Girls Drowned in Hotel Pools

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RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
I think it relates to the topic, and I'll tell you why ....

There actually is "legitimate" concern and argument over this (whether blacks can swim) because if you think about it ... in the DR so many live near the water. Without an ability to swim, it could be dangerous for them. That is some of what what Matilda was saying, BTW. However, I just agree to disagree about WHY the lack of skill.

Bottom line ... all kids need to learn.

Well we will just have to disagree as to WHY lack of skill. I only said what I said having experienced being married to a black man, and having taught him and his 3 children to swim, having taught hundred of people of all sizes, shape and colour to dive, and having also taught hundreds of local Dominicans and Haitians to swim. I have also, unfortunately pulled several dead Dominicans and Haitians out of the sea and swimming pools, and only managed to resuscitate one using CPR. In Juan Dolio there was and there still is at least one or two drownings a month in the sea which people will often blame on alcohol, but more often or not it is due to the strong current and the lack of ability to swim.



Dec 4, 2003
Lack of training

The black diving instructor I had at Larimar back in the last century, had no problem swimming. He did however have a problem understanding that I needed to surface because my eardrums were bursting and kept dragging me down deeper. Of course, he could have been trying to kill me.


Jul 25, 2007
The black diving instructor I had at Larimar back in the last century, had no problem swimming. He did however have a problem understanding that I needed to surface because my eardrums were bursting and kept dragging me down deeper. Of course, he could have been trying to kill me.

Do you know Donp by any chance? :)


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Oh for Pete's sake! Physiologically black people have denser bones - fact. This means they usually find it harder to float - fact. Hence easier to drown. Yes they can learn to swim, but they have never won Olympic medals although have in I suspect every other Olympic sport. This is not a race issue this is a physiological issue. End of story.

Get your fact's straight,YES a Gold Medal Was Won By A Black Man in the 2008 summer olympics in the 4x100 freestyle relay.


Sep 11, 2010
No offense chip
but between you being "chipper" and Don s reality checks
I dont know lol


Mar 24, 2011
Teach your children well...........

Rather then splitting hairs on this matter....I am sure we can all agree that as parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents and mentors we need to teach the children to swim....

All my kids were in the water before they could walk at 6 months old....water babies program teaches repetative instinct to an infant to fall in the water, hold breathe, flip over to back and float...basic life saving technique that works...

Teach them well to save their lives....PERIOD


Jun 19, 2009
Tambo, I agree with you, what a freakin disaster !!!!!!

Sorry for the pseudoscientist's theory in this thread, the reason why you don't see that many black swimmers is because, THEY JUST NEVER LEARNED AS KIDS. PERIOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like every French students,I learned how to swim in 3rd grade ,and along with other black kids, we didn't have any problems !!
Having learned young myself, it is a priority for me (and my 4 and 2.5 yr old will be starting this summer)

Unfortunately, pool accidents are EXTREMELY common for children. In the US,fatal drowning remains the second-leading cause of unintentional injury-related death for children ages 1 to 14 years. I believe some states in the US are required to have a fence around their pool if young children are present.
CDC - Water-Related Injuries Facts - Home and Recreational Safety - Injury Center


Sep 8, 2010
Rather then splitting hairs on this matter....I am sure we can all agree that as parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents and mentors we need to teach the children to swim....

All my kids were in the water before they could walk at 6 months old....water babies program teaches repetative instinct to an infant to fall in the water, hold breathe, flip over to back and float...basic life saving technique that works...

Teach them well to save their lives....PERIOD

And this is what it looks like ... yes, it can save a life!

