Haitian Citizenship from Birth


Apr 15, 2012
I recently finished reading "Avengers of the New World" from the same author. He certainly has an engaging style.

Well Dubois is the gringo, IMO, who gave the fairest description of the Haitian revolution , and also really knowledgeable about Haitian matters.


Nov 10, 2003
And that is why you don't hear much from the other haitian diasporas.

Most haitians consider these people lost haitians who can't contribute anything to haiti.

These poor souls will always be looked down upon by the english and french speaking diasporas as well as by kreyol speaking haitians in haiti.

This is where the problem arises when Haitians in the diaspora feel this doesn't concern them. One reason why Haiti in whole has a difficult time surpassing obstacles, too much individualism. They have no connection to Haiti and are more Dominican than the baseball cap wearing Dominican York who can only express themselves in colloquial English and colloquial Dominican Spanish. I know of a doctor who was refused her Dominican passport but with the right connections had to present herself. She was told she didn't LOOK Haitian so she can have her Dominican passport. Many professionals will be effected as they own homes and have invested in their country. How do you tell a person since your great great great grandparents were Haitian in transit you are no longer Dominican.

This is only going to build hatred and negative sentiments among both nations. If the Dominicans decide to massacre these Dominicans of Haitian descent which I see will happen in the near future. Haitians in Haiti will not sit with arms crossed like Stenio Vincent who was a coward which made sure the populace were not well informed of the massacre. A lot of bloodshed will occur until the US of A comes.


Dec 11, 2003
This is from the 1987 constitution.

There may have been some update in regards to dual-citizenship which has always been forbiden.

De la Nationalit? Ha?tienne

Les r?gles relatives ? la Nationalit? Ha?tienne sont d?termin?es par la Loi.

Poss?de la Nationalit? Ha?tienne d'origine, tout individu n? d'un p?re ha?tien ou d'une m?re ha?tienne qui eux-m?mes sont n?s Ha?tiens et n'avaient jamais renonc? ? leur nationalit? au moment de la naissance.

La Nationalit? Ha?tienne peut ?tre acquise par la naturalisation.

Tout ?tranger apr?s cinq (5) ans de r?sidence continue sur le Territoire de la R?publique peut obtenir la nationalit? ha?tienne par naturalisation, en se conformant aux r?gles ?tablies par la Loi.

Les Ha?tiens par naturalisation sont admis ? exercer leur de vote, mais ils doivent attendre cinq (5) ans apr?s la date de leur naturalisation pour ?tre ?ligible ou occuper des fonctions publiques autres que celles r?serv?es par la Constitution et par la Loi des ha?tiens d'origine.

La Nationalit? ha?tienne se perd par :
a) La Naturalisation acquise en Pays ?tranger;
b) L'occupation d'un poste politique au service d'un Gouvernement Etranger;
c) La r?sidence continue ? l'?tranger pendant trois (3) ans d'un individu ?tranger naturalis? ha?tien sans une autorisation r?guli?rement accord?e par l'Autorit? comp?tente. Quiconque perd ainsi la nationalit? ha?tienne, ne peut pas la recouvrer.

L'Ha?tien naturalis? en pays ?tranger peut recouvrer sa Nationalit? ha?tienne, en remplissant toutes les conditions et formalit?s impos?es ? l'?tranger par la loi.

La double nationalit? ha?tienne et ?trang?re n'est admise dans aucun cas.[/QUOTE

Here is the official REVISED and PUBLISHED constitution of Haiti
Haiti-Rfrence: Texte de la Constitution de 1987 Amende

Note that most of the articles on double nationality have been removed.

Note that Haitian citizenship is only granted to those WHO ARE BORN IN HAITI TO Either a Haitian mother or father...

in other words, jus sangre and jus solis..

This is the same principal which has been in place since 1987.

Evidently the Constitution of 1964 was the last time that Haiti gave the rights of citizenship to children born of Haitian parents OUTSIDE of Haiti

So any of the Haitians who are here in the Dominican Republic who were BORN in Haiti, to Haitian mothers and fathers, have the rights of citizenships.

All of the children who have been born here in the Dominican Republic since 1987 to Haitian mothers and fathers do not have the rights of citizenship in Haiti except by naturalilzation.


Dec 7, 2011
Italians ? Polish ? Russians ? Etc,etc this is the people I had in mind, they are not seen or considered as Anglo Saxons.

Then you need to update yourself on current US racial views.

The non-anglo whites are fully integrated within the white melting pot and are part of the socio/political/economic power structure.


