Help me, please!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Feb 20, 2002
Here's a twist

What about all the Dominican women/men who are looking for love? Dont you think that Dominican women get sick and tired on their men? Men who cheat, are irresponsible. And I am sure that the Dominican men feel lonley also. Women who are domineering and have bad tempers.


New member
Mar 14, 2002
Good point Fred

I do get quite bad tempered with my boy friend / boyfriend (whichever one you fancy mommc) due to the fact that we are so far away and I feel that neither of us can do anything until he has saved enough money to start renting an apartment. However he is always the comforting voice telling me that he also misses me and that we just have to be patient. I know that he must be as fed up as I am, and he also gets my hormonal bad moods and people thinking the worst of him, after reading all of the messages on this site I did start to doubt him, but have decided that I dont want to post his name on here in a desperate attempt to prove to myself that he is trust worthy. I thank you all for your help and because of you I will be going into this with my eyes wide open and will let you know the out come.

Please keep warning people of the dangers but in a more general way and not by tarnishing everyone with the same brush.

Thank you :)


Jan 14, 2002
Hey how about me being your boyfriend? I am only 51 years old, not as good as I once was but better than I ever will be! I am also not very demanding and have a visa/passport and my own car and apartment! lol


Jan 14, 2002
Ya know, you and me?

Besides the qualities I had listed previously I feel I should add that I am not that demanding sexually. I only take 5 minutes and then just snore, burp and fart the rest of the night.

So, what do you think?


New member
Feb 12, 2002
I know the same type of thing happens here in the states as well. Not only with Dominican but with guys from other countries as well. They meet a woman, end up getting married, get their residency, wait the time limit and leave. But that doesn't mean they are all like that. I am married 12 years to a Dominican here in Massachusetts. We have a 6 year old and a 2 year old. We have all travell, usaully for a month.ed to the DR every year together except one for at least 3 weeks. His family all live in Tenares. He has worked non-stop since he has been her, usually 2 jobs and saved every penny. He has built a house there and bought a colmado next door to the house. We are all moving there within the next 3 months. I guess I was lucky as most of his friends that were married here usually left after they became legal. Sooner or later there wives and kids would show up from over there. (Usually after many years). I want my kids to be able to appreciate their heritage and learn all about the Dominican culture. Just as a side note for those from Santiago my oldest daughter spent a semester last year as an exchange student in Santiago at the big university. Most of the kids in the program with here were white and spoke minimal spanish and plenty were approached by locals there and were given lines too. Some of the girls fell for it and are actively trying to get visas for the guys. My daughter was not one of them as she looks Dominican and speaks perfect spanish and was able to put them in their place and they would laugh and just talk on a friendly basis.


New member
Jan 1, 2002
To Cheryl & MommC...HB, too.

Ladies, all I can say is "Hang in there" if you get the feeling that's it's the real thing for it a romance or a way of life. I found mine in the DR. I still live in Toronto but, is in the process (be forewarned that it's a very long one!) of getting my husband a visa. It's taken this long to get him here due to a series of snafu's and bad luck. But, we are hanging in there. I have the most precious little son out of the marriage and you can see his photo on Hlywud's web page. I have numerous friends who've had good and bad "romances" with Dominicans...just trust your instincts! And yes, the advice posted by the "oldies" (heehee...not a dig at you at all, HB ;) ) should be heeded as well.
Take care, Ladies. I'm desperately trying to get my boy ship-shape to meet his dad.
HB, the departure date kept getting moved forward. Looks like it's April now. But, this time come hell or high water, I'll be there. Flight booked for April 20. And my mom said that you can't grow shallots with seeds. She laughed at me when I asked where I could purchase them. She said that I'll just have to buy the shallots, bring them over so that you can stick them in the ground. You'll get spring onions and more shallots out of them. Does that make sense?! I dunno...she's the expert. I just know how to make the peanut sauce


New member
Jan 5, 2002

How long has it been Helen? I thought the average time to get a spouse to Canada from the DR was about a year.


