Is America a Socialist Country?


Jul 1, 2009
And will probably be stopped by votes. If that don't work, there's always Plan B.

Voting will soon mean nothing in US.

Here is why I think that... Hold that thought. Before you come down hard on me for expressing my point of view, please do remember that today if Good Friday!... Okay... good!

Do we agree that people like to be given stuff? If there are Pueto Rican in the house say Weeeppa! But I digress.

Okay, here it goes ...

In the US, the minorities are rapidly becoming the majority.
Black and Latino population is growing at a very fast pace. As a result, politicians find themselves obliged or compelled to bend to their wills.

It is not a secret that minorities, for the most part, are poor. Consequently, they have a predisposition to get free stuff.

Well, before I continue, let me include myself in that group. I am Latino.

We are so despicable and shameful that we not only demand a bunch of entitlements us, but also for our fellow illegal Latin immigrants.

Whether moral or immoral, humane or inhumane, this has brought a socio-economic crisis to the US. No single state has been exempted from the financial plague.

The healthcare system collapsed in the US. A few hospitals closed their doors due to non-payment for rendered services to illegal immigrants.

Some state became insolvent and unable to keep up with the healthcare costs generated by my brothers and sisters fellow immigrants.

Insurance companies’ claims were not getting paid by their satisfaction. State and Federal government were ignoring the insurance crises.

Yes, insurance companies are greedy, I’ll have to admit. But the problem became so acute that it got out of control.

Insurance companies jacked up their rates to come up with their losses. Employers started cutting back on the insurance benefits provided to their employees. Employees even started paying higher premium for healthcare.

You know; the so called domino effect!

The working class in the US began to suffer…. Oh my God, the sky is falling!

Because there so many of us, politicians are surrendering to our demands… Give me, give me; give me. They are bending over backwards to accommodate even illegal immigrants.

In a nutshell, because the minority decides who will get elected (to my point, Obama), politicians are creating entitlements to appease the masses.

Because of these entitlements, we have to run a bigger deficit and we have to pay more taxes.

Because of these entitlements, the funded services that have been in place for generations (Medicare, Social Security) are now in jeopardy. Now Politicians are telling the working class that there have to be drastic cuts in Medicare. They are threatening to up the age to collect Social Security. It’s an abomination.

For those who want to play it dumb, entitlement means Obama!

The US is done! That’s why I’ll soon pack my bags and head south, past Florida!
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Randall Bell

New member
Feb 17, 2012
Nas - I don't disagree with most of what you're saying, but Obama is hardly the driver of this runaway locomotive. It's been off the tracks for over 3 decades, and leaders 'left' and 'right' have been shoveling more coal into it for short term gain. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, is there REALLY a difference when you look at the broad brush stroke policies? Not really...

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Nas - I don't disagree with most of what you're saying, but Obama is hardly the driver of this runaway locomotive. It's been off the tracks for over 3 decades, and leaders 'left' and 'right' have been shoveling more coal into it for short term gain. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, is there REALLY a difference when you look at the broad brush stroke policies? Not really...

Yes, but Obama put it in to hyper-drive.


Jul 1, 2009
Nas - I don't disagree with most of what you're saying, but Obama is hardly the driver of this runaway locomotive. It's been off the tracks for over 3 decades, and leaders 'left' and 'right' have been shoveling more coal into it for short term gain. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, is there REALLY a difference when you look at the broad brush stroke policies? Not really...

Agree. Politicians will do what it takes to get elected.. My argument is: the only way to get elected is to give the country away! The us is making concession with illegal immigrants, for crying out loud. This is where the wheel started falling off the cart.


New member
Jan 8, 2012
Corporations are people too!

America is not a socialist country. However, it is on the path to becoming one. The entitlement mentality is overtaking the population and people are looking for more and more "free" money and bennies from the government. Couple that with the philosophy of many politicians that the government can and will take care of everyone's needs and problems through a new program of some sorts.

Just ask Mitt the Flip and are the GREATEST BENEFACTORS feeding at the government feed trough.
As with banking bailout, who only knows how much money was "printed" for the handout to what most now know was a total scam by those who are no more than gangsters. Creating mass inflation throughout the world. Of course this money funnels back to the congresscritters that allowed it to pass. You can no longer judge a currency strength these days based on the dollar vs euro or what have you. It must be determine based on commodities thanks to the banksters.

I would say any socialist type handouts/freebies/bennies have a personal payday built-in to the programs. Benefiting to the congresscritters bank accounts or their cohorts in crime which I would imagine is key in the creation and development of any giveaway programs.

Two weeks ago you have the FDA ruling in favor of corporations and continue to allow bisphenol-A (BPA) in food and beverage containers and at the same time go against small farmers who sell raw milk (incarcerated) or have pig breeds other than that found on the factory farms. The hidden costs of factory farms have been overlooked in favor of the huge sums of money pushed through agriculture subsidies.