Dec 7, 2011
This is where the problem arises when Haitians in the diaspora feel this doesn't concern them. One reason why Haiti in whole has a difficult time surpassing obstacles, too much individualism. They have no connection to Haiti and are more Dominican than the baseball cap wearing Dominican York who can only express themselves in colloquial English and colloquial Dominican Spanish. I know of a doctor who was refused her Dominican passport but with the right connections had to present herself. She was told she didn't LOOK Haitian so she can have her Dominican passport. Many professionals will be effected as they own homes and have invested in their country. How do you tell a person since your great great great grandparents were Haitian in transit you are no longer Dominican.

This is only going to build hatred and negative sentiments among both nations. If the Dominicans decide to massacre these Dominicans of Haitian descent which I see will happen in the near future. Haitians in Haiti will not sit with arms crossed like Stenio Vincent who was a coward which made sure the populace were not well informed of the massacre. A lot of bloodshed will occur until the US of A comes.

Not to worry...the powers will step in...and maybe create a free zone within DR for these haitians born there...similar to the Kurd area in Iraq.

And it will also awaken a greater sense of nationalism among Haitians in Haiti.


New member
Oct 2, 2013

Personally I could care less about the Dominican nationality as it is worthless..your people are taking yolas to leave and come to where I and you reside. How nice is it to spew diatribes in the USA cupones y todo. Again, what the hell can anyone outside of DR do with a Dominican passport or BC...no sirve para nada. DR is a non factor in the big world and considered a poor country. I will never set foot in the DR as Dominicans are born to hate Haitians. I feel sorry for Dominicans of Haitian origin who most likely have an anti Haitian ideology and backward mentality to now be considered Haitian. This is only going to create friction as these people aren't going to vanish.

Let me tell you the diffrence between Haitians and Dominicans and that is that Haitians just go to dr to live illegally all their lives but dominicans go to other countries and always try to get their papers to go back home unlike Haitians we love our country and if you don't want to come to it that's your problem we really don't care o and when we go to other countries we pay taxes so we earn the cupones


New member
Aug 24, 2004
I have read so many racist and discriminatory comments on the past blogs that my eyes are racing with tears for the poor Haitian people that have had to know nothing but tyranny, bigotry, disaster and pain for centuries. I am not blaming the DR for Haiti and the Haitian problems. But showing compassion and understanding is what separates us from animals and monsters.

"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." Thomas Jefferson.

The Canadian Criminal Code section 159, still today, defines "sodomy" as a crime punishable by a mandatory 2 year imprisonment sentence. But no Judge in there right mind would sentence any one for such an act in Canada. The law exists but is not applicable.

The ruling made in the DR is clearly unfair and every one knows that it is politically motivated. This decision has brought shame to the Dominican and the Dominican people. I pray that God does not strike the DR with a natural catastrophe similar to the earthquake that hit Haiti in 2010. Only then can we better understand the suffering of our neighbors.

The decision makers will some day face their maker and will have to answer for there actions.


New member
Oct 2, 2013
Bro the law is for all illegal people not just Haitians also the Catastrophe that happened in Haiti probably won't happen in dr because we have good construction and Haitians did not. We have had hurricane disasters like hurricane David and George but we recovered the fact that we don't want illegal people in our country does not mean we wish any harm on any other race that is Totally different. The problem is their is too many illegal people in dr and it is a problem economically especially for a small country we are not the USA who can take care of everyone we are a third world country with hardships of our own so we can pt afford to take care of other people. I do not wish harm on anybody and regardless of your legal status you should not be treated unfairly but you can't expect to live your whole life as an illegal immigrant in a country that's the issue


Aprendiz de todo profesional de nada
Aug 18, 2007
I have read so many racist and discriminatory comments on the past blogs that my eyes are racing with tears for the poor Haitian people that have had to know nothing but tyranny, bigotry, disaster and pain for centuries. I am not blaming the DR for Haiti and the Haitian problems. But showing compassion and understanding is what separates us from animals and monsters.

"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." Thomas Jefferson.

The Canadian Criminal Code section 159, still today, defines "sodomy" as a crime punishable by a mandatory 2 year imprisonment sentence. But no Judge in there right mind would sentence any one for such an act in Canada. The law exists but is not applicable.

The ruling made in the DR is clearly unfair and every one knows that it is politically motivated. This decision has brought shame to the Dominican and the Dominican people. I pray that God does not strike the DR with a natural catastrophe similar to the earthquake that hit Haiti in 2010. Only then can we better understand the suffering of our neighbors.

The decision makers will some day face their maker and will have to answer for there actions.

I have been suspended with not pay for having a minor accident in my work place while driving a city vehicle, however I saw a white American and AA guy having more than one with not punishment...

How do you call this... Discrimination or favoritism???

I know that I can't go straight ahead to HR department and set up a complaint but being my self a Dominican and thinking in how some people in DR see the Haitians I've decided to stay quite.