Jan 3, 2002
It took us only 5 months from when I applied until when my husband had the Visa. Helen, you didn't book a ticket for him through Air TransAt, did you? If so, you may have problems at the airport. E-mail me for specifics if you like.
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New member
Jan 1, 2002
Gemini & Trina

The entire process should take less than a year since it's a spousal sponsorship. However, the first time we applied, they lost our file in Haiti. Then, we were told that there's missing info which we had to resend. Now, it looks like we're on track. Hubby should be here in a couple of months.
Trina, I won't be flying him into Canada using Transat if I can help it. Probably Air Can but, will have to board in Ste Domingo.
Will definitely email you for more details soon. How's the babe doing? Mine's grown leaps and bounds but, still looking like my side of the family. Hubby getting kinda worried that the boy's not his! lol No brillo hair, tanned brown skin, or eye brows that meet!!


Jan 3, 2002
That's terrible, Helen, I am sorry to hear that. One thing that sped up the process for us was telling them that I was pregnant with Angel's child. I had my doctor write a letter stating that I was pregnant, and when I was due, and Angel took it with him to his appointment in SD. Perhaps if you do the same, have a letter from you doc stating that his child is waiting for him, it will help.

TransAt no longer lets Dominicans fly with them, unless you arrange it in POP with the manager. We'd already boughten the ticket for our son when I found this out. Luckily, they let him slip through. Apparently, after 9/11, things are pretty tight.

Air Can doesn't fly to DR, they fly to Haiti. I will never go through Haiti again, that's just my experience. We had to stay in PAP overnight because of the bus/plane times, and it was hell. We were told that the cheapest hotel near the airport that was safe cost $180 US, and people were much worse than any Dominican I've met for hassling for money. Everyone tries to get a piece of you.

I don't know what the other options are now, perhaps AA, but then you pay so much and need to arrange for an in-transit Visa. Perhaps Skyservice lets Dominicans fly on charters?

Good luck, let me know how things turn out.


Jan 3, 2002

Dominic is doing wonderfully. He is already going on 4 months old! And starting to pop teeth, so a little grouchy lately. He is another little Angel. Looks exactly like him, but has much lighter skin and straighter hair. I am told that it sometimes takes a full year to get all of the pigment in the skin. Dominic is like a little chameleon, seeming to change colour every day. Here is a link to his webpage.

Angelo, Angel's son whom we brought here last week, is also doing well. Adjusting quite well, and seems to really like it here, despite the cold.

Jane J.

Jan 3, 2002
Helen, they lost our papers in Haiti too! Such a bunch of idiots over there. But what helped our case along was getting in touch with my MP. Her office monitored the process from the beginning and when the papers were lost put a lot of pressure to get it done quickly (even though we had to start over again). I would try that and I would also write angry letters to Ottawa. You know what they say: the squeaky wheel always gets the oil. And it's somehow therapeutic as well.

Good Luck!


New member
Feb 20, 2002
Lost Papers

I had more problems with the Consulate in SD than in Haiti, I found the Haitian employees to be very helpful when I sponsored my wife. The woman Laura Diaz, when I asked her if she could check to see that my wife's papers were ready. She put down that phone and said no!. Then I called the Haitain embassy and had them give me the waybill number of the courier they used to send the documents.

They were sitting there for more than 4 days, the same day she said that they had not arrived.

If I would have had my way I would have lodged a formal complaint to Ottawa.

Jane J.

Jan 3, 2002
You'll be pleased to know that Laura Diaz is still at the consulate in SD. Not an overly helpful type, you're right. I bear a big grudge against the embassy in Haiti for losing our package (how does that happen?). But, in the end, it may even have sped things up, because on this end everyone seemed very shocked and apologetic and if my husband had not been granted his visa almost immediately after the receipt of our second package they were going to issue him a visitor's visa in order for him to wait it out over here.

Squeaky wheel...