Seems like socialism is a thing of the past and now we see Corporatism.

Benito summed it very succinctly, "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini.

Have fun with this one.
Jan 17, 2009
I don't recall stating that the US education system was doing fabulously. I simply stated that college education is free for the poor. The US wuold not pay for a 8+ years medical career. :(

I am glad your life is wonderful and you plenty of money. That is always good. I don't envy people making tons of money. Why? I simply have aspiration.

This is where I don't agree with you on taxes:
Taxes in the US, specially for property, they never stop going up.

How do you explain that since the big mortgage meltdown, property value are in decline. Yet, property taxes continue to go up? ... That is the taxation without representation that I am talking bout....

I am sorry I can't look outside the US.. The US government is the one putting the tax burden on me to **** it away.... :(

Ah, buy property taxes are state taxes. Don't blame the US government,


I am a out of touch hippie.
Nov 13, 2006
Yes, but Obama put it in to hyper-drive.

It was kicked into hyper-drive on GWB?s watch, and he left a very dangerous situation where any slowing down runs a very real risk of sending us back to the stone age real fast.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
It was kicked into hyper-drive on GWB’s watch, and he left a very dangerous situation where any slowing down runs a very real risk of sending us back to the stone age real fast.

Hogwash, too big to fail is BS. Chapter 11 bankruptcy is what should have happens. All the bankers, and the politicians attached to them through school and business connections fooled people in to believing these companies needed to be bailed out.


Oct 12, 2011
US a socialist society ? Never. It is all run for the benefit of the corporate elite and a privalidged and wasteful upper middle class.
Where is the heath service owned and run for the benefit of the people such as the UK National Health Service?
Where are the major news and cultural media organisations run the be benefit of the people such as the BBC.
Where is social housing such as in Europe, HK etc. giving social justice in housing?
Where are the major organisations producing essentials such as power etc. and distributing it equitably, owned by the people such as EDF in France?
Where are the nearly free Universities giving a chance to all such as in much of Europe etc. ?
Where are the state owned transport networks such as railways in France etc. giving travel opportunities to nearly all people?
Where are the allotments in thier hundreds of thousands so people can grow their own food if they wish?
Where are the building societies owned by their members giving affordable housing loans to people?
When private industry closes down in a region or city where is the government sponsoring new industry etc.?
Where is the extensive social work help and sheltered housing giving help for the less able members of society such as in Europe?
If anything US has turned away from socialism since the New Deal.



Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Sounds like I hit a nerve. lol. This is where I excuse myself, sorry, arguing about politics with strangers is a no win game.

Peace brother, enjoy your weekend.
So you drop in, make absurd claims, then just leave?

Sounds like I hit a nerve...


I am a out of touch hippie.
Nov 13, 2006
Hogwash, too big to fail is BS. Chapter 11 bankruptcy is what should have happens. All the bankers, and the politicians attached to them through school and business connections fooled people in to believing these companies needed to be bailed out.

Please, you can?t make things true just by saying them, and you can?t make things false just by saying hogwash. The US sovereign debt crisis ramped up under W?s reign, and was kicked into hyper-drive, after Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, their client?s funds were frozen, and overnight there was a run on practically every bank in the US, a month and a half before the election to replace him and four months before he left office. If you think that statement is false, please give us some facts to support your claim. Regardless of whatever else I think of Bush appointees Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke, I don?t take them as the kind of men to casually toss around statements like: If we don?t do this tonight, tomorrow there will be no economy.

What do you think would be left in four years, if tomorrow without warning; every company and municipality in the United States had to start operating out of its petty cash draw? Here?s one hypothesis: Within six months half the population would be dead from lack of food, potable water, and related diseases. Half of those who survived that, would kill each other off looking for something to eat. Eighty percent of the remaining survivors would be slaves to the gangs of survivalists, remnants of the military, and militias that formed to fill the power vacuum, by virtue of combat supremacy. I base this on observations of what?s happened when states have failed in Africa over the past five decades. A possible best-case scenario would be a successful implementation of martial law by the government. I fear that even this would be bloody and full of misery, and only spottily enforced around Washington, DC, California, Texas, other places with heavy concentrations of military bases, and selected other sites. As to what would happen in the rest of the world as the US works it way through this little hiccup I?d hate to speculate, but who would they sell stuff to.

