Dominicans and the Crack culture.....

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Jan 2, 2005
Scandall said:
I don't have to walk in a drug dealer's shoes to know he is a scumbag. Nor do I care about his bills. Helping yourself by ruining the lives of countless others is never excusable. It is the easy way out. Plenty of people in the same situation choose other paths.


Come on just give her a break.... she never said he used them.:eek:


Jan 2, 2005
Scandall said:
#1) I am pretty sure that Joshua is a "he".

#2) I commented on dealers. Not him.


#1... my comment was made whether it was he or she.

#2... I despise sellers or users.... he or she.....get it.;)


Master of my own fate.
Oct 10, 2002
Planet Earth
Joshua R said:
hey when the going gets tough and theres no other way you gotta do what you gotta do to feed your family:ermm:

Is that why he invented crack, to feed his family?!?! Possibly the most ridiculous statement I've seen on this board.
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Joshua R

New member
Jan 2, 2006
accually nah he invented it by accident by then he was already making enough but after seeing the profits he decided to go along with it. i mean who will like to giive up all of that money?

hollywood north

New member
Dec 11, 2002
OK-Scandall, sure you can disagree with what I said. But you perhaps have misinterpreted.

I don't believe it's right EITHER....BUT having been in a pretty low situation myself at one point, when holding only a minimum wage job (if you can get one) means you are thrown out on the street, I can understand WHY someone would do something like that. I am not saying it's RIGHT!!!!! And there are other things (legal/illegal) that one can do before resorting to being a crack dealer. And frankly if I knew someone like that, I would get as far away from them as I could.

Examining the underlying reasons WHY people resort to such activity, and putting programs and systems in place so that this does not feel like the only alternative(yeah I know-to you it isn't one and that's fine) is far more effective than just throwing more and more people in jail IMO. Socialist? perhaps.

Sorry if this is off topic too much-but it's easy for people to sit in judgement. Scandall, I am glad your parents believed in hard work, do mine....but I think you also have to look at the era. There are big differences between then and now. By that I mean many of the 'options' that people choose today were not in existence then. We have technological and scientific advances, and along with that growth comes, sadly, 'advances' in underworld activity.

There's always going to be someone that wants to make big money fast.

Thank you
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May 12, 2005
I really can'y understand how anyone can justify and excuse making and selling crack. Just take a tour of the south bronx and see the damage it has wrought and the lives it has destroyed. How anyone with a conscience, morals and respect for their fellow human beings could do a such a thing is beyond me. There's a special place at the lowest and hottest level of hell for those that sell that poison.

La La Land

New member
Dec 19, 2005
Walk in THEIR shoes before you judge CRACK DEALERS????

Crack dealers KILL people SLOWLY, RUIN FAMILIES...Mine included!

My Dominican husband was on COKE, then CRACK for 20 or so years that he started in NY City when he first arrived from the DR as a naive young man. Only this last year he has CLEANED up his act and is doing great. IT IS HORRIFIC what drug dealers do for money....

WALK in ONE of your drug dealer's CLIENTS shoes before you say your relatives had no choice???

Try selling cars or being a janitor like some HONEST people do to live if you have no education or real career path...Drug dealers are lower than the lowest on the human food chain and I wish them all ill will as they are scum. They ruin lives to line their pockets so they can drive hoopty cars and wear excessive amounts of BS jewlery and gold capped teeth..I have confronted many a dealer in the past 8 years of trying to clean my Dominican man up and they are sad excuses for human beings..Really the government should give all the drug dealers the death penalty because they only kill people and families to make an easy buck..

Actually how many drug dealers do you know that live to be a ripe old age that are not in prison?? Most die young or in prison which is the way it should be..If I were relatives of a drug dealer I would crawl under a rock rather than brag that my family was such low life scum bags..but that is me. I come from an educated hard working middle class family who no members even smoke cigarettes...Sorry your family had to resort to ruining lives to "LIVE"...Hopefully you are better than your relatives...:) PAM

The only reason I did not get to move to the DR in 2002/2003 was because my drug addicted husband got into trouble and was on probation..If anyone has had an experience with a crackhead they will know the problems the families have to endure..And my husband was only the occasional crack user like 1-3 times a month...He could have money in his pocket and not do crack but once in a while he would smoke $10-$20 of it and lose his mind..REALLY until you see the damage crack does UP CLOSE and PERSONAL you have no idea the price families pay for such a SORRY habit to have.
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Oct 5, 2005
No excuse, but ... some very good reasons

I can not bring myself to write in defense of crack dealers or any type of drug dealers.

That said, it is easy for people who have not lived in the hood to jump to conclusions.

Of course, if YOU (middle class white man or woman) moved to the hood, knowing what you know and having the role models and privledge and parental support that you have experienced, of course YOU would chose another method to earn money.

You would also bring with you a notion of delayed gratification, commitment, and sacrifice, as well as memories of them having worked for you and others that you know.

The lure of dealing drugs does not exist in a vaccum. For poor young males, many African American -- or Dominican, drug dealing is attractive in the ABSENCE of good role models. Very few neighbors, if anyone, are showing them how to escape the shackles of poverty.