<iframe width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Bob Boyd

Active member
Feb 3, 2004
The number one killer in swimming pools is 1 (single) main drain and/or 1 skimmer on the side of the pool. The second is having an oversized pump on undersized plumbing. The D.R. is one of the few countries in the world that doesn't have laws and regulations on construction of pools and because of that the number of deaths, due to preventable accidents is astronomical.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
I Used To Wonder How Adults Who Were Excellent Swimmers Could Drown

even in calm waters????
One day,I found out how!
I was floating in a truck tire innertube in a little pond in Newhamshire.I asked my wife to mix me a "Rum & Coke".
She came out of our cabin with a mixing bowl filled with a fifth of rum,lots of ice,and 2 liters of coke.I floated around the pond for a few hours siping my "Cuba Libre". When I decided to go for a swim,I was so drunk,I couldn't get me "Fat A$$" out of the tube. "No Problemo" I thought,so I flipped over the tube.Instead of being able to swim,I found myself standing on the bottom of the pond,looking up at the surface,several feet above. "What to do"? I decided that since I could not swim,I would walk to shore.I began to walk toward the shore.I just walked out of the water without a care in the World.It wasn't even scary,until I sobered up.Some said I suffered "Sever Brain Damage" due to lack of oxygen. Remember,"Alcohol & Water" should NEVER BE MIXED!!!!!
Except in a "Highball Glass"!
The number one reason why adult males drown in the DR,is because they are DRUNK!
The main reson why children drown in the DR,is the fault of their parents.Dominicans don't think a child can drown unless the water is over their head.Therefor, they don't watch them in shallow water in pools,or when they are playing near the shore at the beach,or even in a bathtub, or "Kiddipool"!
When they should be watching,they usually can be seen talking to other adults,who are not watching their children either.They also think that a 10 year old can watch,and take care of,younger children in a pool.Sometimes they all drown.Last year a poor woman in Santigo was hospitalized,in shock, when her 12 year old daughter fell in a canal near her house,and drowned.The newspaper said that it was really "Heartbreaking",because only a year befor,her two younger daughters had fallen in the same canal,and both had drowned.LIKE THERE WAS NO CONNECTION!
I hate taking my kids to a pool,or the beach.I know I will spen the entire time watching them,TOTALLY! They have "Floats" on both arms,and are average swimmers.We have an inflatable pool at home.I have it on the front patio,so I can sit in "My Chair" and keep watch.
At times I wish I was Dominican!(God Forbid) so I could leave them unwatched.I guess "Ignorance Is Bliss" when it comes to taking care of your kids in the DR!
I am not saying Dominicans don't love their kids,they are just ignorant in so many ways to how they can be injured.



Sep 27, 2006
my uncle, a very good swimmer, drowed. got a bad cramp, could not move much, the current (it was in a river) took him in and under. water is a dangerous thing. i never learnt how to swim well thanks to mr spielberg and "jaws" - i have a very strong feer of all water, pools included. hum "jaw" melody when i am in a pool and i'd be out in a split second coming at you with a machete.

don't blame parents, you cannot look at your child all the time. heck, a kid can slip on the floor and crack its head open before you even shout "look out". constant vigilance over a child just cannot be done. one has to remember that kids are amazingly dumb when it comes so sensing and anticipating any danger. teach them how to swim, observe them, this is all you can do.


Apr 11, 2010
As a child growing up in the island, on summer vacation at varadero,would go to the beach every day unwatched.. only 8 or 9 years old (those Cubans are just like dominicans).I was told in early training if tragas aguas you will die and no one will be able to save you. Later on my love of the water was in my Army records and the Army gave me the chance to spend my last three months in service as a life guard at fort Mc Pherson in Atlanta. As a life guard had no loss of live, but it only takes a minute or two for a fatality


Nov 22, 2007
So, I didn't respond to the thread because I was waiting to get to work. It is funny how so many people fall for some sh*t that a few may say here as the truth.
I asked one of the best ORTHOPEDIC SURGEONS in my hospital regarding this "fact". He states that it is true that African-Americans have a higher bone density than Caucasians but that this has NO RELEVANCE ON THE ABILITY OR LACK THEREOF TO SWIM. He states that is an old wives tale or belief that has NO VALIDITY MEDICALLY.
Wow, I thought. I've gotta ask Matilda and Chip how many years they've spent studying bones for 60+ hours a week.

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