Most American people see Hispanics like crap, same way most Dominican see the Haitians.



Apr 1, 2013
San Pedro de Macoris
I have been suspended with not pay for having a minor accident in my work place while driving a city vehicle, however I saw a white American and AA guy having more than one with not punishment...

How do you call this... Discrimination or favoritism???

I know that I can't go straight ahead to HR department and set up a complaint but being my self a Dominican and thinking in how some people in DR see the Haitians I've decided to stay quite.

Most American people see Hispanics like crap, same way most Dominican see the Haitians.


I dont think we see haitians as a crap, no body wants ilegals, not only Dominican, USA, Canada, Mexico, European countries do not want african inmigrants, another point is that Dominican Republic is not the only country in the world that his constitution says are not dominicans borns of ilegals, foreigners or as was stated in the constitution in 1966 as in transit, some examples Haitian Constitution, Spain, Islandia, many more.

The Haitians has free health care in Dominican, the director of the one Hospital Materno Infantil in Santo Domingo said last year they delivered 4,000 babes from Haitians mothers and that cost to us Dominican 120 Million pesos, If we really hate haitians for sure there was not haitians in this side, they are allover Dominican Republic walking in front of the eyes of every boday, They are the ones that speach that we hate them but they are still here.

We was making something wrong for long ago like giving the Dominican citizenship to every body born in Dominican but that doesnt mean was legal act. What I think we must do is make them legal recident in the Dominican Republic specially those that has been here for 50 years and their descendant.

When we go as ilegal to other countries we are Deported no matter you says or think what is correct, every country has their own lawas and if you brake it, you pay the consecuences.


Nov 10, 2003
I have been suspended with not pay for having a minor accident in my work place while driving a city vehicle, however I saw a white American and AA guy having more than one with not punishment...

How do you call this... Discrimination or favoritism???

I know that I can't go straight ahead to HR department and set up a complaint but being my self a Dominican and thinking in how some people in DR see the Haitians I've decided to stay quite.

Most American people see Hispanics like crap, same way most Dominican see the Haitians.



Were you at fault? Did you have permission to have city vehicle at the time? You can not insinuate the two Americans were not punished for the same thing unless your reviewed their case. Deja de ser un acomplejado. If you feel you were discriminated against then bring this to the attention of HR or hire a lawyer. This is not DR, USA is a civilized place that allow anyone due process.

Besides, this isn't an immigration issue as the DR has the right to deport illegals, this is about your compatriots that are of Haitian origin who are 4 generation detached from Haiti who speak Spanish better than Dom-Yorks and even native illiterate Dominicans. Many are professionals doctors,lawyers,military officers, police officers, nurses, teachers, university professors etc. Who are now told they are no longer part of the only country they've known and even their parents. This is genocide.

Besides, don't talk about discrimination of Hispanics as there are many successful educated ones in every high position in the USA whose parents were illegal Hispanics. Who if DR law was implemented in the USA would no longer be Americans.


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
This is where the problem arises when Haitians in the diaspora feel this doesn't concern them. One reason why Haiti in whole has a difficult time surpassing obstacles, too much individualism. They have no connection to Haiti and are more Dominican than the baseball cap wearing Dominican York who can only express themselves in colloquial English and colloquial Dominican Spanish. I know of a doctor who was refused her Dominican passport but with the right connections had to present herself. She was told she didn't LOOK Haitian so she can have her Dominican passport. Many professionals will be effected as they own homes and have invested in their country. How do you tell a person since your great great great grandparents were Haitian in transit you are no longer Dominican.

This is only going to build hatred and negative sentiments among both nations. If the Dominicans decide to massacre these Dominicans of Haitian descent which I see will happen in the near future. Haitians in Haiti will not sit with arms crossed like Stenio Vincent who was a coward which made sure the populace were not well informed of the massacre. A lot of bloodshed will occur until the US of A comes.

There always has been hatred and negative feelings among both nations. If it ever leads to bloodshed,(on both sides) yes, the the US will intervene and then the border will be closed, for sure.

Let's hope it never leads to this because then all ties will be severed.


Aprendiz de todo profesional de nada
Aug 18, 2007

Were you at fault? Did you have permission to have city vehicle at the time? You can not insinuate the two Americans were not punished for the same thing unless your reviewed their case. Deja de ser un acomplejado. If you feel you were discriminated against then bring this to the attention of HR or hire a lawyer. This is not DR, USA is a civilized place that allow anyone due process.