If THE ONLY RICH GUY YOU KNEW was a sports icon and the other was a drug dealer, the only one, are you SO sure that you would not turn to dealing? (Mayeb after your dream of sports turned sour...)

Don't you think they KNOW the probability of death before age 25, what is it now 1 in 3 for a young black/hispanic dealer?

I read the obits for tens of young black/hispanic men that I went to schol with. Some of them were in my algebra class in middle school, a few ran track and played ball, some went to college for a short time, before risking their lives for easy drug money.

It is very easy to judge these folks when we live outside of their world and can not even fathom what it is like. It is easier to judge them when we did not know them as small boys, neighbors, brothers, boyfriends or sons.

May I suggest that we save our loathing for the next level up - the Dons who sell to the dealers ,and to their big daddies. Those guys must be suit guys. Maybe they're posting on this board and condeming the little street warriors.

Selling drugs on that level is the inexcusable job. Back off of the young street corner dealers and focus your energy on alternative ways to get them out of poverty.

Done with my vent, bring on the raw eggs and rotten tomatoes! -suenos

La La Land

New member
Dec 19, 2005
You sure are dumb....

Joshua R said:
yeah read my post carefully they do as a LAST RESORT meaning they've tried everything they could think of. what you think that they dont know what they are doing? sure it makes them feel uncomfrotable but the people who use it & buy it are really the ones to blame people dont sell drugs the drugs sell themselves

PEOPLE COULD NOT USE IT OR BUY IT IF A** holes did not sell it..YA THINK??? Sure, your family wanted EASY Money....Your uncle or whomever was the dealer was dead? Bad things happen to bad people I always say...

Well I had the misfortune of moving to the country in Georgia where there were no drugs within miles of my farm. So my husband was "SAFE" working on the farm with no temptations etc..UNTIL a drug dealer that makes HOUSE CALLS arrived at my door step acting like he wanted to buy livestock..Of course I went into investigation mode and finally ran him out of the county..But his excuse was "I am black and a felon no one will give me a job"..So I found him a job and he refused it...SO keep thinking that drug dealers have no choice...They have a choice NOT to be a** holes and ruin lives BUT They choose to deal so that is why they are scum...I really wish they would all die from their own substances that they choose to sell. Let them live in the hell they create....

La La Land

New member
Dec 19, 2005
If you think street level THUGS have no other choices then you are mistaken...This is AMERICA where you can go to college for free, you can MOVE to a better place and better yourselves. You can go into the military when you get out of high school etc etc etc..They choose to deal because they want to live on the corner with their BOYS with no responsibilities and be free to hang out, drink a beer and make money...If you have ever seen a young man of 17 who went into the Army because his mom was a maid in a dive hotel in downtown Orlando where people sleep on the fire escapee etc..You will know they have options. Robert was a guy I met on the bus on the way to my physical to get into the Air Force in 1984..He wanted a better life so he joined the Army at 17 and got out of that environment. I sat beside beside him on the bus ride to Tampa FL to get processed. He had no choice he thought or stay in the ghetto and end up in a bad situation. He had a good time in the Army and is now living a normal life and he helped his mom out of her situation too..They have a choice they just choose easy money..NO EXCUSE for lack of moral character...


Mar 22, 2002
La La Land said:
PEOPLE COULD NOT USE IT OR BUY IT IF A** holes did not sell it..YA THINK??? Sure, your family wanted EASY Money....Your uncle or whomever was the dealer was dead? Bad things happen to bad people I always say...

Well I had the misfortune of moving to the country in Georgia where there were no drugs within miles of my farm. So my husband was "SAFE" working on the farm with no temptations etc..UNTIL a drug dealer that makes HOUSE CALLS arrived at my door step acting like he wanted to buy livestock..Of course I went into investigation mode and finally ran him out of the county..But his excuse was "I am black and a felon no one will give me a job"..So I found him a job and he refused it...SO keep thinking that drug dealers have no choice...They have a choice NOT to be a** holes and ruin lives BUT They choose to deal so that is why they are scum...I really wish they would all die from their own substances that they choose to sell. Let them live in the hell they create....
Good post. There are 2 kinds of people who will make allowances for drug dealers. They are either:

1) Involved in that culture themselves. They will argue the reasoning that either a) dealers have tried other ways to make money but as a result of growing up in poverty with no opportunity, have no choice because they have mouths to feed or b) the drugs sell themselves (if I dont sell it, someone else will), or

2) People who are so far removed from this that through ignorance, they will argue that they empathize with drug dealers and all misfortunate people who are victums of poverty/oppression/racism because they have to resort to this. These are the people who have never seen a crack vile or a crack baby that is so small and feeble that the sight of it makes you cry.

The rest of us who have seen what drugs can do to individuals/families/neighborhoods/etc. are the ones who say it straight....drug dealers are scumbags. It is sad that there are people who will actually take the time to argue against that.

Jan 5, 2006
Selling drugs regardless of your circumstances is not excusable, period!