I?m very interested in hearing how a more palatable alternative could develop.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
nas informs

It is not a secret that minorities, for the most part, are poor. Consequently, they have a predisposition to get free stuff.

i have heard many silly remarks in my six plus decades, but this ranks right at the top of the pantheon

It is not a secret that minorities, for the most part, are poor. Consequently, they have a predisposition to get free stuff.

so, nas, by your assertion, poor people have a predisposition to be leeches. show me some sociological study that buttresses your irrational remark. there is no correlation between poverty, and a lack of N-Ach, which is the need for achievement. there is a paper which views poverty from the angle of capability deprivation. some people on this planet are not in a position of capability to perform certain human functions voluntarily. they are precluded by circumstance, which, oftentimes, are outside their control. Martin Luther King would never have won the Presidency of the USA , in his time, because the social and racial dynamics of the epoch excluded such an occurrence. Obama won, because of the evolution of thought processes. examine, if you will, the notion of two people dying from malnutrition. one is starving, because of a lack of wherewithal to purchase, or obtain, food. the other is fasting. the functions are the same, and the results will also be equal..death. however, one has the ability to simply end the fast, and go back to the barbecue. the other cannot, because he is bereft of capability, by one reason, or another.
Jan 9, 2004
Please, you can?t make things true just by saying them, and you can?t make things false just by saying hogwash. The US sovereign debt crisis ramped up under W?s reign, and was kicked into hyper-drive, after Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, their client?s funds were frozen, and overnight there was a run on practically every bank in the US, a month and a half before the election to replace him and four months before he left office.


Please allow me to clarify a couple of points here. First, there was no US sovereign debt crisis in 2008, as that would imply the government was at or near default (not able to pay its debts), and such was not the case. Lehman brothers (a corporation) went bankrupt and this created concern among other less well captalized and highly over leveraged financial institutions. The Fed stepped in an backstopped those insitutions by providing immediate liquidity to the large money center banks like BoA, Citi, etc.

Second, there was no "run" on the banks as was the case in the Great Depression. To be sure, some nervous depositors withdrew funds from the large money center banks and placed those deposits closer to home...and there were a small minority of individuals that withdrew their funds, and perhaps to this day still have them in a mattress somewhere. But there was no "run" as is commonly defined.

The reason for this is the FDIC. They insure an individuals deposits at banks in the US. The NCUA does the same for Credit Unions. Both organizations calmed the average citizen by pointing that out a customers deposits were insured and then increasing the amount for each insured account.

Could there have been a run....absolutely. Was there a run....No....but we were as close to a Depression style panic run as I would ever care to be.



Oct 4, 2003
I took about 20 people in my family out to dinner last night for a Good Friday dinner at a local seafood restaurant. The food and service was great but the waitress wore this huge Obama when it was time to leave,I went over to her and waved this $100.00 bill (it was to be her tip) in her face and told her that I was going to give it to the homeless guy that was sitting across the street asking for handouts.
The look on her face when I walked out the door with my family was better than the meal.


New member
Jan 8, 2012
The Fed stepped in an backstopped those insitutions by providing immediate liquidity to the large money center banks like BoA, Citi, etc.

The FED was, has been and continues to be the problem with Helicopter Bernanke at the helm.

On BoA, which it appears you have referred to as a bank that America must have to survive, did you miss the overt and wanton fraud and systematic theft from American citizens as well as the fact they are the largest welfare recipient in the US?

Bank of America: Too Crooked to Fail

The bank has defrauded everyone from investors and insurers to homeowners and the unemployed. So why does the government keep bailing it out?

At least Bank of America got its name right. The ultimate Too Big to Fail bank really is America, a hypergluttonous ward of the state whose limitless fraud and criminal conspiracies we'll all be paying for until the end of time. Did you hear about the plot to rig global interest rates? The $137 million fine for bilking needy schools and cities? The ingenious plan to suck multiple fees out of the unemployment checks of jobless workers?


Oct 12, 2011
Idiot post!
Tips are in lieu of a decent living wage, about 20$/hour in many parts of the US now.. Rich hogs who maybe never did anything for humanity frequent dives run by get rich quick sheme so called organizers, sometimes make a great show of being ,generous, and sometimes make a great show deny other people freedom of expression.
Much of Europe enforces much higher minimum wages than many states in the US.


I took about 20 people in my family out to dinner last night for a Good Friday dinner at a local seafood restaurant. The food and service was great but the waitress wore this huge Obama when it was time to leave,I went over to her and waved this $100.00 bill (it was to be her tip) in her face and told her that I was going to give it to the homeless guy that was sitting across the street asking for handouts.
The look on her face when I walked out the door with my family was better than the meal.


Aug 22, 2008
I took about 20 people in my family out to dinner last night for a Good Friday dinner at a local seafood restaurant. The food and service was great but the waitress wore this huge Obama when it was time to leave,I went over to her and waved this $100.00 bill (it was to be her tip) in her face and told her that I was going to give it to the homeless guy that was sitting across the street asking for handouts.
The look on her face when I walked out the door with my family was better than the meal.

Did you give the money to the homeless guy in the end?