
bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
thanks for your scholarly dissertation, educating us great unwashed with your exemplary level of erudition. despite your wondrous insights, i would rather attend a school like MIT, with the formidable faculty which they boast, than some school which is staffed by guys who are barely above GED standards. i care not a whit how well they can teach. i want to know that they know their stuff. otherwise, i will teach myself.

Obsolutely, however that option is not available for most of the worlds population.
Dec 26, 2011
I looked up the word 'plagiarism' in Webster's: found photos of Dominican university students and professors.

Remember the Book Fair ad debacle?

Before I pull that up, enjoy this vid from last year(me dio nausea a los 30 segundos):


Back to plagiarism...

Controversy on the web over Book Fair announcement -

As always, no admission of guilt, just lots of rationalization.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I would have... had I studied in the D.R... AND especially Jarabacoa!

Jarabacoa has little in the way of advanced education. It does however have many kind, gracious and beautiful women and a surprising number of extremely well educated and intelligent people.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Obsolutely, however that option is not available for most of the worlds population.

saunders, i am not going to get into get into a longwinded give and take with you, simply to furnish you with the opportunity to prove that you always have to have the last word. so, here is the deal. to you, rankings might be unimportant. i am different. if i had to fill out a job application with IBM , or Microsoft, i would rather that my CV said MBA, Stanford, than MBA, PUCMM. i scarcely believe that Human Resources really gives a rat's ass about your analysis about peer reviews, and other such peripherals. what they care about is that such institutions are recognized to be at the pinnacle of the academic pecking order.


Sep 29, 2010
More than name recognition, I think student drive and ambition affects how successful a student eventually becomes in the professional world. Of course, name recognition helps to get you in the door but once in the door, talent and enthusiasm becomes more important. That is not to say that there is no connection between higher earnings and name recognition. I think there is a connection between higher earnings and name recognition. What I am saying is that there is not necessarily a connection between name recognition and quality.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
And you were right: PUCMM is ranked 5257 in the world - below APEC and UASD.

Who would've thunk it?!

thanks for clearing that up for me, Lucifer. i forgot the rankings where i found the info. would you object to posting a link, just in case i have to provide evidence in a future discussion? much obliged.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
I think you better research that.

you think i batter research it? you think i am you? you believe i make statements without something to back them?

About the federal student loans, PUCMM IS NO LONGER certified to be part of this program. Apparently their USMLE pass rate is below the 75%, so every freshmen will not receive Federal loans... they never told us about this, and wait until last week to notified. About the accreditation, we have no idea if exists or not. A lot of foreigners will drop the career this week, which is very disappointing.

that comes directly from a student. the next posting in the thread states that they are no longer eligible for the federal student loan programe because they lost their accreditation. so, i already checked it BEFORE i posted.