I don't want to hear anyone use the argument that they were poor, lived in a bad neighborhood, or whatever other poor excuse you can come up with. I was born into an uneducated family with limited financial resources who lived in a barrio in Santo Domingo before coming to the US. Once here, the rest of my growing up was done in an inner city setting, with plenty of other Dominican kids who came from similar families that immigrated to the US from some barrio or campo. I point this out to qualify my point of view with the fact that I've been at the frontline of temptation when it comes to drug use and selling.

Now, 80% of the kids that I grew up with are either back in DR because they were deported, or are in prison in the US waiting to meet the same fate because they took what they felt was the easy way out and got involved with drugs. The other 20% of us worked at fast food restaurants, supermarkets, the local retail stores, etc. because we valued the advice of our financially limited, yet honest and hard working parents. Today, I can count among that original 20% many of us who went on to graduate college and become successful professionals; some are lawyers, IT professionals, and some even own the businesses that we worked at as kids.

My point in all this is that there are multiple paths in life, and that if you conciously choose the wrong one, knowing that you're getting involved with drugs, there is no excuse. The guy cleaning windshields or shining shoes on some street corner in DR could just as easily choose to sell drugs, yet he chooses to make an honest living, and there is honor in that. Drugs are garbage, and if you sell them, you are garbage too. No excuses!


Doctor of Diplomacy
Sep 23, 2002
Larry said:
Good post. There are 2 kinds of people who will make allowances for drug dealers. They are either:

1) Involved in that culture themselves. They will argue the reasoning that either a) dealers have tried other ways to make money but as a result of growing up in poverty with no opportunity, have no choice because they have mouths to feed or b) the drugs sell themselves (if I dont sell it, someone else will), or

2) People who are so far removed from this that through ignorance, they will argue that they empathize with drug dealers and all misfortunate people who are victums of poverty/oppression/racism because they have to resort to this. These are the people who have never seen a crack vile or a crack baby that is so small and feeble that the sight of it makes you cry.

The rest of us who have seen what drugs can do to individuals/families/neighborhoods/etc. are the ones who say it straight....drug dealers are scumbags. It is sad that there are people who will actually take the time to argue against that.

Let me sum that up....

1) Scumbags

2) Liberal Do-Gooders who excuse everything as "Society's fault"



Doctor of Diplomacy
Sep 23, 2002
Hipocrito Mejia said:
The guy cleaning windshields or shining shoes on some street corner in DR could just as easily choose to sell drugs, yet he chooses to make an honest living, and there is honor in that. Drugs are garbage, and if you sell them, you are garbage too. No excuses!

That's very true. Or should I say "true true"?

I have a lot of respect for limpia botas and skim ice salesmen. They bust their asses in the hot sun to make barely anything when they could just become criminals. That shows character.



Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Scandall said:
That's very true. Or should I say "true true"?

I have a lot of respect for limpia botas and skim ice salesmen. They bust their asses in the hot sun to make barely anything when they could just become criminals. That shows character.

Truer words were never spoken.

I am a huge admirer of the work ethic and resourcefulness of the great majority of Dominicans.

Joshua R

New member
Jan 2, 2006
La La Land said:
Walk in THEIR shoes before you judge CRACK DEALERS????

Crack dealers KILL people SLOWLY, RUIN FAMILIES...Mine included!

My Dominican husband was on COKE, then CRACK for 20 or so years that he started in NY City when he first arrived from the DR as a naive young man. Only this last year he has CLEANED up his act and is doing great. IT IS HORRIFIC what drug dealers do for money....

WALK in ONE of your drug dealer's CLIENTS shoes before you say your relatives had no choice???

Yo hold up my uncle is hooked to that **** i know how it effects people i know that because i grew up all around it and franlky i've kept my nose clean by not messing around with that so yeh i know how it looks like and how it feels like. :ermm:

Joshua R

New member
Jan 2, 2006

La La Land said:
PEOPLE COULD NOT USE IT OR BUY IT IF A** holes did not sell it..YA THINK??? Sure, your family wanted EASY Money....Your uncle or whomever was the dealer was dead? Bad things happen to bad people I always say...

of course not because you wont have a supply or demand...YA THINK??? so shows how smart you are...calling me stupid..... im sure that there are those that have only cold hard cash in their minds and dont care about anyone else but you have to look at it in a individual basis some are greedy some just want to support their family i've known many street pharmacist that just wanted to make money to get out of the misery himself and his family were in and i dont blame them. And by the way you shouldnt wish death on anyone cause they'll come back to haunt you


Doctor of Diplomacy
Sep 23, 2002
Joshua R said:
of course not because you wont have a supply or demand...YA THINK??? so shows how smart you are...calling me stupid..... im sure that there are those that have only cold hard cash in their minds and dont care about anyone else but you have to look at it in a individual basis some are greedy some just want to support their family i've known many street pharmacist that just wanted to make money to get out of the misery himself and his family were in and i dont blame them. And by the way you shouldnt wish death on anyone cause they'll come back to haunt you

I believe it was Abe Lincoln who said something like "It is better to keep your mouth shut and have people assume ignorance than to speak and remove all doubt."

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