Besides, this isn't an immigration issue as the DR has the right to deport illegals, this is about your compatriots that are of Haitian origin who are 4 generation detached from Haiti who speak Spanish better than Dom-Yorks and even native illiterate Dominicans. Many are professionals doctors,lawyers,military officers, police officers, nurses, teachers, university professors etc. Who are now told they are no longer part of the only country they've known and even their parents. This is genocide.

Besides, don't talk about discrimination of Hispanics as there are many successful educated ones in every high position in the USA whose parents were illegal Hispanics. Who if DR law was implemented in the USA would no longer be Americans.
I do have all permission same as the op to operate city vehicles. I'm American citizen by naturalization but even so some times my co-working tells me... We are going to send you back where you came from, like playing me a joke...

Go figure out, I live in a state with a lot Discrimination histories.

Take it easy that when the redneck shows up it doesn't matter you where born here if your profile is of Hispanic descendant .



New member
Aug 24, 2004
I dont think we see Haitians as a crap, no body wants ilegals, not only Dominican, USA, Canada, Mexico, European countries do not want african inmigrants, another point is that Dominican Republic is not the only country in the world that his constitution says are not dominicans borns of ilegals, foreigners or as was stated in the constitution in 1966 as in transit, some examples Haitian Constitution, Spain, Islandia, many more.

The Haitians has free health care in Dominican, the director of the one Hospital Materno Infantil in Santo Domingo said last year they delivered 4,000 babes from Haitians mothers and that cost to us Dominican 120 Million pesos, If we really hate haitians for sure there was not haitians in this side, they are allover Dominican Republic walking in front of the eyes of every boday, They are the ones that speach that we hate them but they are still here.

We was making something wrong for long ago like giving the Dominican citizenship to every body born in Dominican but that doesnt mean was legal act. What I think we must do is make them legal recident in the Dominican Republic specially those that has been here for 50 years and their descendant.

When we go as ilegal to other countries we are Deported no matter you says or think what is correct, every country has their own lawas and if you brake it, you pay the consecuences.

I am in no way cautioning or encouraging illegal immigration. I believe steps should be taken to better control immigration and specially prevent the abuse by those who profit from this slave trade. But this new law as nothing to do with illegal immigration , it is about canceling the citizenship of Dominicans of Haitian origins . If someone is born in DR from parents or even grand parents who immigrated illegally to DR . Should they be punish for a crime they have not taken part in ? They had no say in where they should be born. They are being victimized twice.
If you where born in the DR , you obviously have never immigrated to DR, so how can you be considered as an illegal Alien???
I agree that there are a few countries who still do not award citizenship base on the place of birth. There are also some countries where you have the right to rape 12 years old girls simply by paying a few coins to there families and marrying them. It is immoral and unacceptable !!!
What makes this law even more deceitful is the retro activity. Basically , even Dominicans from Haitian origins that have regularize there situation in this country and have claimed there citizenship previous to the amended constitution of 2010. Will be stripe of there nationality at the risk of leaving them stateless, since most of them can not proof there Haitians ancestry.(Most of them, there parents or grand parents had no formal documents from Haiti and where mainly illiterate).
Last but not least , we waist so much time complaining about how much the "illegal" Haitians are costing the Dominican health care system, yet we never discuss the value of the cheap labor force brought by those same Haitians who builds this country.
We try to ignore that Haiti is the 2nd biggest trading partner of the DR and import over $4 billions a year from us. Haiti hardly produces anything and imports almost everything from the DR. Had the economical and political situation of Haiti been better, we would have less "Illegals" , but would be earning also a lot less money from Haiti ? A better Haiti is a threat to DR's economy...
The US was build by immigrants as most great economies. I suggest you think very seriously about this . Every action as consequences and this one is more like a volcano ready to erupt.


Nov 10, 2003
I do have all permission same as the op to operate city vehicles. I'm American citizen by naturalization but even so some times my co-working tells me... We are going to send you back where you came from, like playing me a joke...

Go figure out, I live in a state with a lot Discrimination histories.

Take it easy that when the redneck shows up it doesn't matter you where born here if your profile is of Hispanic descendant .


The USA has a history of discrimination fortunately for you, the African Americans went through a lot for Hispanics to have their civil rights upheld. California just implemented a law that allows illegals to acquire a drivers license without worrying about their status. There are many states where Hispanics have inundated towns and you'll see more Latin American flags on home fronts than the USA. Also not all Hispanics are come from the same economic/educational background and share the same experiences.


Dec 11, 2003
everyone seems to be focused on just one part of the sentance of the court, which was a review of the rolls since 1929

the other part was a directive to provide this population with a plan to regularize their citizenship

Regularizaci?n de extranjeros ilegales - listindiario.com

I think that this is really a hoop la about nothing.. I think that the DR has a plan.. and that the Haiitan descendants will be given some sort of path to regularize their status.