no one seems to come on here saying how gorgeous Dominican men are....

and except for the eye candy factor .. and how the others cocks of the walk admire what is on the arm.... well....ok

how long does it take a guy before the insides matter?


New member
May 27, 2012
All i know is the court system there protect women from such abuse so my main question is why does it still go on? Domestic Violence is still an issue, with some of the cases that come out but most go unreported what should a women do when she is entirely dependent on her hubby. She can not report the bread winner in the family for abuse it will only make matters worse, what bothers me is when she tells her family they simply tell her to persevere. How can you persevere a beating?


Sep 27, 2006
One is either feminine or not. No amount of makeup can make one feminine, it's something that comes from inside. ;)

dudette, you couldn't be more wrong :)
as seen on tv:


and i'd say she is more beautiful that 90% born women...
Dec 26, 2011
Both Dominican and Afghan women are raised in societies where the prevailing religious climate paints them as lesser beings.